Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
You guys still play this? I quit for like 2-3 years but recently started a new account and have torn through content pretty quick. So much new shit tho. I'm to that annoying point where I just don't have enough relics to do all the 4* Magicites and Torments, still lots of mythril to farm in Realm dungeons but damn that's so boring haha.

I check in with this probably once a year, maybe two years. Usually I play all the newly-added Realm Dungeons because I really like that stuff, maybe whatever the current Events are as well, then turn it off for another year. I didn't really get into any of the Torment/Magicite/Story Mode? stuff. I think I cleared half of the Nightmare Crystal whatever bosses.

I like this game but it's very much something I only check out once in a great while and only when I have literally nothing else to do at that moment or don't have the energy to load up a console game.

Proud to say I quit and uninstalled this about 3 weeks ago. Was a big deal for me personally, but no other human could understand.

I was perpetually stuck on this kinda plateau wherein I either was steamrolling content or getting steamrolled, and maaaaybe once in awhile had something fun and challenging to do and I felt out of place with it all. A f2p person who has played for like 5 years and had sooooo many relics, options, cheeves conquered, and it all felt imbalanced at a certain point. That feeling stuck with me for months.

So this last Summer draw I was saving some Myth for some really sweet pulls and I dropped like 250 myth on pulls.

The game gave me a piece of shit, then something nice, then a dupe of the piece of shit, AND THEN another dupe of the piece of shit. I had one more pull to get something decent and I said to myself (I remember I was literally in bed) if I pull that same f00king dupe piece of shit relic, I'm uninstalling and never playing this game ever again.

I clicked.

I drew. know what happened.

0 regrets :)

You'll probably be back, har har.

I think I understand the big deal actually.

I understand, it came out the week before I met my wife and used it to keep track of our first date anniversary.

It carried the torch of my love of the Franchise through the dark days of FF15. Luckily FF14 is saving the franchise so I can play a real FF game again.

But yeah I quit last year, it was taking the piss with how complicated the endgame fights were and how it took years to kill them.

I played it through several relationships from 2014-2019. Back in 2015 or so when I was the most into FFRK, I'd sneak it into bed and play it while I was watching Netflix with the GF. She hated that because I'd be doing it literally behind her back. Like literally spooning her while I looked the other way tapping buttons to clear dailies or whatever.

I don't regret anything


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
I still login and get my free stuff every day. Auto-run through events and what-not, but I'm not sure I'd call it playing. It's a nice enough distraction for a few minutes setting teams up for things and letting it go do its thing. I never bothered trying any of the insanely difficult stuff, but every now and then if I don't feel like playing anything else or need to wind down in bed or on the shitter, I'll try out a new difficulty of dungeon for a bit. Haven't paid money in years (I'd buy a little bit for pulls back closer to when it first released) as the free draws are more than enough to satisfy my gacha itch. Compared to some of the other mobile games I used to play, it really does feel like the easiest to skirt buy just F2P'ing it up and still getting a good amount of play time before you hit the difficulty brick wall.


Uncle Tanya
You'll probably be back, har har.
Nah, I'm good! It's just my personality... for better or for worse. When I sever ties with stuff it's quite rare I come back to it in the same manner I had before... this includes significant others, addictive habits, foods I have to swear off because they're bad, phone apps (either socials or games). Me being done is... being done (generally but a handful of exceptions do exist [like FoH!]).

I think I understand the big deal actually.
I played relatively early on, played extremely consistently, and was clearing top end content regularly for many years and felt on top of the game. ...and it was just the sheer amount of relics, cheeves, and spread of power I had across all characters. This was "my game" for half a decade, like Everquest was back at the turn of the century. Perfect blend of aesthetic beauty, nostalgia, easy to do yet really complex at its core for min/maxing, rich history and memories of things, and most importantly, something I could put down at any moment and not be utterly CHAINED TO like EQ or other online games. Quitting was a big personal deal, yeah, but it never once affected anything in my real life with any of my RL peeps... was just a personal turning-of-the-page thing, and I feel good about my decision :)
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Potato del Grande
Nah, I'm good! It's just my personality... for better or for worse. When I sever ties with stuff it's quite rare I come back to it in the same manner I had before... this includes significant others, addictive habits, foods I have to swear off because they're bad, phone apps (either socials or games). Me being done is... being done (generally but a handful of exceptions do exist [like FoH!]).

