Dragon's Dogma 2


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I mostly just use the combo on drakes since it ensures that the drake dies so fast that it never gets a chance to grab my pawn. Plus drake fights really start to drag when it gets low and begins chain casting meteoron while hovering out of reach. I try to remember to swap my pawn from halidom to solemnity, but even if silenced the drake still likes to fly a lot and breath fire. Or even worse just fly away entirely.

But yeah, Warfarer is just too convenient to not use all the time even if you pick less powerful skill combinations. Staff for levitate and anodyne, magick bow to deal with harpies, medusa bow for 4x xp if you don't mind the extra ~8kg (after dragonforging it), etc. Plus being able to wear any armor you want, and gaining dcp for all vocations (only 5% of what you gain to each though, so realistically rank 5 is about as far as it's going to take you... still nice for getting a headstart on absolute garbage vocations like Trickster though).
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<Silver Donator>

And now I want a whole wrestling move set.
  • 7Worf
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Magic Archer is really fun but a little OP especially ricochet shot, i figured they'd nerf it from the first game but it seems just as good. You also get a controllable fire arrow early on that reminds me of that giant missile you could control all the way back in Unreal Tournament 1.0. Anyway you can scout high places with it it's really nice.


<Silver Donator>
Magic Archer is really fun but a little OP especially ricochet shot, i figured they'd nerf it from the first game but it seems just as good. You also get a controllable fire arrow early on that reminds me of that giant missile you could control all the way back in Unreal Tournament 1.0. Anyway you can scout high places with it it's really nice.
Yeah I liked it a lot, Ricochet is super broken in caves but kinda worthless outside so it's balanced in that regard, until you run into a cave with a campfire in front then you can just switch to it and clear the cave in seconds. That shit killed a minotaur 2 rooms in when I fired it twice at the entrance of a cave. Literally just walked in and looted everything cause it had cleared the entire cave.

The fire guiding arrow is nice, the frost arrows are nice too as they keep looping back and if you layer several it freezes stuff really quickly, the iceblock shot is quite good for stagger and also the only way to deal with golems, the later skill you get is also quite strong for single target(sagitarius or whatever), the meister skill is broken OP shit although the drawback makes it unusable other than for cheesing and the rez skill was actually quite nice for harder fights in my first run(in my 2nd I played with mostly only main pawn and I gave her the self rez staff). Overall you get a good variety of skills and they're all somewhat good other than the sleep arrow and the basic attacks are also quite nice. Still miss the dagger part of DD1 but it was a lot more enjoyable than I thought it'd be, I'd say one of my 3 favorite vocations(others are Thief and Warrior).

I finished my 2nd run today so basically done until DLC, cleared out all the achievements and cleared out the entire game, every cave, every quest(kinda there were a couple I forgot but nothing major), all seeker's tokens and every vocation played. Cleared the whole postgame on day 1, it helps when you know what the fuck is going on.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
The way Pawn specializations work is really gay. I had the woodland realm spec. or whatever it's called so I could read Elvish but later on I "unlocked" Logistician which overwrote the woodland one and there is no way to go back so I can't understand elvish unless I find another pawn to hire with one.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The way Pawn specializations work is really gay. I had the woodland realm spec. or whatever it's called so I could read Elvish but later on I "unlocked" Logistician which overwrote the woodland one and there is no way to go back so I can't understand elvish unless I find another pawn to hire with one.
Logistician is complete garbage and will ensure the vast majority of the people hiring pawns skip over yours immediately. If it just balanced the load it would be a must-have, but they added on the retarded shit where the pawn wastes materials on useless consumables.

Can't you just get another woodland wordsmith by maxing out a different elf's affinity? I haven't tried it myself, but it seems like you should be able to.

Forager is the best spec by about three country miles anyway, and really the only one you absolutely need. (For those not aware it unlocks the ability to search for any upgrade material you need on the world map. And yes, there's an actual search if you press Y/triangle and then RB twice; you don't have to scroll over all the little blue gem icons manually to find the exact material you're looking for.)
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<Silver Donator>
The way Pawn specializations work is really gay. I had the woodland realm spec. or whatever it's called so I could read Elvish but later on I "unlocked" Logistician which overwrote the woodland one and there is no way to go back so I can't understand elvish unless I find another pawn to hire with one.
All you have to do is hire a random woodland pawn when you go to the elf city, then dismiss once you're done. There's really not much elven stuff that you need a pawn fully for it, the main sidequests have fuckboi translating for you, the sister who speaks with an accent and then more fuckboi, and the rest of the time you're only here for elven blacksmithing and the menus are the same on every NPC so you just go 3rd choice then click stuff. I guess you can't see the mats names if you're lacking them so if you wanna do that then you can swap pawns for a minute.

