Girls who broke your heart thread


I am not sure i am able to tell the story of the relationship yet, it still being a fresh wound....

I will throw up a pic out of spite though, it"s of her when i was over there on my birthday looking sexy as fuck, she cooked up a nice Italian meal for me that night....


(the pic is spoilerized cause its kinda big)

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:You Have Lost The Game



EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Ortega said:
Very long story! I lost my virginity to this girl and fell way way too in love. She had just broken up with a man who she was with for four years who treated her like dirt and ended up cheating on her. She had an extremely traumatizing life that I don"t really feel comfortable posting for some reason. I thought if I treated her good we would be together forever, but she just took advantage of me and would fucking not get her ex all the way out of her life. She now lives with him in the apartment that was supposed to be ours O well I guess, probably for the best, but it still hurts.
holy shit dude. I didn"t read a word you said but.....

moar pics please


I have no pics from back in 87 so just a story for the thread. It was my first year of college and I met a beautiful young woman named Dianne. She was funny and smart and athletic, we had much the same tastes in what sports we liked to play, movies watched etc. We got along so well that I truly felt we were destined to be together forever. I fell for her hard and fast.

While going to school, I was working part time as a security guard to make some extra spending money. One of my many jobs was working beer tents on weekends wherever a big get together was being thrown. One of the beer parties I worked was about halfway between the city I was living in and the city Dianne was from and I overheard some guys talking about her home town so it piqued my interest. After a few minutes of eavesdropping I heard one say "Dianne would be a beautiful bride and he couldn"t wait for her to finish school in (my hometown). I got curious and pardoned myself for intruding and asked if he meant Dianne _______, he looked at me and said yes that they were to be married soon. I was sick to my stomach.

I suppose I could have just walked away but I was crushed, so I appologised to him for having to tell him I had been banging his fiancee for the last few months. It was a huge coincidence to have met him like that, but one that I was very thankful for. Dianne never spoke to me again after that day and it was just as well. I spent about 3 months without even chasing any tail after that happened, I was so mad at women lol.


Tyen said:
holy shit dude. I didn"t read a word you said but.....

moar pics please
Hah maybe later. I have a few nude pics sitting in my blackberry : / Can"t bring myself to delete them lol. Fuck she was so god damn hot and she sucked a mean dick too AND SWALLOWED!!! God I wish she didn"t have to be a crazy self centered bitch


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Ortega said:
Hah maybe later. I have a few nude pics sitting in my blackberry : / Can"t bring myself to delete them lol. Fuck she was so god damn hot and she sucked a mean dick too AND SWALLOWED!!! God I wish she didn"t have to be a crazy self centered bitch


Mr. Poopybutthole
aychamo_aycono said:
You know how each time you fall in love, that girl sets the bar higher than the previous one, and you always wonder how you"ll ever meet someone that can compare? This girl raised the bar to about infinity. She"s one of the smartest girls I"ve ever met, mature, responsible, and to me, she is hands down the most beautiful girl I"ve ever seen in my life.
What"s with all the emo threads from you lately?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The one that hardened my heart, pretty sure every guy has one of these.

Aychamo BanBan

I bet it"s probably pretty good for us all to be sharing, and getting these things off our chests! Great stories, lets keep them coming!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Can we post about "The person you thought was a girl who broke your heart"?


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
kegkilla said:
real men don"t get their heart broken, they just listen to journey.
The more you say shit like that the more I regret giving you -"s.

Anyway, I"ve actually never been "heart-broken" except one time and this wasn"t even the girl being an evil bitch so its hard to classify it as a broken heart. I had been with a few girls before her and they all ended up cheating on me instead of breaking it off with me first. Then I got with her, She wasn"t a nerd/geek/dork whatever you want to call it at all. Just this overly preppy girl well long story short she was hit by some drunk peice of shit in a hummer and died a few days later due to her injuries. Only 1 of 3 times I had actually cried in my adult life.


GrobbeeTrull2.0 said:
Aychamo turning FoH into his LiveJournal again. Sad times.
Go fuck yourself. Aychamo has done more for Screenshots than you ever will. If you respond to this, you are a gigantic faggot with a chode.