Draegan sold the site to MMORPG.com


Trakanon Raider
I'm not a huge fan of some of the tone of our most aggressive shitposters, and it would suck if a forum change makes the membership even more homogeneous at rererolled.org.

I would rather not move because of the volume of data here, but I'm not into having our forum be owned by someone not part of the community regardless if they use it to earn a profit off views. We've never been owned by a company site like this, and I think its pretty important that we not be. Its not why this group of people has followed eachother around the internet as a nomadic e-clan. I think there is no valid reason to stay, at least not as someone who has lurked and posted contemporary to vanilla EQ.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is this the sort of garbage we can expect over there now that we've thrown off the yoke of our mod oppressors?

Asking Hodj/a_skeleton_03 I guess?




Murder Apologist
Was there some fucking expectation to ban people for posting objectionable opinion LINKS at this place now? Was that some previously unknown get-out-of-facing-reality card the SJWs around here could routinely play before?

Were people getting banned for posting links to Stormfront or Dailystormer that I never heard of?

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
should MMORPG.com want to augment this site in the manner that many of us speculate that they will (and, as Tuco has and will no doubt say again, no, there is no offical statement as of yet to support that, but considering what we didnt know about rerolled.org 48 hours ago, imagine what we might find out 48 from now) they won't even have toimposeSJW thought-crime bullshit, those 3 or 4 that seem to be hell-bend on staying under the MMORPG.com regime also seem to be the types that woulddemandthe site's new owners implement a more draconian system of moderation.


I haven't seen anyone asking for more moderation here. I've seen a lot of people saying they hope it stays the same.


should MMORPG.com want to augment this site in the manner that many of us speculate that they will (and, as Tuco has and will no doubt say again, no, there is no offical statement as of yet to support that, but considering what we didnt know about rerolled.org 48 hours ago, imagine what we might find out 48 from now) they won't even have toimposeSJW thought-crime bullshit, those 3 or 4 that seem to be hell-bend on staying under the MMORPG.com regime also seem to be the types that woulddemandthe site's new owners implement a more draconian system of moderation.
I'll grant you Itz, but otherwise believe your conjecture is flawed.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'll go wherever, who knows maybe someone will buy the rights back. Not a huge fan of the name rererolled though.


Musty Nester
Chaos and Noodle are just interim mods till elections.

Mostly because they were the first two mods with experience to register over there.

I'm sure in an election, they'd both win anyway, but its not like he picked Chaos with an agenda besides "Here's two interim mods while I am busy doing the admin work of putting this shit all in place the way we want it."
Chaos is a fine mod. His national politics have never had much bearing on his office politics. And that's all modding is. Cleaning shit off the walls that bots put there, and office politics.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I was salty AF, but some good points were made that enough people have gone now, that if my goal is to fracture the community as little as possible, then I might as well go and stop being part of the problem.
Is there no chance that MMOSJW.COM would cleave off Rerolled.com and sell it back to some community benefactors, as lamented early in the thread? Couldn't Tuco get a response on such an offer in a reasonable time frame? With the back up site pushing forward at full steam, they are looking at loosing 70%+ of the users by the end of next week, anyway. What other value would the site have to them if the traffic dries up? If they are trying to get funding from a venture capital, they will see that traffic took a big shit, when they do their due diligence.

How much more work would such a plan take, vs just moving over to rererolled? It looks like a_skeleton_03 is putting in some serious man hours on it, but how much goes into the back end to get a site like this running smoothly? If this site can be bought, why not just make a_skeleton_03 the Admin here?

Asking may also force the issue, on their side, and get any fence sitters the finality they are looking for.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
So are we moving again or what? Derolled wouldve been more fitting for the new one.


Trump's Staff
Most at least have dual-registered. The other site is already more active than this one for my time zone (which is middle of the night for US, so take that with a grain of salt).


Trakanon Raider
I just think it's awkward that MMORPG.com would even want this unless it was just deal that involved minimal risk financially for them and simply left them with nothing but to gain some people to generate a little more traffic and/or ad revenue. If they're smart they'll attempt to weave the community into the structure and feel of their site eventually. It doesn't make any sense from a branding or continuity perspective for the site to remain an outlier as it currently stands.

With that being said.... that is what really makes me uneasy. I understand this site is very popular and generates more traffic than I give it credit but it is community and has its own personality. I know it has grown and new people have jumped on board over the years but ultimately it is a bunch of familiar names at it's core. I'm not out right supporting abandoning ship but I will say from being a lurker from the early days of EQ who evolved into an active member throughout those glory days, I would hate to the see community lose it's more personable feel.

I have made my account on the other site but I would like to see some transparency and direction of the intentions of the site and their future plans. I would prefer this community stay in the hands of its people and while that may sound cliche and somewhat "old timey", I just believe that is where the heart of this place lies.

As many others have said, it will work out. It may just take some time as the dust settles and we see everything unravel.