Diablo Immortal


<Bronze Donator>
Obsidian Obsidian

Thank you for your candor. I assume you spent more than $100 on the game. I understand the hook of PvP and being in a guild, since almost all mobile games use this model now to make money, so I was in no way going to fall for it. For me, it's not "content", it's a predatory system that preys on the weak to separate them from their money. I am also thankful they don't have anything like that in D4, I hope they keep it that way, I hope some pencil pusher doesn't see the numbers and wishes D4 was making more money and introduces these DI systems into the game, which for me would be a death knell.

Is the introduction of the blood knight character of enough interest to you to give it another try?

If you are playing D4, how do you feel about that game, also in comparison to DI?

No I will not play DI again even though a few months ago I was very interested in trying out the blood knight. Yes I spent well over $100 on it. Beyond the patch just totally breaking the end game unless you whale out, I also didn't like all the timed activities in DI. There were too many "I need to be online at X time to do Y activity" type of things in the game, and you legitimately fell behind if you did not do those types of activities. I have too many responsibilities to do the things I did when I was in college or whatever, I can't just drop everything and go sit in assembly at 7 pm every day anymore (even though I basically did exactly that while I was playing, it's a great relief to no longer feel obligated to do so now that I'm not).

I am playing D4. I think it is probably a worse game than DI (for me). The itemization is really bad; the end game, or what little end game there is, is unrewarding and repetitive. I am playing D4 with a bunch of people that were in my DI clan so I have some people to group with regularly, but, generally speaking, D4 basically feels like a single player game. I guess I really need the social aspect of a game to get attached and D4 is completely missing that. Clans serve no real purpose, there's no party finder for random grouping, world bosses can be solo'ed in under 3 seconds if a well optimized player shows up, no world chat or community in game whatsoever. I group with the people in my clan just for some socialization, but there's really no advantage to it.
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Trakanon Raider
Have you tried Destiny 2? You may like that if you are into social gaming.

I totally understand your feelings about D4, even if it goes completely against my own thoughts, which are that ARPGs are inherently single player games, I have never played one that was reliant on grouping or multiplayer or lobbies or guilds.....and I think it's odd when companies try to shoehorn live services and cosmetics and such into these games, because it's painfully obvious the only reason to do so is so they can make more money.

Certain genres I think are amenable to multiplayer/live services, namely first-person shooters, like Destiny that I just mentioned, or Call of Duty, or Fortnite, or Apex Legends....

On the other hand, role playing games....not so much. Which is why I think something like Final Fantasy does it right. Keep it single player. People wonder what MMO Final Fantasy would be like? Great, we will create such a thing (FF XI and XIV), but we won't let it seep into our other products. People who want that social experiment and interaction can play XIV, otherwise those who enjoy the usual single player experience can play every other one.

Hopefully DI is Diablo's "MMO" experience, and they can keep the rest single player, the way imo ARPGs are meant to be played.