Final Fantasy VII Remake


Potato del Grande
Honestly didn't think it was a big deal. When we get it during Cloud's mind fix stuff in Part 3 probably hit even harder.
Yes it is and no it won't.

Aerith's death is why you end part 2 there lol. If it was going to be revealed later, then end part 2 at Northern Crater.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yes it is and no it won't.

Aerith's death is why you end part 2 there lol. If it was going to be revealed later, then end part 2 at Northern Crater.

Considering they were originally thinking about ending Part 2 at the Tifa Gongaga scene, part of it was just size of the game, as well. It IS a natural stopping point. The character can die without people needing a water burial scene lol. The fact that the game leans so hard into Cloud's mind being so broken and presenting the entire deaths sequence the way they do in service to that (literally stated by devs in the Ultimania) will have a greater overall effect on the 3 games as a whole.

Not ending at Northern Crater falls under same point as where they were originally going to end Rebirth. It's one thing to go further to where they did, Northern Crater would be arguably even more content to fill for 2nd game. Also we wouldn't have as many questions over black materia/clear white materia to ponder over if we got that far in Rebirth (random, but still weird af that the Black Materia gets absorbed into the Buster Sword versus normal materia that get placed in it).

And yes, I think it will hit harder when Cloud ends up having to accept both Aerith and Zack's deaths in his memories (Zack actual fate still the wild card in all of this). Not sure if Cloud's VA will have the range to actually make everything hit as big as it should, but we'll find out.


Ssraeszha Raider


Golden Baronet of the Realm
She's got that Ellen Ripley abs look going on. Can't wait to play this again for the platinum and have her Costa Del Sol outfits available for the whole game (...I think?)

It's funny, definitely made sure to choose same type of swimsuit as Tifa to boost romance option with her, but honestly Aerith going with the more conservative look felt cannon anyways.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
It's funny, definitely made sure to choose same type of swimsuit as Tifa to boost romance option with her, but honestly Aerith going with the more conservative look felt cannon anyways.

It's funny, cause Aerith seems more conservative on paper, yet she's probably way naughtier than Tifa is. Like she'll dress less provocatively than Tifa, but if our heroes ended up at a skinny dipping pond, Aerith would be the first one throwing clothes off.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is there something I should know about chapter select after beating the game? I finished it yesterday then randomly selected like chapter 7, went back and finished Grasslands, saved... restarted today and finished Junon. When I went to reload my save it had started me again at the post-credits chapter selection main menu and all my progress was lost.
I'm assuming this is just user error or something weird, but I know there are two choices for how you want to continue playing.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Is there something I should know about chapter select after beating the game? I finished it yesterday then randomly selected like chapter 7, went back and finished Grasslands, saved... restarted today and finished Junon. When I went to reload my save it had started me again at the post-credits chapter selection main menu and all my progress was lost.
I'm assuming this is just user error or something weird, but I know there are two choices for how you want to continue playing.

I asked about that after I finished the game and I don't think I got an answer. I'm not sure how the chapter select works. I think the best bet is to just load up the second to last chapter and run around doing everything in that if going for the plat, then start over at Chapter 1 for the Hard Mode run when everything else is out of the way.
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Trakanon Raider
When you finish the game you get a popup telling you something to the effect of you needing to pick a chapter to go to and save it to preserve your chapter 13 completion status.
If you do that then you can jump around different chapters as much as you like.

Losing your hard mode chapter completions sounds wrong, like your save got corrupted perhaps.

Personally I haven't had any issues with it and have been jumping around different chapters and difficulties and it's always preserved my progress.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I hopped into 12, did the dates and reset the chapter multiple times before the boss gauntlet and it recorded those fine. For hard mode manuscripts if you want to knock out the sidequests, classified fiends for accessories, etc I would advise going to Chapter 12 or 13 first since everything is available. You can worry about the chapter completions for the trophy after knocking all of the side content out, then do a straight shot from chapter 1 without distractions.
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Vyemm Raider

I guess taking money from your Sony overlords isnt working out too great vs being multiplatform. I wonder how they did not see this coming?

Square Enix has announced a major shakeup dubbed ‘Square Enix Reboots and Awakens’ that will see them embrace full multi-platform game development, after PlayStation 5 exclusives Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Foamstars all failed to meet internal expectations.

Should have never been exclusive.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Probably will slow development a little bit, but not going to bitch if I can get solid PC versions going forward.


Potato del Grande

I guess taking money from your Sony overlords isnt working out too great vs being multiplatform. I wonder how they did not see this coming?

Should have never been exclusive.
Final fantasy 16 is mediocre at best, doubt it being multiplatform would have helped much.
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Vyemm Raider
It got overall good reviews and in the end thats what matters most for JRPGs because its hard for them to get good reception most of the time. However youre wrong because PS5 has like 30m sold? When FF7Remake came out the PS5 had 100m - thats a stark difference which doesnt matter to that particular title but its kinda key for why Square did this stupidly by releasing games without them being multiplatform when the console install base isnt plentiful.


Potato del Grande
Final fantasy 16 is mediocre at best, doubt it being multiplatform would have helped much.
It averaged out at mediocre, it had higher highs than BG3 even but much lower lows.

It's like every part of BG3 is a 10/10 but FF16 has 12/10 parts and 6/10 parts.

After being shit for 20 years I feel like they can make good FF games again, but the sales did worry me that they would not see that.


Vyemm Raider
I for the first time loaded FF7Remake on a PC and i may never touch another JRPG that doesnt release multiplat - The mod support is pretty lol with the nudes but wow the game runs like butter cranked to max with every visually enhancing mod i could find to toss on it. On top of that even cranked the fuck up it doesnt even make the rig work. it runs flawlessly and easily. This hit a nerve because FF7Reburrrth i had to play at perf just to make it smooth and i hated every moment of it due to the shit visuals.