Epic Seven


Blackwing Lair Raider
Liking it a lot so far, I actually enjoy the grinding in this game. if you guys don't have him yet, get Elson from connections and get his skill awakening asap, he is a great buffer. Enhancing his third skill is my goal atm for almost permanent uptime on buff, grinding for jellies while leveling fodder to get people to 5*.


Molten Core Raider
Been using Surin for my main dps. Went with a Destina pull on the selective so haven't gotten lucky to get 5 star deeps. Surin's bleed stacks are pretty awesome though... 6 stacks and the boss will tick for like 4k every turn. We'll see how far I can clear.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Liking it a lot so far, I actually enjoy the grinding in this game. if you guys don't have him yet, get Elson from connections and get his skill awakening asap, he is a great buffer. Enhancing his third skill is my goal atm for almost permanent uptime on buff, grinding for jellies while leveling fodder to get people to 5*.

Yeah one thing I need to do some reading about is efficiency of leveling heroes and stuff. Right now just sitting on a ton of fodder bc not sure the strategy of leveling them up then feeding, maxing stars then feeding, etc....

Almost through Ch. 4 area and wanted to futz around on the labyrinth or daily dungeon just to collect some stuff. Rather than just power through the story since everything is pretty much unlocked at this point.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
One thing that is nice is that you get phantasma's passively from the Forest in Sanctuary. You can also power out quite a few using Stigma, which I haven't seen is used anywhere else in the game.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Been using Surin for my main dps. Went with a Destina pull on the selective so haven't gotten lucky to get 5 star deeps. Surin's bleed stacks are pretty awesome though... 6 stacks and the boss will tick for like 4k every turn. We'll see how far I can clear.
I'm running Ravi (main) / Tieria / Elson / Destina right now. Seems to be alright but I know I'm losing some serious dps by leaving Elson in there, so we'll see.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Discord invite posted in Guild is expired, btw.

I can just add a channel to the FoH Discord if you guys want one.


Mobile Game Hunter
New Link to Discord

We've kind of splintered off from the mothership with our mobile squad over the years so the bulk of us will probably stay under the server above or flip/flop between the two.


Molten Core Raider
Been casually rerolling on the side... got a Ravi/Kiris/Armin roll... kinda tempted to start over. At least run two accounts for a bit. If I could get lucky on my main account I'd be fine but the pulls have been rough.


Golden Squire
Elson is great for the def/atk(when awakened) buff. Tieria is also a great 3* that boosts readiness (atk bar), def breaks on s3 and blinds on basic attack. Other notable low star units to keep are kris (3* archer that stacks poison, very useful for bosses but crap for campaign) and carmainrose (very solid mage dps/tank).

The game lets you reroll 10 pulls 30 times (of which you keep one 10pull) after clearing chapter 1-10, and you can reset your account to reroll again without having to download all data again. If you want to reroll hardcore, you get 8-9 pulls after clearing chapter 1-4, which can get you a 5* unit on top of your 30 rerolls, including 3 newer units that are not present in the 30 rerolls (like Krau, Haste (and Yufine I think)). The rate for a 5* unit is 1.25%, so it takes a bit of time but with something like Nox you should be set in a couple of hours. Imo if you're going to be f2p, spending a couple hours rerolling for a second 5* is worth it.

Destina and Sez are regarded as the units to pull for, but don't be afraid to keep other pulls that have great synergy, like a 4* healer/cleanser (Achates/Angelica, even Lots) and a nice dps (Ravi, Charlotte (which imo is more versatile than Sez and more future proof)) or 2 dps that work well together (I kept a Chloe from 1-4 together with a Charlotte from the rerolls f.ex.).

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Bad Luck Protection on summons... hmm... not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, as someone who hopes to remain f2p, it's probably better that way, but it'll also likely force them to nerf certain characters (or future expectations, or both) as more people will be able to obtain them.


French Madman
Yeah, I'm all for bad luck protection as I want to stay F2P on this.
Already spent like 300€ last months on Fate Grand Order because the freaking character on rate up wouldn't show up. Gachas are bad for me.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Gachas are bad for me too. I've been pretty good on Epic 7 so far, but I know that banner will come that makes me drop $500 lol
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Molten Core Raider
Looks like I'm going to have to start over, lol. Pulled Ceci and Destina on my alt account that had Ravi. Figures.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Ive been sorta playing but not really digging too deeply under the hood into the game mechanics. So am I understanding the leveling thing right, you have to feed 3* units into a max level 3* to bump it up to 4*, then do four 4*s to bump a max level unit to 5*, then five 5*s to get a unit to 6*? If that's the case, hopefully leveling units to be used as fodder isn't too tedious.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That's correct, yeah. Getting units to 5* isn't too bad, 6* takes a good amount of work though. Make good use of your dispatch missions for extra fodder leveling. Since XP is shared between the team, whether they're max level or not, one easy leveling strategy is to make a team of 4 fodder to level, then bring a strong supporter who can solo a map like Ravi or Sez. Supporter doesn't take any XP away, and fodder dying doesn't affect their XP gain.

For maximum efficiency farm on maps you need for connections quests or for catalysts you need. 4-S11 was where I farmed 5 strange jellies to enhance Elson's skill 3 for -1 turn CD (super OP btw). 5-1 is good for Silk connection, 4-8 I think for Lorina connection.
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