Idle Heroes


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Very fun game IMO. I've been playing this game for some time now. It's a very P2W game, though, but it's a lot of fun even if you are F2P or toss in $15 a month for a "Monthly card".

I am one of the top players in the entire game, so I can help with it if anyone has any questions on what to do.

Idle Heroes • r/IdleHeroes

iOS and Android are seperate server farms. You are likely put on one of the new servers if you start (i.e. Server 75) but if you want to play on an older established server, you can manually change, but each server is completely independent of each other, including VIP status and some servers are less popular than others. If you have a lot of money it is straight up P2W (The top VIP level cost over $20,000 to get LOL), but lots of people enjoy it even F2P. If you want to spend a lot, make sure you're going to be on a decent server! lol.

Game is a real blast though, and it's not much work. Really only requires ~30 minutes a day.

Gameplay video from my character this week:

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Karazhan Raider
Been playing the last couple of days. It seems like most of the “free” stuff they give to newbies has already dried up and progress has slowed to a crawl. Usually takes longer with these types of games. Going to play for awhile and see how it is since the time commitment for this game is pretty low, but it’s looking to be on the extreme end of p2w


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Been playing the last couple of days. It seems like most of the “free” stuff they give to newbies has already dried up and progress has slowed to a crawl. Usually takes longer with these types of games. Going to play for awhile and see how it is since the time commitment for this game is pretty low, but it’s looking to be on the extreme end of p2w

It does slow a lot but the time commitment is very little - its a game where you will progress and really you just need to log on and do dailies every day and log on at least once every 8 hours so that your idle exp/loot farm timer resets (fun fact: you have to log on every 8 hours, but not actually collect it, though you should collect it 5 times a day for the dailies).

As I mentioned in my original post, it's very P2W. But I do have a few friends who are able to slowly build their teams over time and not spend much and spend at best 20-30 minutes a day in it. It's actually much nicer today than it used to be. 5 star shards used to be insanely rare, but now they are pretty reasonable to get. Once Aspen unlocks for you, that takes a little more time, but the rewards are nice.

If you need to know anything, though, I know practically everything there is to know about this game, and have one of the best teams/heros in the entire game. I'm VIP11, though, so I've spent a lot, but I beat pretty much every VIP13 out there.

If you don't want to spend, it'll be slow, but I'll give you the following advice:

1. Focus on Fortress and Forest Heroes.
2. SAVE RESOURCES. Don't blow summon scrolls except in summon events. Don't spin casino wheel except in casino event. If you get a 6 star or 7 star quest in the tavern, let it complete but dont click the complete button until tavern event (like now). For F2P players, conservation of resources and spending wisely will get you really far, actually. But it just takes time. Some events, like Summon events, you're not going to complete as F2P (You need to do 650 summons to get the top reward, generally). However - do the things you need to to complete dailies always.
3. If you have any question about heroes, there a billion tier lists out there, but screw all of them, just ask me. I know every hero in this game inside and out just about, and know what works well with others, what's good for F2P vs. P2W, etc.
4. It's possible to 9 and 10 star heroes being F2P but it takes awhile. Again, just save resources.
5. The best "starter" heroes which are really good for having a nice baseline team for a F2P player are:
- Queen
- Iceblink (Worth 10 star)
- Malassa (She's really good for Help Fight/Marauders and even better paired with a Margaret)
- Aidan (Not bad, but I wouldn't 10 star)
- Ormus (amazing healer, worth a 10 star)
- Starlight (Not good at end game, but is a good hero for F2P - don't 10 star her though)
- Faceless (again, don't 10 star)
- Groo (He's a good tank for F2P)
6. Avoid these heroes at all cost (don't destroy them, but you can use them as components for 6 star fusions, but I suggest not going over 6 star with these so they can be used in other fusions/awakenings):
- Baade
- Eddga
- Dragon Slayer
- Field
- Kharma
- Dominator
- Bleecker
- Honor Guard
- Mirage
- OD-01 (He's good but useful for -1- thing)
- Lord Balrog
- Fat Mu
- Gusta

7. Do not altar ANY heroes unless 1 or 2 star. You can altar 3 star, but they are used to make 5 stars, so make sure beforehand you don't altar ones you might want to use in fusion. P2W swims in 3 star heroes, but F2P can still go through issues with it.
8. Before buying anything (if you want) consult with me first - some shit isn't worth it, but some are decent deals.
9. Asmodal and Michelle are the best heroes in the game, period. Both Light faction, so generally unless you're P2W you won't be able to fuse them up, but I'd never get rid of Light and Dark heroes. Eventually, if you play a long time, you can do it. My friend who is F2P has an 8 star Asmodal and can make a 9 star, but he needs another 5 star Asmodal to do it.




