Emma Watson's Queen of the Tearing


<Gold Donor>
No previews or anything yet, just articles, but it sounds like such a terrible idea that I had to post it.


It looks as though Emma Watson is headed back to the fantasy genre with a vengeance! After nabbing the lead in Guillermo del Toro?s Beauty and the Beast, she has now picked up another fantasy heroine that she can add to her to her tool belt. Watson will be re-teaming with Harry Potter producer David Heyman to star in the fantasy film Queen of the Tearling. This film will be based on a trilogy of books... that have not been released yet. But there are more details!

The Queen of the Tearling is a new book series by Erika Johansen that was bought by HarperCollins not too long ago. It would seem that Johansen was inspired to create the character Watson will be playing after hearing a speech given by President Obama in 2007 (he was a senator at that point, of course). No idea which speech, unfortunately, as it might give us a clue as to what this lady is all about.

Tearling is being called ?female Game of Thrones,? which is sort of confusing, in that it needs some clarification. After all, the Song of Ice and Fire series has many female characters in it. Does this mean that women will hold most of the power in the series? That all of the central figures will be female? Does it refer more to the style of the world than anything else? No matter what, we?re curious...

The Queen of Tearling won?t be released until 2014, though. Which means that this movie is probably a while off, but we can all theorize wildly about its content, since we have some idea of what the book will be about. Variety claims it is ?set three centuries after an environmental catastrophe when a malevolent Red Queen holds considerable power.?

Mostly, we?re excited because Watson is listed as the Executive Producer. Go, Hermione!
I love me some Emma Watson, but this sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

"Lady Game of Thrones" is stupid for any number of reasons, including that chicks actually love the real Game of Thrones. I'm guessing this one will have lots of bosom-clutching and weeping.

And then of course there is the fact that it is based on books that haven't even been published yet, and were inspired by some speech that Obama gave BEFORE he was President. That's brilliant, obviously, because she immediately gains credibility since Obama said whatever it was. Well, and you're racist if you don't agree.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Sounds like it's basically going to be Renly and Loras slobbering each other's knobs while Watson's character lusts after them both.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Wait, so this is going to be a trilogy in which the first book hasn't been released and maybe not even fully written/edited, yet it already has a movie deal?

Already sounds like horrible manufactured bullshit.


Molten Core Raider
If Emma Watson plays some kind of Daenerys role where she is naked all the time then I amall in


I only saw Emma Watson in The Bling Ring (oh and in a two lines part in My Week with Marilyn) and I was not overly impressed by her acting (that's an euphemism, but the nature of her character and/or Coppola's direction might be to blame).


Knightley's performances for Joe Wright (Pride & Prejudice, Atonement, Anna Karenina) are just stunning. I was a little less convinced but still very impressed by her performance in Cronenberg's A Dangerous Method (the grimacing was a bit much for me, but it produced a feeling of unease that served these scenes). So really it's a whole other league (not to mention the difference in more abstract aspects such as charisma and screen presence).


Silver Squire
Read the title really quickly as "Queen of the Tearing" and the first thought in my mind was she was pregnant and the doctor didn't giver her an episiotomy in time.

Likely would be a better film if they went with that. I better let them know.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Read the title really quickly as "Queen of the Tearing" and the first thought in my mind was she was pregnant and the doctor didn't giver her an episiotomy in time.

Likely would be a better film if they went with that. I better let them know.
Time for you to book your ticket to LAX, your meeting with the WB suits is at 10am monday in Burbank, so better get going now.


Golden Squire
Blurb for the book

A female-oriented Game of Thrones that is also an insightful human story whose heroine is grappling with both the daily realities of coming-of-age and the ethical dilemmas of ruling justly-all while simply trying to stay alive." The story is set "three centuries after a small portion of the human race has populated a landmass that mysteriously emerged in the wake of an environmental catastrophe, the series follows nineteen-year-old princess Kelsea Glynn, who must reclaim her deceased mother's throne and redeem her kingdom, the Tearling, from forces of corruption and dark magic of The Red Queen, the sorceress-tyrant of the neighboring country, Mortmesne.
I guess "Game of Thrones" has finally overtaken "Lord of the Rings" as the go-to Fantasy world reference now.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I get it. It's Game of Thrones with everything but Dany's chapters cut out.