Gone Home


I just bought this from Steam. Apparently it released on 08/15. I was looking for a game to play for a while and this looked interesting. It's a first person story adventure. I can tell something is gonna scare the fuck outta me soon. Nothing has happened as I explore the house but it's creepy as fuck.

June 7th, 1995. You arrive home after a year abroad. You expect your family to greet you, but the house is empty. Something's not right. Where is everyone? And what's happened here? Unravel the mystery for yourself in Gone Home, a story exploration game from The Fullbright Company.

Gone Home is an interactive exploration simulator. Interrogate every detail of a seemingly normal house to discover the story of the people who live there. Open any drawer and door. Pick up objects and examine them to discover clues. Uncover the events of one family's lives by investigating what they've left behind.

Go Home Again.
I've only spend 2 hours exploring, but it's got mood and immersion. It's simple so far and that's usually what makes a good game.

Do yourself a favor, play with headphones on and in a dark room.

Please use spoiler tagsIf you stumble upon something as I wont be able to play this until after Breaking Bad tomorrow night!

Edit. Don't waste your money on this. While it has an interesting story, it's far too short.


Molten Core Raider
Its a fucking house dude. With lights. When I played with my headphones I was FREAKED THE FUCK OUT BY THUNDER YO!!!!!! My room was dark. I loved those 2002 graphics. Opening all those drawers has me ALL KIND OF FUCKED UP! That kid is writing fucking FICTION yo! There's a storm. Indie games are best games!!!!!
Definitely a creepy game. I have been playing for a few hours and I love all the background story with the different characters. My only complaint so far is the music tapes because that music is so awful but I feel like I'm missing something from the story by not listening to them. Also, I'd love to play this game using the rift with the dark hallways, lights flickering, and creeks in the upstairs floorboards...


<Bronze Donator>
I wanted to like the game more than I did. Great idea for a game, average execution. It's not a bad game, but if the strength of your game is going to be the story, you'd better have one incredible story. I found the story to be a pretty run-of-the-mill Lifetime movie.

Edit: The thunder sound effect is very well done and will absolutely make you flinch even after you've heard it a bunch of times.


Molten Core Raider
I apologize for my post in this thread. A bad attitude I agree. I didn't really give the game a chance, it just wasn't for me. Hope other folks liked it.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I liked it. It's only about 3h long which is a bit on the short side given the price. On the other hand, a lot of effort has been put into the small details. As someone that was about the same age as the characters in the game back in '95 I probably got some extra value out of it as well. The story was good but not exceptional. It was told in a very effective way though.
Fun game for anyone born in the 80's that enjoys exploration, good concept, hope they push the horror aspect harder on another iteration, they have the engine and writing skills.


It was fun to "play." I am not sure it is technically a game, more an interesting somewhat-interactive experience.

While I enjoyed it, I don't really think that I want a bunch of copies and clones of it. Part of the reason it worked for me is that it fed on genre conventions of horror in film and games, but got me interested instead in a pretty realistic and real-to-life narrative. That said, I don't think the horror ish tricks, nearly a red herring, would be there next time.


Just played through this since Hearthstone is down for maintenance.

I didn't feel like I rushed through it, but it only took me two hours to play through. Even at $10/hr, I feel like I got my money's worth since they put together a heartfelt story with a really rich background.

It's interesting that it 'feels' like a horror game with the creepy house, rain/thunder, and flickering lights, but it never actually goes there. Like Sam and Lonnie looking for, but not finding any ghosts, there really isn't anything else there other than your imagination. Entering new areas like the basement or the attic, you expect there to be some big fantasy mystery revealed, but it's just more details on a more grounded love story. The little elements like the hidden passages, Ouji board, and the 'exorcism' add to that fantasy, but it's just the developers getting the players to internalize that feeling.

Also, there's one letter that describes the first time the two girls actually have sex, but the player is prevented from reading it for more than a few seconds. If you Google the note, there really isn't anything there to write home about, but I thought it was a really interesting move for Katie to assert herself on the player. The entire game is the player rummaging around this house, reading notes and letters, but in that one moment, Katie stop you.

Anyways, it was a fun game, but really short and it left me wanting more (which is a good thing, IMO). It's worth a playthrough if you're into what's essentially just an interactive story.