"I'm a fucking idiot, what do I do now?", he said to his wife.

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Millie's Staff Member
Tanoomba is probably one of the few people here who actually responds to people without being an insulting douchebag.

Basically he doesnt belong here.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
No instead he just drags every conversation down into endless minutiae and semantics bullshit games and then passive aggressively posts unrelated horseshit in every thread he touches.


Tanoomba is fine but he seems lost and disoriented in this thread.
Fair enough. I think much of the community came down a bit hard on Onoes, but he knew what he was getting into just by starting the thread so I didn't think it worth jumping in to defend admittedly stupid behavior. I also suspected from fairly early that no one was trying to scam anyone but that both sides were overly suspicious of the other. I'd like to think situations like this would be more easily resolved if we weren't so quick to assume the worst in other people, but I'm sure many of you have great stories about exactly why weshouldbe assuming the worst, so I won't push my rainbows and daisies idealism on you.

I bought a used Corolla a few years back (from a dealer) and I've been pretty darn happy with it.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I always thought that wooden bumper was a joke at Tuco's expense. I didn't realize it was real. God Tuco, wtf.
On the way home tonight, I saw some little truck type vehicle with a wooden bed (made up of 2X6s I think) and thought of tuco. The bed looked better than the rest of the truck by a longshot. I started wondering if the guy had plans to replace the entire body with wood, cause that would be fucking boss.


Trakanon Raider
Someone asked for pictures of the car, here's the one from craigslist -

Issue's with the car - Cracked windshield, airbag issues, and what they think are bad motor mounts or transmission mounts (At steady speeds it rides fine, but while accelerating it gets very shaky). There are also a lot of little cosmetic things, and the reek of smoke. Otherwise, especially from the outside, it looks pretty much fine.

I basically went into this wanting to NOT spend 15k+ on a new car. I spend 8,700 and am not happy. I can spend another 10ish and have a brand new 2014 focus, for a couple thousand less than sticker price total, after taxes and fees. I could have done that from the start, I just didn't want to spend the money. I am now willing to spend the money for peace of mind, both to not have a constant reminder of the event, and to have a reliable car that I don't have to worry about.

I'm used to driving a super piece of shit vehicle. I'll take some pictures of my current car tomorrow, the one I have been driving around for the last 7 or so years. I bet I can give Tuco's wooden bumper a run for its money. How about expanding foam holding a window in place?!?! :p

As for my wife, no nudes, but here we are.

My wife making a face for the internets -

The two of us -

And my kids fighting chalk dinosaurs drawn on the concrete (currently my wallpaper)-

So, clearly scum of the earth.


Trakanon Raider
And man, just to juxtapose. Here is a picture of the people I have been dealing with. Taken from the girls Facebook.

Please do me a favor and don't get me killed over this? Thanks.



Buzzfeed Editor
So your wife has the brains AND the looks in the relationship and is willing to deal with you jeopardizing her life with shady deals in parking lots? She's a keeper. (lol, seriously though, good looking family, I'm glad you guys came through okay. At this point, if the car isn't falling apart, I'd just keep it. If you can get a really good deal? Owing on a new car is not the end of the world, especially if you can zero out interest and repay before it becomes a factor, which it sounds like you can.)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Totes put it in your wife, though I can't tell if she has sharp knees.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He has a lot to lose since if they get harrased the only retribution they can enact is on him and his family. I know you guys want to see some more lulz out of this but if I were onoes I'd just try to forget everything about this but the lessons learned.
so can we get the information when he no longer has a family when his wife divorces him?


Got something right about marriage
Dumbest thing he's done through this whole ordeal? Posting a pic of his wife on rerolled.
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