Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024)


<Silver Donator>
I don't hate the trailer, and hope the movie is good, but giant ice spikes showing up all over the city and conveniently not impaling a single person is so fucking stupid it hurts my brain. The spikes go through cars, buildings, and all other things but not people!! Jesus Christ Hollywood is fucking stupid.
At the high level I am hearing the reasoning this actually makes sense. Metaphysical frozen spikes shooting up through things but not people because they're there to inspire fear in the people which leads to the "fear based freezing to death" which actually kills them. I can see a logic there as much as I can see a logic in any ghost based movie...

GB:Afterlife was good enough for me to enjoy pretty thoroughly, although not something I crave a re-watch of. Appropriate level of homage and respect to the original characters, while introducing new characters stepping into the shoes.

As for the characters from "Answer the call" making an appearance.... I assume you mean as pictures in the newspaper of the first people killed by this phenomenon, nothing more.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
One thing I always found stupid about the sequels is how the Ghostbusters are diminished or forgotten or treated as con artists. If Ghostbusters happened it would be a massive disruption in society that would have profound and long lasting effects. The Ghostbusters wouldn't be doing birthday calls or not be known about by kids 30 years later.
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Ssraeszha Raider
One thing I always found stupid about the sequels is how the Ghostbusters are diminished or forgotten or treated as con artists. If Ghostbusters happened it would be a massive disruption in society that would have profound and long lasting effects. The Ghostbusters wouldn't be doing birthday calls or not be known about by kids 30 years later.

Made sense between 1 and 2. Paranormal things only happened for a short period of time when Gozer was about to return then immediately stopped afterwards.


<Gold Donor>
This looks super dumb. How are there people who think this looks okay.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Made sense between 1 and 2. Paranormal things only happened for a short period of time when Gozer was about to return then immediately stopped afterwards.
There would be tons of news footage of Mr. Stay Puft's rampage, not to mention some serious damages, like that famous church getting stomped. They were also a lot of individual incidents throughout the city where ghosts were encountered. I'm not sure how all that could be hand waved away. Mass hysteria cases don't have objective evidence like camera footage that could easily prove something actually happened.

I could believe people turn on the Ghostbusters and would think they were at fault for causing this to happen because they don't know the details but I don't believe that people would think it didn't actually happen.

But it's definitely worse after 2 when there's a fucking walking statue of Liberty and an entire museum covered in slime. What kid in the US wouldn't know ghosts are real?
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
David Copperfield made the statue of liberty disappear and nobody talks about it
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
My grandpa could pull his thumb off and on over and over again and no one talks about that either. Very strange indeed.
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privileged excrementlord
At the high level I am hearing the reasoning this actually makes sense. Metaphysical frozen spikes shooting up through things but not people because they're there to inspire fear in the people which leads to the "fear based freezing to death" which actually kills them.
If the goal is to kill them... why not just kill them with the spikes?


Millie's Staff Member
Fear makes them stronger. That's the entire POINT.
so basically this is the plot of Ghostbusters 2? instead of a river of anger ooze under the city, its a bed of fear icespikes on the surface.
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Avatar of War Slayer
There would be tons of news footage of Mr. Stay Puft's rampage, not to mention some serious damages, like that famous church getting stomped. They were also a lot of individual incidents throughout the city where ghosts were encountered. I'm not sure how all that could be hand waved away. Mass hysteria cases don't have objective evidence like camera footage that could easily prove something actually happened.

I could believe people turn on the Ghostbusters and would think they were at fault for causing this to happen because they don't know the details but I don't believe that people would think it didn't actually happen.

But it's definitely worse after 2 when there's a fucking walking statue of Liberty and an entire museum covered in slime. What kid in the US wouldn't know ghosts are real?
There would have absolutely been an entire boom industry of scientists researching ghosts. So, we'd have to believe they found NOTHING. to make people believe it was fake.

So the big question there is, was ghost activity exclusive to those two events? the answer should be no. the cartoon's which may not be canon, of course showed there were lots of other supernatural events going on. the movies themselves. tobins spirit guide exists. there is an ACTIVE publication on supernatural events and creatures. one that is fairly readably available to the public for ray and egon to subscribe to. so, we can say, the general public and science ignores this like astrology, and other fake stuff... but the fact is, its documenting supernatural events. so it confirms supernatural events are occuring. thus a real scientific inquiry should have found something. and the argument that, "it only happened during the movies" is wrong.
The second movie was also a cursed object. it can't be the only one. magic blatantly is real in this world. the supernatural spike in the first movie was tied directly to a god. but not the second, that was just constant ongoing magic.

the most plausible explanation, would be, there is an active cabal of magic users that work to keep knowledge of magic hidden. using magic to hide/falsify evidence. covering up any random supernatural event. gaslighting the public on a large scale. This is of course total fan canon, and not even remotely suggested at in any of the movies afaik.


<Silver Donator>

season 20 20x1 GIF by South Park
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This looks super dumb. How are there people who think this looks okay.

Will they wait to see if this is (obviously?) being used as climate change propaganda before rushing off to "OmgCurrentThing" and give moneys (ballots, in a way) - I will follow the thread to see.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Paul Rudd is a national goddamn treasure.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
My biggest issue is the CGI. Also Hudson looks great for his age. He's 5 years older than Murray but looks 10 years younger
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