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Karazhan Raider
AladainAF AladainAF Cool, thanks for all of the info. I’ve been saving my heroic summon scrolls for a bit now, and have been saving the rest of the stuff for the past couple of days.

I’m stuck at 6-19 since I’m not high enough level (need to be 68) to go to 6-20, and I’m at ~125 layer. Even if I spend money I will never spend the money needed to be anything more than low VIP, so I’m not too worried about that. Here’s what I currently have



Karazhan Raider
Is there any reason to not use 5star hero pieces? Like are there any events that I should save those for? Now that I at least have a full 5* team I don’t really need to use them unless there’s no point in saving


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Is there any reason to not use 5star hero pieces? Like are there any events that I should save those for? Now that I at least have a full 5* team I don’t really need to use them unless there’s no point in saving

I don't use them because I save them for fusion events because I don't want the cluttering of inventory (you especially with 65 slots should not use them except in fusion events or in special events where getting a certain hero gives you rewards). However, in your case you should probably use them as you need 2 of a hero to advance it to 6 star (in addition to other 5 stars of same faction).

You also need 5 star heroes from same faction to awaken to 7/8/9/10 star.

The rule is:

Take a 5 star hero that can be 10 stared (NOTE: Norma atm cannot 10 star, but can 9 star)

in order to.....

6 star: You need the old 5 star that you leveled up plus one other of the 5 star of the same hero you're taking to 6 star. Plus, you need another 5 star of a specific type, and 3 other 5 stars of the same faction.
7 star: 4 5 stars of the same faction
8 star: 1 6 star of the same faction. 3 5 star of the same faction. (I think this is correct)
9 star: 1 6 star of the same faction. 2 5 star of the same faction. 1 5 star of the exact hero you're 9 staring.
10 star: 2 5 star of the exact hero you're 10 staring. 1 6 star of the same faction. ANY 9 star hero.

So in short, you need a total of 5 5 stars of the exact hero you're taking to 10 star, plus about 60,000 promotion stones, 2 other 6 stars of a faction, 1 9 star hero of any kind, and 12 other 5 stars of the same faction. It's a lot of work. 10 stars for F2P players don't generally happen until about a year of playing.

In your lineup I'll point out:

1. Do not waste resources leveling up 4 star or 3 star moving forward. I know you probably did because that was all you had at the time. But moving forward, no need to waste resource.
2. No point to level up light and dark heroes unless you 5 star them at least and know for a fact you'll use them.
3. When creating 6 stars or 5 stars the hero you put on the far left will have its level, and treasure (gem) "inherited" to the new hero. In other words, if you go to creation circle and click a 6 star hero there, you'll see on the left a bigger icon. If you put a level 50 hero there with say a green tier gem (treasure) then the resulting hero will start at level 50 and the same gem. This is most useful when making 6 stars. So if you know you're going to be 6 staring a hero and will be using it feel free to "invest" into it.
4. Norma is a good healer, but ultimately won't carry you very far. Mirage is allright for a free to play player. Not the best, but there are much worse. Stick with your ormus, he's solid healer. Though he really doesn't shine until 10 star. Alera is a great hero for 5 star to help carry you through for a bit, but ends up sucking at 6 star+. Still, feel free to invest into 6 star or 9 star iwth misc. heroes because long-term you'll awaken other better heroes and can use them as components (and the gmae will give you a portion of the resources you used back to you).
5. Don't altar 4 stars if you can help it. However, with the small number of slots, you might have to.
6. VIP3 gives nice perks, mainly the 100 hero summons = free 5 star. And the 10 casino wheel spins for 8 chips, extremely helpful for the casino events. The rest of the rewards moving forward are kinda meh.

More pointers I didn't mention:

1. The casino chips in the marketplace are a good deal - all of them.
2. The 150 gems for a hero scroll is a good deal.
3. The arena tickets for 50k and the 10 pack is a good deal. The one for 15 gems is not.
4. All other things in the marketplace are bad deals.
5. When you are in a guild, invest in guild tech unless you need a hero from the store and can use it to immediately 6/7/8/9 star a hero. Guild tech carries you a long long way.
6. Pick 1 monster and keep with. The deer, fox, and dragon are my favorites.
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Karazhan Raider
I don't use them because I save them for fusion events because I don't want the cluttering of inventory (you especially with 65 slots should not use them except in fusion events or in special events where getting a certain hero gives you rewards). However, in your case you should probably use them as you need 2 of a hero to advance it to 6 star (in addition to other 5 stars of same faction).
Gotcha, basically only reason not to is inventory space.

