

Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
But again, the problem with woke is that it hasn't produced anything worth a shit since it became a trend. Fuck, Six Feet Under was out and proud and liberal but the story and characters were GREAT so mostly no one gave a shit. But that was a few decades ago now and the writers/writing rooms just seem to be fucking awful now.

No one likes overly preachy or blatant shit, regardless as to the message. Doesn't matter if it has an "agenda" or not. It could be some "drugs are bad, Mkay?" ABC Afterschool special, some blue hair giga fantasy that uses every SJW buzzword known to man, or some Evangelical produced dribble that paints everyone as soulless heretics except those Jebus acolytes who remain "true". When message takes priority over story, then the story suffers. Good writers can mix a message with a story seamlessly in a way where it doesn't come across as intrusive or over the top.

Preachy and heavy handed shit has always existed, people are just more hyper aware of it now because internet


Potato del Grande
No one likes overly preachy or blatant shit, regardless as to the message.

Preachy and heavy handed shit has always existed, people are just more hyper aware of it now because internet

LOL because of the internet? Is it... Is it only on the internet?

Is it possible that it's more pervasive? Is it possible a gamer forum and mainstream culture full of liberal leaning people didn't really give a shit when there were gay couples or whatever until it was everywhere and forced when not close to relevant to a story or plot and not well done?

Is it possible the SJW liberals DO care that shows and games are preachy and pushing their agenda?
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
LOL because of the internet? Is it... Is it only on the internet

The internet magnified sensitivity to it. 20-30 years ago or more you didn’t have a massive amount of rage farmers with global reach. Rage farmers did exist, but usually it was things like talk radio or other smaller scale mediums

If Farscape came out today, I’m convinced it would have been both simultaneously roasted for being “woke” because Aeryn Sun was a badass and should be “canceled” because D’argo and Jon strongly resisted attempts by other men or male appearing characters coming on to them
that shows and games are preachy and pushing their agenda

If there was a demand, then sales or ratings would be better. Pushy or preachy shows or games, if that is all they offer and everything else is mediocre, typically self correct in the market by not being economically viable.


Potato del Grande
Self correction in the market traditionally must mean control from advisory groups counting black faces and deciding if you're allowed to even have a bank account. Very relevant argument.

Like women with voices stuck at 8 years old when they were molested, these only on the internet this is fine homosexuals I assume were raped in the 90s since they're still making arguements from them in repeat.

I mean, in the current time, imagine thinking progressive means anti-corporation and anti-war anymore. Imagine thinking gay people are still the favored class and not being jeered out of LGBTQ2IA+P events for being anti-tra s bigots.

In short, you're dumb and behind the times and your lashing out with irrelevant faux-rationality is an embarrassing rationalization for ignorance.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah okay. Can I get some ranch dressing with that word salad?
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Potato del Grande
I don't like what you said so am going to pretend it wasn't coherent or worth reading without reading it. Very smart.

The perplexing thing is understand the motivations of most people to bury their heads in the sand. I can't figure out a human motivation for some of you. I wish you even made enough sense to be understandable as a human being, but alas, maybe the whole NPC meme is real and you're not even sure of your own motivations.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The internet magnified sensitivity to it. 20-30 years ago or more you didn’t have a massive amount of rage farmers with global reach. Rage farmers did exist, but usually it was things like talk radio or other smaller scale mediums
I think you forget how little gay and leftist nonsense there was 20+ years ago in media, let alone how utterly pervasive it is in general today.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Honestly I think there is some survivorship bias there. No one remembers the 1 or half season crapfests from 20 years ago, especially when there wasn’t a cottage industry which specifically tries to highlight the visibility of those types of projects to a wider audience

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
No one remembers the 1 or half season crapfests from 20 years ago, especially when there wasn’t a cottage industry which specifically tries to highlight the visibility of those types of projects to a wider audience
Compare Jackson's LOTR to Amazons
Compare Casino Royal to the latest Bond
Compare ST Enterprise/Voyager to any of the recent Trek shows
Compare 1984 Dune to modern Dune
Compare prequel trilogy SW to sequel Trilogy SW

