Guild Wars 2


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You always get at least one rare. Frequently get some decent stuff. Dungeons are still way better for loot.


FoH nuclear response team
I'm still on Sea of Sorrows. If anyone else is still playing there shoot me a PM so we can do some dungeons or something.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You can form groups to do instances across any servers, as long as you don't go NA-EU.


Any suggestions on tradeskills for a mesmer? I've picked up artificing, which seemed to make sense... and for #2, maybe tailoring or jeweling?

FWIW: capping the FPS to 30 fixed the blackscreen issue and makes no noticable difference on my screen. Odd behavior, but hey.

edit: on an unrelated note, is there PvP armor/weapons that can be used before lvl 80? I played a couple runs that were quite fun and bought some stuff from the vendor. 3 level 80 things.



Silver Squire
Pick any tradeskills you want; in the long run, it doesn't matter. You can take all of them, and it will only cost a few silver to swap between them.

Regarding pvp armor, you can purchase power/vit/toughness gear from the wvw vendors for karma or badges of honor.


FoH nuclear response team
I started doing some PVE until the patch drops and finally starting to get used to the dungeons again, if anyone is interested in playing send me a PM and we can guest or whatever.


Trakanon Raider
Anxious to see the consensus after the patch hits. They seem to have a good list of changes. If everything goes well, I may fire the game back up. I know it's all I have heard at work. For whatever, it has quite a bit of people excited.


2 Minutes Hate
Looks like a shit load of Engineer changes. I haven't played mine in quite some time, I wonder if they are more fun to play now.


Trakanon Raider
Looks like a shit load of Engineer changes. I haven't played mine in quite some time, I wonder if they are more fun to play now.
Everything up and running? Looks like some people didn't come into work today (could have been the snow) but, is this really that much of a game changer. I guess if people consider this the only solid MMO option right now, a patch like this would be a big deal.


2 Minutes Hate
Nothing was really put in the game. Leaderboards (Finally) don't excite me. If I was still excited to play the game, these would be awesome. There was literally nothing added that changed the scope of the game outside some new story quest things.

WvW Ranks? C'mon. More experience bars to fill up? Woopie doo.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
No Culling and they made it so Rams aren't damaged through doors, those are 2 monumental changes. However, I haven't played GW2 in months and I doubt I'll log in again anytime soon.


2 Minutes Hate
Culling and rams make no difference to person on the fence or close to it. Nothing has fundamentally changed about WvW to make it interesting.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Culling and rams make no difference to person on the fence or close to it. Nothing has fundamentally changed about WvW to make it interesting.
Exactly. I'm kinda pissed at the GW2 devs. I spent over a year beta testing the game for them and we told them countless times that their PvP was not going to hook anybody, they were stubborn and thought their shit didn't stink. They wanted GW2 PvP to be an eSport, lmao... heads should be rolling over there. So many great ideas and they couldn't deliver in the most important areas. If they just copied the successful parts from GW1 and made a few improvements the game would have been 1000x better. WvW was a different animal and I believe as long as they had an addictive PvP game, player retention would have been higher and WvW would benefit from that. As it stands, the game is an excellent PvE game but even the PvE lacks retention. GvG and HA (HoH) were the most addictive parts of GW1 and they abandoned them. The game is called GUILDWARS and there isn't even a GvG mode. So dumb.


Trakanon Raider
Muligan where do you work that people are this excited about GW2?
I'm the IT Director for a School district. Essentially I have people under me fresh out of college or getting some hours in that are finishing up or just out of high school.


Trakanon Raider
Nothing was really put in the game. Leaderboards (Finally) don't excite me. If I was still excited to play the game, these would be awesome. There was literally nothing added that changed the scope of the game outside some new story quest things.

WvW Ranks? C'mon. More experience bars to fill up? Woopie doo.
Wow... they really paraded this around and made it a much bigger deal. Given that I only beta tested the game it was hard for me to decipher the truth.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Nothing was really put in the game. Leaderboards (Finally) don't excite me. If I was still excited to play the game, these would be awesome. There was literally nothing added that changed the scope of the game outside some new story quest things.

WvW Ranks? C'mon. More experience bars to fill up? Woopie doo.
There's a bunch of shit they could do to improve the game, but yeah, there's no easy things they coudl do that would make me want to log in again. The only thing I can think of is to give the battles a sense of permanence that breaks up how repetitive the game is. And virtually everything I can think of (winning conditions in the week long fights, breaks between WvW periods, being able to destroy keeps/towers/camps etc) lowers the accessibility of the game.


2 Minutes Hate
Yeah, nothing easy for sure, but there needs to be more than a hook of you just running around getting point caps.


Silver Squire
I had big hopes for this wvw patch but it was a disappointment; too little too late (if it had come out in February as was originally intended I might have been happy).


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
There's a bunch of shit they could do to improve the game, but yeah, there's no easy things they coudl do that would make me want to log in again. The only thing I can think of is to give the battles a sense of permanence that breaks up how repetitive the game is. And virtually everything I can think of (winning conditions in the week long fights, breaks between WvW periods, being able to destroy keeps/towers/camps etc) lowers the accessibility of the game.
Fights are actually fun now that the client actually renders everyone and barely even dips in FPS.

Most of the new content is complete shit, but actually being able to play the game the way it was intended is a huge change that can't be summed up by a patch note.