You also need 5 star heroes from same faction to awaken to 7/8/9/10 star.

The rule is:

Take a 5 star hero that can be 10 stared (NOTE: Norma atm cannot 10 star, but can 9 star)

in order to.....

6 star: You need the old 5 star that you leveled up plus one other of the 5 star of the same hero you're taking to 6 star. Plus, you need another 5 star of a specific type, and 3 other 5 stars of the same faction.
7 star: 4 5 stars of the same faction
8 star: 1 6 star of the same faction. 3 5 star of the same faction. (I think this is correct)
9 star: 1 6 star of the same faction. 2 5 star of the same faction. 1 5 star of the exact hero you're 9 staring.
10 star: 2 5 star of the exact hero you're 10 staring. 1 6 star of the same faction. ANY 9 star hero.

So in short, you need a total of 5 5 stars of the exact hero you're taking to 10 star, plus about 60,000 promotion stones, 2 other 6 stars of a faction, 1 9 star hero of any kind, and 12 other 5 stars of the same faction. It's a lot of work. 10 stars for F2P players don't generally happen until about a year of playing.
Yeah I figured it was something like that based off of the 6* requirement.

In your lineup I'll point out:

1. Do not waste resources leveling up 4 star or 3 star moving forward. I know you probably did because that was all you had at the time. But moving forward, no need to waste resource.
Yeah, those were only because I didn’t have anything higher and figured it was more important to advance to be able to get more autobattle rewards.
2. No point to level up light and dark heroes unless you 5 star them at least and know for a fact you'll use them.
That’s kinda the plan, don’t really expect to do much with light/dark for quite awhile. I mean I’ll keep them until I can use them, but I’m not really shooting for bleeding edge or anything (obviously) so I’m sure I’ll be fine with the others.

3. When creating 6 stars or 5 stars the hero you put on the far left will have its level, and treasure (gem) "inherited" to the new hero. In other words, if you go to creation circle and click a 6 star hero there, you'll see on the left a bigger icon. If you put a level 50 hero there with say a green tier gem (treasure) then the resulting hero will start at level 50 and the same gem. This is most useful when making 6 stars. So if you know you're going to be 6 staring a hero and will be using it feel free to "invest" into it.
This was in the new player guides I read, so yeah that one I did know about.

4. Norma is a good healer, but ultimately won't carry you very far. Mirage is allright for a free to play player. Not the best, but there are much worse. Stick with your ormus, he's solid healer. Though he really doesn't shine until 10 star. Alera is a great hero for 5 star to help carry you through for a bit, but ends up sucking at 6 star+. Still, feel free to invest into 6 star or 9 star iwth misc. heroes because long-term you'll awaken other better heroes and can use them as components (and the gmae will give you a portion of the resources you used back to you).
Cool, didn’t know you get back some resources if you use a hero as a component. I’ve held onto all 3+* so far, will see how long I can do that with limited space.

Norma I kinda knew from looking up wouldn’t be a long term hero, but she has been extremely useful as a carry on the beginning. She’s actually pretty OP in the beginning game once she is Tier 5. Mirage is one of my best DPS right now, but as soon as I can get better...

Same with Aleria, he’s actually the one I upgraded from 4* because all of the components basically fell in my lap. His damage output is similar to mirage, so again he’s just there until I can find better

Ormus seems fantastic so far, went from stuck at layer 99 to ~130 just by getting him. Plus him and Norma soloed the entire brave trial for me.

Honestly neither Kharma nor Starlight seem all that good, but they are the only other 5* I currently have.

5. Don't altar 4 stars if you can help it. However, with the small number of slots, you might have to.

Haven’t so far, but like you said it will depend.

6. VIP3 gives nice perks, mainly the 100 hero summons = free 5 star. And the 10 casino wheel spins for 8 chips, extremely helpful for the casino events. The rest of the rewards moving forward are kinda meh.
I’m sure I’ll get there if I keep playing, but for now I’m only doing the mini monthly thing. How many ViP points total is 3?

More pointers I didn't mention:

1. The casino chips in the marketplace are a good deal - all of them.
2. The 150 gems for a hero scroll is a good deal.
3. The arena tickets for 50k and the 10 pack is a good deal. The one for 15 gems is not.
4. All other things in the marketplace are bad deals.
Awesome, that lines up almost exactly with what I buy. Only real difference is I’ve been buying the 15 gem arena ticket. Saving all for an event (except whats needed for daily)

5. When you are in a guild, invest in guild tech unless you need a hero from the store and can use it to immediately 6/7/8/9 star a hero. Guild tech carries you a long long way.
6. Pick 1 monster and keep with. The deer, fox, and dragon are my favorites.
Haven’t done anything with guild coins yet, wasn’t sure what the best would be. I’m pretty solidly in second in raid damage.

