Evil Dead Remake


eh. i appreciate their embracing the practical effects but it was all gore and no horror and it had no identity.
That's because the actors sucked for the most part, not memorable whatsoever.

But that's true for most modern movies. Most of the acting in general is fucking awful. Should've just stuck Campbell in there as some crazy ass zombie hunter who found the kids and proceeds to tear shit up.


Trakanon Raider
That's because the actors sucked for the most part, not memorable whatsoever.

But that's true for most modern movies. Most of the acting in general is fucking awful. Should've just stuck Campbell in there as some crazy ass zombie hunter who found the kids and proceeds to tear shit up.
Agreed! The acting did suck =( No emotion at all, wtf, i'd be freaked the fuck out if that shit was happening to me.


Molten Core Raider
The main thing which bothered me about this remake (and it was a pretty good flick altogether), was that the demon's themselves have a different story than in the original Evil Dead. In the original, you kind of have the impression that the demons are just out there constantly living in the woods just out of human perception kind of like in a lovecraftian altered reality, and that the necronomicon is what allows them to possess people, and when they possess them it's really quick. Like the chase cam hits them and BAM, they're possessed.

With the remake there's really only one demon, and it sort of operates as some weird demonic STD. It's also clearly implied to come from hell, like boring Judaic/Christian demons we see all the time in exorcism movies. Also, what's with showing what the chase cam looks like from the character's point of view? Having a evil looking twin, isn't nearly as scary as imagining with what Ash is running away from.

The big confusion or plot hole for me is that it was stated that the demon needs 5 souls to summon the abomination. He gets 4 for sure (nurse, teacher, girlfriend, brother) but Mia is cleansed/resurrected before the brother dies, so that would leave it with 4 souls. Unless Mia is some kind of walking soulless person, OR unless the dog which is killed early in the movie counts as a soul.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The big confusion or plot hole for me is that it was stated that the demon needs 5 souls to summon the abomination. He gets 4 for sure (nurse, teacher, girlfriend, brother) but Mia is cleansed/resurrected before the brother dies, so that would leave it with 4 souls. Unless Mia is some kind of walking soulless person, OR unless the dog which is killed early in the movie counts as a soul.
Maybe the demon doesn't need to be in possesion of all five at once, just has to have had five total. Or maybe it killed someone off-camera who we don't know about...

Aychamo BanBan

Did you count the girl from the beginning of the movie?

I'm watching the original. It's pretty dang bad.
Maybe because I haven't seen the sequels yet to fall in love with the franchise, but I don't see where the remake is any less anything than the original.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The original is pretty overrated. Evil Dead 2, on the other hand, is a masterpiece.


Trakanon Raider
I had the same question valishar had immediately after the movie. I'd go with Aychamo's explanation before a dog having a soul though


Silver Knight of the Realm
The Evil Dead stands alone to me as a movie. Evil Dead II to me isn't a true sequel; it summarized the first and took it in a different direction. I do agree with the above statement that the first one was shit and the second one is a fucking masterpiece. I liked the gore in this one but it lacked the character that Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness had. It didn't make me like it or give two shits about any of the characters. Given the choice, I'd re-watch Evil Dead II 10 times to 1 against this.


Gunnar Durden
I thought it was both good, and Meh. I think the actors was a problem for me. Couldnt stop thinking SUBURGATORY. Then I thought about the Milfy blonde lady on that show. Then the dad on that show and reminded me of Six Feet Under. Then I zoned out and they buried someone and my thought train went full circle. Lost interest at points and was just waiting it out because I "felt" I knew what was going to happen because it was a remake.

It did some things different and I think its the best horror movie in awhile. Just my own crazy mind brought this down.
As a huge fan of the original I couldn't really have been anything but let down. The first hour was a bit too torture porny for me (I don't find it hard to watch, just a bit boring is all), with no real scares. Not sure if it was just my audience, but everyone seemed to be laughing every time the used the "demon voice". However, I loved the last 15-20 minutes.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I was a huge fan of the original, I remember having to hunt down a copy of the VHS in the early 90s because it was discontinued and impossible to find. Ending up finding 1 & 2 at a flee market, was one of the happiest days ever lol. Being originally from MI, Bruce Campbell movies were always a hit with us, since they were all filmed and the stories took place there.

As for this movie, I thought it was pretty good, but I'm not a movie snob. I enjoyed it for what it was and went in expecting a disappointment, but came out happy.


Tranny Chaser
One of the best things about both The Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 is the DVD commentary. It's like getting an awesome bonus movie with each. If anyone didn't like the first one but enjoyed the second I highly, highly recommend going back and watching the original again with the commentary on.


It felt like a standard horror movie, with a few over the top effects mixed, with a strong Evil Dead vibe. As a fan of the originals, I still enjoyed this movie. Could have been better, but a decent starting point for going forward.