Good sci-fi/horror books?


anyone got a working link to a mobi/epub of this novel? would like to try it too and the one on mobilism is broken
Came into the thread hoping to find a good suggestion or two.
Well shit, I guess I should read Blindsight.


Trakanon Raider
Came into the thread hoping to find a good suggestion or two.
Well shit, I guess I should read Blindsight.
It's not exactly a common genre, most horror being supernatural in nature, it makes for an odd fit with sci fi. Blindsight is the only one that sprang to mind immediately.
There's a few others that could be argued such as:

The Atrocity Archives, Charles Stross
The Doomsday Book, Connie Willis
Feed, Mira Grant
Dust, Elizabeth Bear

I'm a bit iffy about classifying them as horror personally, but they have amazon category tags for horror*, so close enough I guess ? ;p

* These are apparently assigned by a bunch of pussies, as they give them to things like Skulduggery Pleasant ;p


Molten Core Raider
Looking for some good recommendations for horror books too.

Recently readPortrait of the Psychopath as a Young Woman. It's kind of like a female version of American Psycho. Some cringe worthy parts in there but it was a decent read.

Big fan of Edward Lee books and the splatterpunk genre. Highly recommended if you have a strong stomach as some of his stuff is pretty nasty.


I've been reading a lot of Lovecraft lately. The language can be a little archaic but some of the stories are quite unnerving. Mountains of Madness has to be my favourite so far.


Molten Core Raider
Just about any Richard Matheson novel. The basis of so much modern horror/suspense.

I am legend. (Not a single movie has even gotten the tiniest bit close to making it well).
What dreams may come (Sooo much deeper than movie).
Hell House (the Godfather of haunted house stories).

Those three are favorites, with good reason. What Dreams May Come is probably the most sci-fi-ish of them.
I'm about to enter a 3 month stint in the middle of fucking nowhere, I will read each and every horror novel recommended to me (as long as no one purposely recommends shit).


<Gold Donor>
Since I went to the trouble of getting that Blindsight book for others to read, I figured I might as well read it too.

I guess I'm not the target audience, or not smart enough, or something. It really did almost nothing for me in terms of enjoyment. Once I figured out that I just needed to keep reading and not worry about the definition of every single word, I was able to grasp what was going on through context for the most part, but it was just too clinical, too bleak, and the characters were too difficult to connect with in any meaningful way.

I do see where the entire premise could be considered ground-breaking and such, but the way it was presented did absolutely nothing to make me care about any of it. And I *suppose* that if this were made into a movie and shot with a bunch of jump cuts and jarring music it would be considered "sci-fi horror," but I didn't really get a horror vibe at all from it. Even the fact that there was a fucking vampire in it didn't make it horror for me, because other than the particular "cryo sleep" idea he came up with (good idea, I'll give him that), you could have told me it was a Klingon and it wouldn't have changed the story much at all.

Anyway, it wasn't Snow Crash bad, and maybe I'm just retarded and thus didn't "get it", but this book was bordering on possibly making it to "meh" status simply because of the innovative ideas. The afterword where he explained how he came up with shit and what it all was based on was FAR more interesting than the actual book, to be honest, because it wasn't being narrated by one of the least interesting characters I've ever encountered in a book.

I'm not bashing those that liked it, but just giving a different perspective. It just didn't do it for me.


Golden Squire
I'm with Vvoid. I'm about halfway through it and just can't get into it. It reads like the Gravity's Rainbow of sci-fi novels.

Edit: I ended up just skipping it. Pretty much this:

I'm not bashing those that liked it, but just giving a different perspective. It just didn't do it for me.
+1 from me. I made it about halfway through and like Vvoid said, either I'm not smart enough to follow along with the author's writing or he needed to spend less time with the space-thesaurus and a little more time writing something that was enjoyable to read.


Molten Core Raider
I'm about 30% into The Doomsday Book and it's boring as fuck. Still waiting for something interesting to happen for it to deserve the horror/sci-fi tag.


I would agree with Velk's comment above that it's a bit iffy classifying The Doomsday Book as horror. While it's a great book (in my opinion), and the Black Death is certainly a 'horrific' disease, I don't think it deserves a 'horror' tag.