How much money do you make?

How much money do you make?

  • $0-$50k

  • $50k-$100k

  • $100k-$150k solo

  • $100k-$150k household

  • $150k-$200k solo

  • $150k-$200k household

  • $200k-$300k solo

  • $200k-$300k household

  • $300k+ solo

  • $300k+ household

Results are only viewable after voting.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Over the years money has come up with members of the community and some have opened stated their annual income meanwhile others have expressed they get by on disability or a similar fixed budget. Now I certainly am not asking for people to openly state their income or what they do for a living unless they feel comfortable posting about it in this thread but overall I am curious where most of the people that visit this site fall in-between. I would venture a guess and say that a vast majority fall on the middle class spectrum and would have a household income of $100k-$200k. Which I guess is even debatable if that is considered middle class anymore, maybe it's lower class in 2019.

@a_skeleton_03 can hopefully correct me if I am mistaken but if I recall correctly there was some demographic data that showed this forum on average was pretty affluent as a whole. If you do have some insight or demographic data I am curious how it would fall in this scale.

I tried to limit the poll options but make them cover enough ground to hopefully fall in line with the average board member, if needed I can always alter them but I have kept to mostly $50k increments as that seemed like a suitable cut off point.

Anyways so how rich are you chumps? Do we have any Daddy Warbucks, Elon Musk mother fuckers among us? Are some of you homeless Portland trash posting at a local starbucks?
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
NICE TRY, you'll just use this to solicit for site donations /tease
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Hey 300k solo guy. Want to hang out?
  • 10Worf
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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
About 150k for a household, but paying mortgages and other debts doesn't exactly leave me flush. Comfortable though, and eventually I'll be able to save better.

Also I'm really bad with money because I'm a manchild.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
100-200k is considered middle class? Sure, I guess if you have 3 kids and are putting them all through college, or you live in San Fran/New York/Santa Barbara.

That's "Retire when I'm 35" Money easily in like.. 80% of the country hah.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Should have made options for bigger numbers heh
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Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
100-200k is considered middle class? Sure, I guess if you have 3 kids and are putting them all through college, or you live in San Fran/New York/Santa Barbara.

That's "Retire when I'm 35" Money easily in like.. 80% of the country hah.

It CAN be. Sadly for most it’s buy the biggest house I can barely afford and still live paycheck to paycheck.
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Uncle Tanya
I'm at less than 30k... I know I'm poor by definition but don't feel poor. I own my condo and I'm very happy with everything I have and don't have an aching desire for much else, so that 30k goes far tbh.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I'm at less than 30k... I know I'm poor by definition but don't feel poor. I own my condo and I'm very happy with everything I have and don't have an aching desire for much else, so that 30k goes far tbh.
Holy shit that's poverty
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
So far if people are being honest there is a pretty decent distribution between the brackets.

I'm at less than 30k... I know I'm poor by definition but don't feel poor. I own my condo and I'm very happy with everything I have and don't have an aching desire for much else, so that 30k goes far tbh.

I guess I could see 30k going far if you own your home/condo so there is no mortgage/rent. That being said I don't know if I could manage it.

Nice try IRS

I only audit Thots baby.

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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm at less than 30k... I know I'm poor by definition but don't feel poor. I own my condo and I'm very happy with everything I have and don't have an aching desire for much else, so that 30k goes far tbh.
Owning your own home is HUGE! You'd really feel poor if had to pay a mortgage as well on that 30k. The $1500 a month I pay right now in mortgage would sure go a long way towards other shit, but like others, I'm a man child, and would probably just spend it on more toys.


A Mod Real Quick
We have a solo income household just over 6 figures and it's very tough in MA, housing prices are absurd. My house is assessing nearly 100k over what we bought it at too along with the rest of the neighborhood.

As an aside I was talking with some junior engineers at work the other day and they were talking about salaries. They said something about how they thought the real senior principal engineers must make like $120k and I had to bring them back to earth for a minute. I didn't tell them what I made, but I insinuated that as a senior engineer (two promotions above them) I know for sure they make way more than that. Just found it interesting.

There's a lot of truthful people here I imagine but a few I have doubts on
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
100-200k is considered middle class? Sure, I guess if you have 3 kids and are putting them all through college, or you live in San Fran/New York/Santa Barbara.

That's "Retire when I'm 35" Money easily in like.. 80% of the country hah.

If you live like you make $30k but make $150k sure. No one does that though. Maybe solo dudes, wives and kids are money vacuums.

People making $150k aren’t living check to check but they’re in larger houses, nicer cars, nicer clothes, more expensive vacations, and they actually have to pay for private school or college, they don’t qualify for grants.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
If you live like you make $30k but make $150k sure. No one does that though. Maybe solo dudes, wives and kids are money vacuums.

People making $150k aren’t living check to check but they’re in larger houses, nicer cars, nicer clothes, more expensive vacations, and they actually have to pay for private school or college, they don’t qualify for grants.

I live on... maybe $35k a year despite now making $110k. My woman makes like $90k and we are generally quite cheap. My house is the cheapest in the neighborhood and it's the only debt I have. No kids yet or anything but financially I am extremely well prepared for them. If I somehow started making $160k in the next 6 years I almost guarantee my lifestyle wouldn't change. It hasn't changed in the last 8 years. If anything it got cheaper.
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Gunnar Durden
120 solo, 160 household.

Baller money in Buffalo. Sadly I blow a solid 120 a week on happy hour and home drinking. And another 60-80 on eating out for dinner. Living like that takes a huge chunk out of your post tax earnings. It’s like I make 20 grand less a year.