Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty...

I then proceed to...
Steve Brule What GIF
  • 7Worf
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
What prompted the court order was more..."interesting". I do not come off in a good light. But I remember this shit like it was yesterday. AND it involves EQ!

Baby's momma always thought I was cheating. Mostly because her friends kept telling her that there is no way I wasn't. (Stunning, gorgeous, strikingly handsome man that I was!) Aaaand every single one of my friends were cheating like crazy. MY ass was leading a guild in EQ called Blood Reign! Who has time to cheat? The rare times I did go out, she always came with me anyway.

One morning. She comes over my house screaming at the top of her lungs, that her friend saw me with someone else at dinner. Total lie. I was playing EQ for like 14 hours straight. No matter how I tried to explain, the bitch wouldn't shut up. I told her to leave. Bitch wouldn't. We get into a huge argument. I call the police to get her out.

Police show up. Mind you I CALLED THE POLICE to get her out. They immediately tell me I had to leave without even hearing my story because she is now outside balling like I had just beat the shit out of her. Finally, I tell them I own the house. She doesn't live here, I called the police. She goes into blatant lie mode. Tells the cops I hit her in the jaw. The young cop immediately realizes there is no fuckin way a 300 pound, jacked outta his mind man hit this 100-pound bitch, and leaves no scars nor bruises. The other cop though...

This fucker talks to her outside for 30 seconds. Comes back in and tells me I am under arrest for domestic violence and attempts to cuff me. Fuck that. This little Napolean bastard can't even get my arms behind my back. He gets pissed. Calls for MORE police, even though the second cop is right there! I'm asking time and time again, WTF did I do. He says finally I punched her in the jaw. Even the young cop is like get the fuck outta here with that BS. I push the little cop away. He goes full puffer mode. Other cop puts his hand on me. I just tell them to hold on. Young cop lets go. I then proceed to break my baby momma's jaw.

I go to jail needless to say. Couple days later (weekend, and you don't get bail on domestic charges) I am in court. Judge actually read the whole report by the YOUNG cop! Asks me WTF did I hit her if I clearly did nothing wrong. I tell him I was going to jail anyway, why not? He looks at me like he just heard some crazy shit. But nods his head like he understands! Still gives me 1 year of anger management classes. Drops the charges on the AB on an officer though.

Few months later, the bitches friend tells me she is due in like 3 weeks! Blah blah blah...Court order for child support comes later. NO visitation rights for 3 years because I'm clearly violent.

My daughter turned 21 a while ago, but was not done with college, so I still had to pay child support. She finally finished school, I guess? But today is her birthday also. Hence the end of my support.
Paying an adult child support seems crazy to me. Congratulations.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't understand why a woman would stay with a man who she thinks is constantly cheating on her, choosing constant drama instead of just leaving. People are retarded.

It’s about control. Usually that type of mentality is insecure, so they weaponize that insecurity to “prevent” the loss they are insecure about. They don’t want to leave, they want to control the situation on their own terms.

It’s basically emotional terrorism: meet my demands or suffer the consequences


Potato del Grande
Brahma Brahma I have something to tell you...I'm pregnant. Please start sending $18k checks for the next 21 years thanks!!
  • 4Worf
  • 1Mother of God
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I don't understand why a woman would stay with a man who she thinks is constantly cheating on her, choosing constant drama instead of just leaving. People are retarded.

In general? I don't know. Black men/black women dynamic is simple:

Not nearly enough black men to go around for every black woman. Like 5:3 women to men? (Not some crazy number like 20:1 women to men). But it's there. Even more jaded if you want to deem what society deems successful.

Every black dude I know, knows this. Black women will put up with even the cheating to keep their man.
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  • 1Galaxy Brain
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
93,883 black ass is free at last!

I know you mutha fuckers were ready with your harumphs! Your MLK day retorts. Your "All lives matter!" whining.

Fuck all that bitches! Today is the 1st day of the rest of my life!

Today I make 18k more a year!

Papa needs a new RTX 3090!

View attachment 392714

You may now commence the rickshawing! I just had to yell it to the sky!
  • 5Worf
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
This thread delivers. Congrats on the extra income and grown ass child.
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<Gold Donor>
I don't understand why a woman would stay with a man who she thinks is constantly cheating on her, choosing constant drama instead of just leaving. People are retarded.

Sounds like a culture of er'body cheatin' on er'body else.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Brahma's white?

I thought this was going to be a thread about him getting out of prison.
  • 1Worf
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I thought this was going to be a thread about him getting out of prison.


Not to keep this celebration train going...

This shit can't get any better!

She had to move back to the hood! In a FUCKED up area. I am sooooo tempted to send a fuck you card. Maybe send a clownagram to just laugh at her ass. I am that fuckin petty!

Me every time I here that bitch aint doing shit:

  • 2Worf
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