I played relatively early on, played extremely consistently, and was clearing top end content regularly for many years and felt on top of the game. ...and it was just the sheer amount of relics, cheeves, and spread of power I had across all characters. This was "my game" for half a decade, like Everquest was back at the turn of the century. Perfect blend of aesthetic beauty, nostalgia, easy to do yet really complex at its core for min/maxing, rich history and memories of things, and most importantly, something I could put down at any moment and not be utterly CHAINED TO like EQ or other online games. Quitting was a big personal deal, yeah, but it never once affected anything in my real life with any of my RL peeps... was just a personal turning-of-the-page thing, and I feel good about my decision :)
Yeah same for me. I tried to go back but going from 4+ years of daily play to nothing for my months made me feel like I had missed out on too much.

All the references to previous FFs in FF14 is doing the job for me now though. Try that if you haven't already.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Nah, I'm good! It's just my personality... for better or for worse. When I sever ties with stuff it's quite rare I come back to it in the same manner I had before... this includes significant others, addictive habits, foods I have to swear off because they're bad, phone apps (either socials or games). Me being done is... being done (generally but a handful of exceptions do exist [like FoH!]).

I played relatively early on, played extremely consistently, and was clearing top end content regularly for many years and felt on top of the game. ...and it was just the sheer amount of relics, cheeves, and spread of power I had across all characters. This was "my game" for half a decade, like Everquest was back at the turn of the century. Perfect blend of aesthetic beauty, nostalgia, easy to do yet really complex at its core for min/maxing, rich history and memories of things, and most importantly, something I could put down at any moment and not be utterly CHAINED TO like EQ or other online games. Quitting was a big personal deal, yeah, but it never once affected anything in my real life with any of my RL peeps... was just a personal turning-of-the-page thing, and I feel good about my decision :)

EQ is one of the few addictive things I've gone back to repeatedly in the same manner. I HAVE tried to go back to other things, but it's never the same. Especially people. Which can be pretty depressing when it hits you. There are a lot of girls I remember fondly from my hometown, but whenever I swing through there, or look them up, they're all obese now, or look olde, or whatever. I mean it happens to everyone but it's still depressing when they're their youthful selves in my head. (Well, one of them is still pretty damn sexy, but she married someone else)

Shows are another thing. I rewatched a couple seasons of 24 a few months ago and all it did was make me think of how much time had gone by and how these characters I grew up with were all played by people who are 15 years older now. Going back to 24, or Buffy, etc doesn't fill me with nostalgia, it fills me with dread at the unstoppable march of time.

Though, ironically, the Highlander series doesn't have this effect on me, probably because the characters are immortal and by extension it doesn't feel like a bygone era, it feels like "wonder who these guys are swordfighting with in 2020".

EQ's another exception, I can take a couple years off from it and think I'm totally done but I always go back. Interest in it sorta goes up like a crypto price. Like it'll have a lull for a while, then the interest starts to gather again, then one day without warning I'm -all in- for another month or two and going for server firsts and everything.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Sadly, it looks like this game is shutting down in September. Was not a hardcore player by any means, but this was a great time-waster when traveling or on the shitter, etc. Anyone have any suggestions for something similar?


Potato del Grande
Sadly, it looks like this game is shutting down in September. Was not a hardcore player by any means, but this was a great time-waster when traveling or on the shitter, etc. Anyone have any suggestions for something similar?
I've never found a better mobile game, shame they made it too damm hard to the point you had to read the AI script.

For similar games, there's FF Brave Exvius which is about the same age but always earned more and FF Opera Omnia which is a couple of years in.

For the same developer there's Pokemon Masters EX.

This year there's FF7 Ever Crisis, which seems to be FFRK with modern 2D graphics but just for the FF7 games.

Other than Riot's three mobile games, most everything mobile is total trash unfortunatly. Genshin Impact is pretty good but I played that on PC so no idea how good it is on mobile.


Trakanon Raider
I'm still playing FF Brave Exvius and enjoying it, but if you're a player who aims to score high in ranked events and stuff I can't honestly recommend you join FFBE this late in the game as you wouldn't be able to catch up (other than massive whaling).

If you just want a game to play casually and f2p and not care about ranked events or leaderboards, FFBE is fun and would recommend.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
RIP Final Fantasy Record-Keeper's servers.

pour one out.gif
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Did they shut this down yet?

And did they ever end up adding all of the final bosses? Last time I played it, the entire series was up to their final bosses, just about, but only some of the games had their final bosses.
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Did they shut this down yet?

And did they ever end up adding all of the final bosses? Last time I played it, the entire series was up to their final bosses, just about, but only some of the games had their final bosses.

Yes. Shut down on the 29th.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Yes. Shut down on the 29th.