If you cant see the stark fundamental difference in media between then and now you just never consumed any of it.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The fundamental issue with some of those examples like Amazon Rings, Trek shows like Disco or Picard S1/2, new SW Trilogy:

1) Less skilled or less suited show runner handled them (ie, they don't understand the source material or intentionally are ignoring it)
2) Studio or actor meddling (example: Patrick Stewart didn't want to do Picard unless they made it very unTrek like. The shitfest that followed resulted in them being able to convince him to make S3 a more standard Trek outing. While not perfect, S3 was what fans had expected to begin with)
3) Bad writing

It's not so much that they are "woke", but they just sucked. People have a higher forgiveness rate for flaws in a movie or TV show if the overall product is good. The above examples were also less successful overall than comparable counterparts. SW made money, but not as much compared to prior outings. And merchandise wise, they've been complete failures. If it wasn't for Mando reviving the IP, the new trilogy would have massively devalued the profitability of the IP


Casino Royale (the new one) was an aberration - the Bond series had sucked for decades. Austin Powers was barely a parody compared to actual Bond films.

Modern Dune is better than the 84 stuff, I'm sorry

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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Im not talking about how "good" they are, its the prevalence of sjw nonsense thats now the norm in modern media.

Amazon's LOTR is yet another girlboss fantasy filled with mulatto elves, Jackson's was white as snow.
Nubond has black moneypenny and a gay soyriddled Q
Modern Trek does anything need to be said? Compared to Voyager which had 7 of 9, a beautiful big titted blonde in a skin tight costume who was cast solely for her sex appeal
Modern Dune turned Chani into a another girlboss and cut out the Baron being a gay deviant, 1984 Dune showed Baron being a gay Deviant and Chani happily stood by while being cucked
SW sequels had perfect as can be mary sue Rey, admiral bluecunt, and a frumpy asian. Prequels had absolutely of the sort

Thats just the glaring examples of what wokism has done. You will never see another 7 of 9 or 1984 Baron in modern media again. Its why older media even if its "bad/meh" such as the SW prequels, have a certain aspect of quality to it that newer media simply does not have.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Wait...you're saying new Dune is woke because they made a character NOT gay? lolololol


Oh no he wasnt a faggot pedophile in 2024 version of Dune what kind of world salad nonsense is this outrage. Its funny people calling the new Chani a girl boss as well. She fights some dudes it doesnt keep on her long in that cluster fuck of a mess, cant convince Paul to do anything then gets sad cause hes off to marry an actual Princess. Man what a boss...She really got it done! She sees her people off to Jihad and realizes the person who claims to love her will do anything to take power.

Anyways giving her a personality will make her character actually have a purpose cause I dont think we are going to get Ghola's and shit and have Duncan Idaho around.


Tranny Chaser
Funny how someone can protest stuff is too woke whilst also complaining they didn't include a gay paedophile

"It's too gay!"
"It's not gay and degenerate enough!"

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Wait...you're saying new Dune is woke because they made a character NOT gay? lolololol
You don't see how cutting out a characters gay sexuality when it was used as a negative is woke?
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That’s still a reach and feels like odd catch22 logic

If they had included that stuff, then some people would have complained about gay elements being included in the film and it would have been cut out of prints in certain countries to avoid the entire movie being banned, because some countries are more triggered than forum posters here


They didn't comment on his sexuality at all in the film other then he's Jessica's father. If they had commented on and changed his sexuality or predilections at all in the film then yea you can argue it could be woke, but they stripped all that from the film because they didn't really focus on him at all other then being the adversary to House Atreides. They could have given more background on the character but in a film you can only focus on so many things, for all we know in the 5 hour cut of Dune 1 they did, but it wasnt important enough to keep.
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> Than U
I'm going to love every second of this show just for the sets and CGI and she is easy on the eyes to look at. If it gets too bad I'll watch it with sound off.
Is that older lady the crazy mechanic from Mando? I bet you a million bottle caps that the set crews LOVED doing this show. Oh shit I just noticed the ALL EPISODES available April 11. A day sooner and all of them at once. F ya