Do any good video game movies exist?


Millie's Staff Member
I have this DVD, and like so many other old 80's movies, your memories are distorted and lying to you. It's not that good.

Doom was watchable only to see Karl Urban as a badass and Rock as a bad guy, not much else. I think Jason X: Jason in Space had better death scenes...
i did watch it last during the 90s i think, maybe thats why i havent seen it since then, i do know i saw that movie a bunch of times and the kids were lame but the interplay between coleman and the boy and the whole, "is he real?" aspect was pretty cool.


Millie's Staff Member
I remember it. But that's because we are old as fuck now.


maybe old as fuck, but we had the best movies! so good they keep remaking them. i make sure i watch last starfighter every time its on. it always makes me think of summer of the 80s


Golden Knight of the Realm
FFVII: Advent Children was pretty good. The first half is kind of WTF on story but the last half is just pure badass action with characters all doing their thing. The Bahamut scene gives me a nerd boner every time.


Avatar of War Slayer
FFVII: Advent Children was pretty good. The first half is kind of WTF on story but the last half is just pure badass action with characters all doing their thing. The Bahamut scene gives me a nerd boner every time.
The expanded edition Blu-Ray release helps the first half some- some.... and improves the final fight a lot- I press stop at a certian point during the final fight and in my mind big bad sepheroth wins- game over.. I hate the way cloud won.../rant off

As for video game movies, I must also toss out there Resident Evil 1 and Mortal Kombat 1 - RE 1 was a nice thriller- the things that followed just become zombie end of world flicks.. MK2 was bllarrghh.

The Wizzard, omg I loved that damn movie as a kid...honestly - I still do.

The Last Starfighter is awesome

If you count the StreetFighter 2 Anime OVA movie? Its quite badass- deff the Vega fight...and the scene right before it ;-)

Blood Rayne series is guilty pleasure as its vampire and cheese.

Farcry has a scene with Anthony Bordane getting shot- so I watched it for that moment because I have a bro-crush on him lol.

I forgot about the Tomb Raider movies till you mentioned them here and thought about them- they where all enjoyable flicks also.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The movies i've seen:

RE 1,MK 1 (Liu Kang vs Reptile fight and Cage vs Scorpion fight,the only good parts of the movie): watchable
Tomb Raider 1 , Silent Hill 1: meh

laughable:Super Mario (what....the....fuck?)
MK2 (hmmm.....let's try putting ALL MK characters lol)
Street Fighter (Raul's performance was the only decent thing)
Max Payne (so much potential)
RE 2-5 (thanks Paul Anderson)
AVP (thanks AGAIN paul anderson)
AVP2 (don't know how but it was worse than anderson's movie)
DOOM (that FPS part ahah)
Tomb Raider 2
DOA (the only good thing: Holly Valance )
Street Fighter- The Legend of Chun-Li
Tekken (like DOA,one of the girls was the only good thing: Kelly Overton)
Prince of Persia

Non live-action:
FF-Spirits within:well.....if the "Final Fantasy" was not in the title,it would be a great movie.still...good movie but has nothing to do with FF.
FF7-Advent Children:wow.....great movie imo.
RE-Degeneration : only the 1st half of the movie was good.

and i am REALLY worried with Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
DOA is actually on here tonight

Good for lots of reasons . . . well nothing to do with film making.



Avatar of War Slayer
asks if any good vg movies exist. and we have now named every single video game movie at all. haha.

Obviously there is good as a movie. MK1, RE1
Then good for a joke. Rest of the RE series.
And then just bad.

Remembered House of the Dead as well. HotD 1 is TERRIBLE. A uwe boll production. just god awful.
House of the dead 2 however. made for tv scifi channel is much like the DnD movies. Bizarrely good, for a made for TV. definitely in the worth watching for a laugh category.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Good? yeah somewhat.

Great? Not really.

That's kind of the problem. I think a director mentioned it before - its tough to take a game with its hours of story behind it and cram that into a 2-hour window.


Millie's Staff Member
i watched cloak and dagger again for the fist time in over ten years. the story is stupid, but its still a damned good film in dabney coleman's scenes and its surprisingly dark for a kid's movie.


Avatar of War Slayer
Good? yeah somewhat.

Great? Not really.

That's kind of the problem. I think a director mentioned it before - its tough to take a game with its hours of story behind it and cram that into a 2-hour window.
yet they do it with books all the time. haha.

the problem is the same as with comic books. 10/10 times they give it to some guy that doesn't give any fucks about the game or comic book in question.
Instead, decides he has a better idea, and then warps the IP around the story they want to tell. And generally, as the studio just wanted a cash grab in the first place, this director isn't very talented, anyway.

sometimes, you get a talented guy, that doesn't give a fuck about the comic/game and you get Verhoevan and REvil, Chris Nolan and Batman.
We have yet to have a company pull a Marvel with actually trying to make a movie that is good and true to the game at the same time.


Millie's Staff Member
the director of Punisher War Zone has said while making the movie she consulted the punisher nerds on their message board and the movie reflects their input.


Trakanon Raider
Slightly off topic, but I can't decide if it's a fucking shame or a triumph that Raul Julia's last role was Bison.

He will always be Chico Mendes to me.


Molten Core Raider
The best scene from Street Fighter

I always think of this scene when I try to irritate my Christian-leaning buddies.

This was every Roman soldiers diary entry for the death of Jesus. And all religions agree that there were no good movies based on video games. If this were a thread about the worst, I'd put Wing Commander up there with Final Fantasy.