Monsters I haven’t unlocked yet, which do you think would be best for mostly f2p?


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
VIP3 I think is something like $30 or something. I would recommend the normal monthly card over the mini once you get a VIP level. Sadly, you don't get the daily perks of a VIP level unless you keep a monthly card. It's kinda a raw deal, but it is what it is.

Monsters for F2P either of them really. The deer will probably get you the furthest.

Another amazing resource is here, though it's dated:

Cx Knowledge Base

Oh for brave trial, don't buy anything except the monster pieces (1500 scales for 500 monster souls). Don't buy the 2400 one and I recommend never buying anything else except the monster souls until you max your deer.

Note you can rebirth, but you -lose all gold- on the rebirth (you get everything back). Later on it costs a lot to level up the monsters so I recommend never rebirthing. I went Dragon and Fox, but I might prefer Dragon and Deer. Dragon is nice too, but it's really hard to say. The Deer, Dragon, and Fox are all really good.


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Karazhan Raider
Min level for campaign is retarded. Got 68 which unlocked 6-10, and 10 minutes later I’m sitting st 7-4 waiting to get to level 72 for 7-5 to open


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Campaign just naturally happens. I agree it's dumb the way it's setup but it's restricted simply to force a specific leveling speed. Nothing more. Only way to speed it up is vip.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Also the idle heroes discord is crazy popular if you are on discord. Link to it is on Reddit or I can get it when I'm not posting from my phone.


Karazhan Raider
AladainAF AladainAF Just picked up Queen, you said she was a good one to use. Who of what I have should I replace? They are all higher level now, but the same heroes as what I posted. All still 5* and will likely be for quite awhile still.

Also, when you said all chips are worth buying in market, does that include the super chips? 240 gems seems a bit steep for one
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Replace Starlight or Kharma with Queen. Queen is totally solid, I'm in the best guild on my server and many people run Queen in slot 1 (At 9 star+ she has a 100% chance to counter attack). Not sure what the chance is at 5/6 star though.

No, sorry, not the super chips. I meant the regular chips.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
It’s only 35% chance to counter at 71% of attack at 5*.

Ahh okay, well, shes worth it still, but experiment with it - if you level her up though dont scrap her later (as she can be used to 6 star+). Eventually at higher tiers she'll get to 100% and that turns into a really nice feature. She does pretty good damage overall. The counter attacks can certainly add up, especially if she's in slot 1.


Molten Core Raider
I got both Bleecker and Honor Guard 5 stars, level and use them for as long as useful then prophet tree em into something else or ? I'm struggling with campaign more than anything, almost 73 and can't get past 6-19, tips?


Karazhan Raider
I got both Bleecker and Honor Guard 5 stars, level and use them for as long as useful then prophet tree em into something else or ? I'm struggling with campaign more than anything, almost 73 and can't get past 6-19, tips?
You have your monster? 5* Norma? If you don’t have Norma, you need to finish creating your account and you get her free

You should get Norma to 100 and put all of your best attack gear on. I’m level 74 and my Norma heals herself for almost 3k every time she is hit. She will likely lose her utility in the long run but for the 5 star game she is great


Molten Core Raider
Do have monster, but not that many levels from brave coins. Norma is 100 with best gear I've gotten.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I got both Bleecker and Honor Guard 5 stars, level and use them for as long as useful then prophet tree em into something else or ? I'm struggling with campaign more than anything, almost 73 and can't get past 6-19, tips?

Both aren't great heroes really, but you'll get better in time. If this is all you have then you gotta roll with it, because they are better than any 4 star heroes. But certainly can prophet tree them. However, part of me says to save the logs for later game when you need to really get specific heroes, but either way is fine.

As for the both of you my advice on the campaign is.. don't worry about it. You'll eventually get to the point where you are waiting on level requirements. The campaign being level gated is retarded, but it is. It's always a joke to defeat, too. The only time its a challenge is the early game (eg: 6-19), but eventually you'll catch right up and blast through a bunch of levels.

Also when your 3v3 arena opens (Trial of the champion), make sure you join it. Put any heroes you can in it for defensive. Even if you're in last place, and never do a single fight, being just a part of it will give you at least 30 currency and 30 gems, and the currency shop has prophet orbs for 200 for 10 logs for 20 (the only 2 things worth buying atm)
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Molten Core Raider
Fair enough, looks lucrative to get to auto battle 7+ though. Can put together full team of 5 stars now but not leveled enough of them, is it worth just using 5 stars and ignore faction combos etc?