All the specializations are pretty fucking useless, logistician is annoying cause it combines stuff you might not want to combine(it does make dry stuff right away which is nice enough but the other combines aren't good). I had forager on mine but never actually used it. Hawker also feels worthless as I don't really sell stuff anyway I just hoard everything, the ironically most interesting one I think is only for capcom pawns(mute pawns, they don't constantly say the same shit over and over).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Aphonite tome is like hawker and elvish ones, you get it by maxing out reps with certain npcs.

Hawker- traveling vendors (this just means ones that have a backpack on, so you can use ones that don't actually change location to make it easier)
Woodland Wordsmith- elves (any? innkeeper works for sure)
Aphonite- not sure what the 'type' is here, but specific npcs like Eini (where you get the mage/sorc maister quest), Norbert (Melve), and Veronika (hot springs area) are confirmed to give it.

And forager is definitely not useless. Being able to pinpoint where to go to get upgrade mats you need--especially since it shows the mats for all 4 crafting specs at once--is a game-changer.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Definitely the latter. There's almost no reason to ever use any other vocation once you have warfarer unlocked, aside from ranking them up so that you can actually use the skills and augs.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I broke my game. I was in Vernworth, stayed at the Inn (so it saved both slots) my screen went black and I had to use task manager to kill the game. When I restarted it almost every single NPC is dead including every merchant, the vocation trainer and even Brant. A few trash mob guards are walking around but that's it. I riftstoned to the desert city and everyone there seems ok but coming back to Vernworth... like... i see dead people.

Edit: Phew, reviving the innkeeper and staying in the Inn again brought everyone back to life except my pawns, but it's ok I didn't like them anyway and was gonna replace them.

Edit 2: I can't find Brant anywhere now. lol might have borked my save completely.

Edit 3: Luckily I made a backup and went back and ran around ressing everyone i thought was important before resting at the inn again to bring everyone else back. I'll pretend it didn't happen and see how far I get, I might really get lost here gentlemen. I could die in this journey with you all 😭 because I have no desire to start over right now in it's current state. It was fun, yall should buy it but i'm out for now because I think it will be a lot more fun later, so buy it later.
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  • 1Worf
  • 1WTF
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Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
I broke my game. I was in Vernworth, stayed at the Inn (so it saved both slots) my screen went black and I had to use task manager to kill the game. When I restarted it almost every single NPC is dead including every merchant, the vocation trainer and even Brant. A few trash mob guards are walking around but that's it. I riftstoned to the desert city and everyone there seems ok but coming back to Vernworth... like... i see dead people.

Edit: Phew, reviving the innkeeper and staying in the Inn again brought everyone back to life except my pawns, but it's ok I didn't like them anyway and was gonna replace them.

Edit 2: I can't find Brant anywhere now. lol might have borked my save completely.

Edit 3: Luckily I made a backup and went back and ran around ressing everyone i thought was important before resting at the inn again to bring everyone else back. I'll pretend it didn't happen and see how far I get, I might really get lost here gentlemen. I could die in this journey with you all 😭 because I have no desire to start over right now in it's current state. It was fun, yall should buy it but i'm out for now because I think it will be a lot more fun later, so buy it later.

You had a pawn infected with dragonsplague. If you sleep at an inn and have an infected pawn, they murder everyone in town while you sleep.
  • 7Worf
  • 1Mother of God
  • 1Truth!
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Definitely the latter. There's almost no reason to ever use any other vocation once you have warfarer unlocked, aside from ranking them up so that you can actually use the skills and augs.
I treated this like the first game, basically farming mobs with shit XP when leveling vocations and earning most of my levels as my preferred stat gain class. For my mele based pawn, that meant maxing all the non spell using vocations then spending nearly all of her leveling time as a warrior to get the highest attack strength possible. Sorcerer was for my main to pump magic attack. Its not as pronounced as the first game, but there is definitely an impact to sticking to one of those two classes for character levels. If I started over from scratch, I whink I would just suicide run to Volcano town to unlock Warfarer immediately, since you overall gain more total stat points per level. Doing that as early as you can would mean having great stats across the board, just not peak specialized ones. By the time I got to Warfarer, I was already sporting a really high Magic from all the sorcerer levels, so I just maxed it out to get the five levels in the unused professions and the reduced stamina for weapon art ability.