Damn, that really sucks. I remembered it just a few days too late to actually go back and see the finished (I assume) realms. Last time I got up to date in the realms was early 2022.

Bummed out now.

Kinda surprised they shut it down at all. People who whaled in the game over time (or just recently) must be pissed. I just wanted to see all the mainline FF games come to an ending in the realm dungeons.


Potato del Grande
Damn, that really sucks. I remembered it just a few days too late to actually go back and see the finished (I assume) realms. Last time I got up to date in the realms was early 2022.

Bummed out now.

Kinda surprised they shut it down at all. People who whaled in the game over time (or just recently) must be pissed. I just wanted to see all the mainline FF games come to an ending in the realm dungeons.
Yeah they could have just looped events.

I wonder if they had pressure from SquareEnix as it seems similar to the soon to be released FF7 mobile remake.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
I didn’t do the super high end stuff in this, but honestly, this is the one mobile game I tried that I never felt the need or the pull to whale on; you got so many pulls just from straight playing the game, and so many events with discounts. Between that and not having ads in game like other games, wonder if it just didn’t pull in crazy money.
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Potato del Grande
I didn’t do the super high end stuff in this, but honestly, this is the one mobile game I tried that I never felt the need or the pull to whale on; you got so many pulls just from straight playing the game, and so many events with discounts. Between that and not having ads in game like other games, wonder if it just didn’t pull in crazy money.
I gambled wrong going all in on this instead of Brave Exvius. This was the better game but holy fuck those Brave Exvius sprites are amazing.


<Bronze Donator>
Damn, that really sucks. I remembered it just a few days too late to actually go back and see the finished (I assume) realms. Last time I got up to date in the realms was early 2022.

Bummed out now.

Kinda surprised they shut it down at all. People who whaled in the game over time (or just recently) must be pissed. I just wanted to see all the mainline FF games come to an ending in the realm dungeons.
Could always play the Japanese version. It's still going strong. There are guides out there for how to navigate it as an English speaker.


<Bronze Donator>
S Secrets (no idea if you ever played but I know you could do it) or someone else with the knowhow should make an emulator for this. It would probably end up being even better that the actual game. For MMOs, the hard part of making an emulator is datamining, but this game has already been extensively datamined. I bet there's people out there that even have data from old versions buried on their hard drives. All we gotta do is figure out how to set up a virtual server to inject the data. We could even possibly handle it all clientside / locally, making it so legal action couldn't be taken against the project, if I understand things right.

There's one French dude on Reddit who is trying to do it, but he could use some help it seems. Vallenstrkr (u/Vallenstrkr) - Reddit


ResetEra Staff Member
S Secrets (no idea if you ever played but I know you could do it) or someone else with the knowhow should make an emulator for this. It would probably end up being even better that the actual game. For MMOs, the hard part of making an emulator is datamining, but this game has already been extensively datamined. I bet there's people out there that even have data from old versions buried on their hard drives. All we gotta do is figure out how to set up a virtual server to inject the data. We could even possibly handle it all clientside / locally, making it so legal action couldn't be taken against the project, if I understand things right.

There's one French dude on Reddit who is trying to do it, but he could use some help it seems. Vallenstrkr (u/Vallenstrkr) - Reddit
iOS and Android are platforms that are extremely closed and complicated for emulation. They are closed ecosystems and unsigned applications would be hell to get working for casuals.

If you're not going to be taken offline by Square, it'll be by Apple or Google, two infinitely more powerful companies for bypassing their ecosystem to access data that was taken offline on their store already on their platform.

Emulation will increasingly hit these barriers. The reason why EQ, Warhammer, and most early00's-mid 10's MMORPGs are easy to emulate is the cost of hosting 100% ground-up servers without modifying the original binary, and ease of configuring clients to access entirely new hosting infrastructure.

No one will want to connect to a custom DNS for a cash grab mobile game. And as WoW emulators have shown, it only takes one idiot in these projects to try and monetize it and ruin it for everyone.

Making your own spiritual successor with the options you wish to see is a far more viable and profitable venture.
That's what the Nevergrind guys did, what Orna was to Pokemon Go, etc...


Mr. Poopybutthole
I didn’t do the super high end stuff in this, but honestly, this is the one mobile game I tried that I never felt the need or the pull to whale on; you got so many pulls just from straight playing the game, and so many events with discounts. Between that and not having ads in game like other games, wonder if it just didn’t pull in crazy money.
I don't remember a single aspect of the game that rewarded whaling like other Gachas do, aside from just guaranteeing access to all the newest toys.