FOH Streamers


A Mod Real Quick
Thought this might be a decent idea for a thread, you can kill it if everyone hates it. The main idea behind this is to get everyone's streams out there for other members to watch or troll or whatever.

I'll start


Live Stream:

Games/Genres: WoW Raids (FOH Guild), Overwatch, Retro games, misc. steam games.

Schedule: Mondays and Fridays 9pm until 1am EST, randomly during the week.

Additional Info: I do it just for fun, not trying to make any money or do anything groundbreaking. I started streaming WoW raids for the guys that couldn't make the raid and also to gain a little hype into joining the guild. I do it still so that I can reference kill videos if someone needs to know our strategy. Sometimes I stream Overwatch so people can see how bad I am (I'm not terrible I promise).

I also need to stream SOMA for Utnayan.

Anyone else stream?
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<Bronze Donator>
I have my personal I've been trying to get back into

Live Stream:

Games/Genres: Mostly Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Schedule: Thursday-Monday 11:30pm-2:30am EST, Tuesday-Wednesday 6pm-2am EST

Additional Info: Trying to start streaming a lot. Would like to get Affiliate and see if I can gather a small following with this game. Been a long long time since I streamed
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I've got a stream too.

I mostly play retro games (primarily NES and SNES). I don't really follow a schedule, just stream when I feel like it!
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Molten Core Raider

Games/Genres: Overwatch and CSGO mainly, generally 'high level' play. I'll probably be doing WoW raid/mythics streams on the side once Legion comes out w/ my old static group. I'd play to play other games, like retro games and such.. and actually beat them, but haven't committed yet. Was hittin a few psx rpg classics.

Schedule: At the end of August i'll have a more solidified schedule with school, and hopefully a 1070 so I can actually stream at 144hz.

Additional Info: I'd like to do this as a full time thing, but the whole commitment thing is struggling and being someone who is generally extremely mellow and never rage while maintaining entertainment is difficult

The shit you could occasionally see.
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A Mod Real Quick
The problem with streaming at 144hz is twitch will ban you over a certain bandwidth. I can only stream at 30 or 48 fps before I'm up against the limit. I think more popular guys can get away with it.
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<Bronze Donator>
There is a bit rate limit for twitch, you really shouldn't stream over 30fps tbh. It's completely unnecessary anyways, people can't tell the difference. You play games at better than that for input reasons, and if you drop a few it doesn't cause the game to stutter. Those aren't really issues watching a stream, if you're dropping packets to twitch it's going to cut anyways.
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Molten Core Raider
On the 144hz, I meant on client side~ sorry. The stream is fine, I stream at 3.1 kb/s bit rate. I don't know about streaming fps? I think i'm locked at 30, anything above you basically have to be partnered to even get 60fps from what i'm told. 144hz is pretty crucial when it comes to FPS, at least for me. Esp in Overwatch the difference in trying to hit dashing genji's and tracers is pretty noticeable, csgo i'm consistent 270-300.
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<Silver Donator>
Btw who was the FOH streamer playing Elite:dangerous now and then? I really enjoyed watching that while grind stuff, very chill.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
So I am going to try steaming tonight.. It's my first time doing this but still I got a period of free time on my hands why not.. If any of you with some experience with this wouldn't mind offering a hand I would super appreciate it as I am not sure what I am doing yet.

Going to pull an all nighter with any of the people online for legion.. Gonna make some jack and cokes and have a drink at every quest I do.. See how well 110 goes. In the mean time I am gonna fuck with it.

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FoH nuclear response team
Okay, I'm fucking around today and haven't decided if this is something I want to do yet. But if you're interested in watching me get my ass kicked feel free to check it out.

First test (Planetside 2) - YouTube Gaming I'll be getting my ass kicked in Planetside 2 today.

I'm trying to figure this shit out as I go so I may or may not have mic audio and it may be choppy as all shit. I'll try to setup Twitch later if this works out.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>

I gave you all moderator rights
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Macho Ma'am
I've gotta twitch stream too.

I'm on every weeknight from 8:30pm EST to 11:30 EST. I actually just started streaming again.
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Molten Core Raider

Live Stream:

: FFXIV, EverQuest Project1999,
Blizzard and Steam Games. Mainly MMORPG, FPS, RPG

Current Stream Schedule (EST) give or take 30 minutes. I am a night owl. I usually take a nap before the stream. Sometimes I oversleep. I try to stream everyday and am usually on by 12 AM EST.
Mon 12:00 AM
Tue 12:00 AM
Wed 12:00 AM
Thu 12:00 AM
Fri 12:00 AM
Sat 12:00 AM
Sun 12:00 AM

Additional Info:
I've played many different MMORPG, and FPS games over the years. My roots are in EverQuest, World of Warcraft, Quake, and Counter-Strike. I've played EQ on and off since August 2000 and WoW since January 2005.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Launched this channel while I recover from a broken leg or hit the twitch lottery lol.

Game: Fortnite Battle Royale

Schedule: 8am - 4pm mountain time Monday - Friday with every other Friday off. Normally take a 45 minute lunch break at 11:45.

Additional Info: I will be streaming on a PS4 pro till I get my new computer built.
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Molten Core Raider
Here's my twitch, will mainly be streaming PUBG TPP, tournaments and grinding. Will also be bits of FPP

Schedule is normally EU prime time but can vary due to shift work
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