It was fun running around with spear for Mirror and the leap stab thing, while having a wand for the sticky bomb sorcerer spell. But ultimately its way less tedious dropping a tornado or meteor on shit, while still having the lightning bolt and sticky bomb spells in my back pocket at all times. I might switch back to Warfarer once I hit the post game if the chain stun shit is outrageous and I think thats about the best way to run it. But for now I am rocking over 1k magic attack, dropping drakes in one or two casts (griffons in one), and I am not even through the main story yet (just starting the giant statue part). So yeah specializing does pay off. But I think if you can get Warfarer early enough to be in the same ballpark for magic and physical attack as a pure Sorc and Warrior would be, the extra versatility pays off at that point. Getting it late, you are getting stat points you don't really need.

Sorcerer just rooks everything in the game with a high enough magic stat, unless you intend to fight solo against mass trash. But a well leveled Warfarer would have more options. But truthfully any setup leaning on the magic stat is going to be good unless you are aiming to be relying on Thief/Warrior/Archer moves. High magic lets you be a mele or archery god if you want, purely thanks to Mystic Knight and Magic Archer letting you rely on that stat for most of your damage. At least until you run up against a metal golem, but the Sorc can get around that with the tornado spell (two casts or so will win the fight once you hit 900-1k magic.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
You had a pawn infected with dragonsplague. If you sleep at an inn and have an infected pawn, they murder everyone in town while you sleep.
Hah, awesome. I remember the popup but I kept waiting for something bad to happen and it never really seemed to, though I did notice my pawn acting more retarded than usual but I figured it was just their AI glitching out.

I suppose there was some kind of cinematic sequence that was supposed to play where my pawn kills everyone? All I saw was a silent black screen and it made it so I couldn't even alt-tab so the game clearly locked up on me ruining their little surprise for me kinda.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
Hah, awesome. I remember the popup but I kept waiting for something bad to happen and it never really seemed to, though I did notice my pawn acting more retarded than usual but I figured it was just their AI glitching out.

I suppose there was some kind of cinematic sequence that was supposed to play where my pawn kills everyone? All I saw was a silent black screen and it made it so I couldn't even alt-tab so the game clearly locked up on me ruining their little surprise for me kinda.

There is supposed to be a very brief cutscene followed by a popup chiding you for being unobservant. You have to have an infected pawn in your party for a while before an inn rest triggers mass death.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Finished it. Overall liked it and if the inevitable DLC is on par with Dark Arisen this is an all time great game.... BUT...

As of now, the most fun part of the game is an endgame on a limited timer. And sadly the timer does not matter, because if you are even moderately prepared you will likely have all of the required parts done in two game days, leaving another 10 to farm materials. And while fighting non stop bosses was fun, having all the best stuff come from vendors was lame. But the worst part of the ending is that you spend all this time farming up your best gear and then the final confrontation is..... a faction check and a quick time event. Then you go to NG+ with zero increase in mob difficulty.

Maybe I overprepared, given I spent a couple weeks speed running Dark Arisen before this game dropped. But at 1200 physical attack, my warrior pawn was actually able to solo griffons and kill them fast enough to prevent them from running. At 1200 magic on my main (maxed the best staff with elven smithing and leveled almost entirely as a Sorc) I was able to drop dragons and headless horseman in about three casts of whichever ultimate I happened to use. If I were actually to change to warfarer and use sticky bomb plus Mystic Spear attacks it would be even faster, but I like the ultimate Sorc spells so I stuck with Sorc. The ending was just bizarre in this game, to say the least.

So much potential to be a GOTY game but it dropped the ball in the end game sequence. I rate this an 8 maybe 8.5 out of ten, but a decent DLC with rebalances and end game extension can easily push this to a 9 or more with me.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Dark Arisen is a long playthrough, because its the base game with the Everfall farm loop and two deep runs to the bottom of Bitterrock Isle. Even if you know exactly what to do, its a pretty long play. This also presumes you don't get turbofucked by a Grim Reaper appearance at the wrong time, also.