Legacy of Norrath - Classic+ EQ Experience

Hey All,

Hope you can show a little patience and love for sharing this server information for anyone interested. Everyone in this community has been playing together and MMO's for awhile, but we mostly all started on EQ and P99 has been great, but now that it's several years deep we got a few devs together to try and reboot the experience with a few wrinkles.

Hype Video!

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I am pleased to announce the official launch for the new Classic+ Everquest server, Legacy of Norrath.

After months of development from our team and several weeks now of beta testing, we are prepared to launch this Friday, September 14th. Our server has been thoroughly tuned to accurately replicate the original Everquest experience with a few notable quality of life improvements.

Legacy of Norrath will either bring you back or take you on your first journey, to the world that captured our imagination nearly two decades ago. We have included all original drops (including legacy items that dropped when the game initially released), zones that have been reverted to their classic status and all of the content and encounters as they were intended to be enjoyed.

In an effort to slightly modernize the experience, we have included a few wrinkles which we feel will only serve to improve your journey. There will be increased out of combat regeneration, that has also been tuned down for raid content, functional Maps which were added to the game client in subsequent years, additional race and class combinations to allow more freedom of choice and Iksars as a playable race. This last addition was accomplished by staging the Iksar home in Grobb and aligning their faction with the other Classic evil races. Once Kunark eventually releases, their lore and home will return to the envisioned and released way.

We envision the Legacy of Norrath server to be an opportunity to progress through the original content, all the way through the Scars of Velious expansion, with simple and practical improvements that do not detract from the original content and intended challenge of Everquest.

Please join us for our launch, this Friday, September 14th 2018 where we will also be offering a 25% experience bonus for the opening weekend. Our website and discord links below have all of the information necessary to join and play on the server.

Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

We look forward to sharing the adventure with you!
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Golden Squire
Iksars as a playable race. This last addition was accomplished by staging the Iksar home in Grobb and aligning their faction with the other Classic evil races. Once Kunark eventually releases, their lore and home will return to the envisioned and released way.


Golden Squire
Let's cut to the chase...is this server run by a lunatic?
Let's be real here - the only motivation to put one of these servers together is so you can play god and lord your power over the sad sacks who are still hopelessly addicted to EverQuest. So yeah, he's probably pretty fucking nuts.

Edit: Just watched the "hype video". Yeah he's bat shit crazy.

Also, why has no one made any high res texture packs for the game? Would be an easy way to make the game look less horrid for the people still grinding it out.
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Trump's Staff
Modern client? Hard pass.

Edit: but I wish your server the best of luck. More EQ in the world.
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Let's be real here - the only motivation to put one of these servers together is so you can play god and lord your power over the sad sacks who are still hopelessly addicted to EverQuest. So yeah, he's probably pretty fucking nuts.

Edit: Just watched the "hype video". Yeah he's bat shit crazy.

Also, why has no one made any high res texture packs for the game? Would be an easy way to make the game look less horrid for the people still grinding it out.

Umm..no goal of 'lording' or playing God over anyone. Just really love the game and wanted a place to have a fresh start a few hundred people. To group up, raid, have fun, make new friends. The point of gaming and MMO's I guess. Not as Nefarious *snicker* as you're expecting...


Pathetic Reaction Bot
My hype was cancelled by the retarded narration through a tin can on the video


Uncle Tanya

What in your opinion drakleon84 drakleon84 makes your server the best and why should I care?

That sounds mean but I swear on my soul I'm not asking it rudely or in a mean way... I just want a fresh, honest reply.

What in your opinion drakleon84 drakleon84 makes your server the best and why should I care?

That sounds mean but I swear on my soul I'm not asking it rudely or in a mean way... I just want a fresh, honest reply.

100% legitimate question I would love to answer:

I'm someone that loved EQ and to me it was my first real MMO (I wasn't a UO player - but I played Terris the MUD on AOL). WoW was a ton of fun (I was in FoH in beta and stuff but played oceanic times at launch so went and started my own guild) but nothing really has this sense of nostalgia to me like EQ. For some reason I can run around butherblock all day, but I can't see myself loving doing quests in the Barrens again.

I also played P99, and did the batphone thing for awhile (getting 3am alerts that VS was up- GTF On!!!) which was fun for a bit. And I think P99 is a fantastic server run by fantastic people that paved the way for the EQEmu community.

At the same time, to roll there again when it's been capped for a long time, has thousands of fungi tunics, millions of plat, etc doesn't quite 'grab' me. Also, P99 follows a strict Vanilla system where they had none of the QoL items later added into the game (and you can debate now - was that intentional, or was it technology or lack of resources?). I personally don't (and many others as well) want to spend 15 minuted medding, staring at a spellbook between pulls just because 'its classic.'

I think we can enjoy the vanilla EQ content and experience with a few, I guess you have to call them, shortcuts. Maps, out of combat regeneration boosted a bit (so in combat, in a raid, everything is vanilla - but you're not taking a 20 minute smoke break after buffing for example; maybe just 2-3 minutes) and a fun wrinkle we thought was to integrate iksars and some of the more roleplay/fun combos that were eventually available like Gnome SK or Halfling Ranger.

It's slightly higher Quality of Life Everquest. The same fun experience, without some of the pain I don't necessarily want to experience again. It's sort of like boot camp; I would never do it again, but I'm forever thankful I did it. In the end, you can look at map on your screen, rather than pull out your 60 page binder of maps you printed at the office in 2000, and med up between pulls so you can adventure more and sit less.

We have almost 300 people in our discord interested in launch this Friday; close to 10k views on our reddit posts with good Q&A going on, and we have a dev team of 4 people working tirelessly and ready for launch (everything honestly is cherry and good to go; we're all chomping at the bit til Friday now).

I hope this explains a bit? I don't want to talk about why we're better than X, Y or Z server, but I can tell you that other servers have advertised similar but haven't' put in this much work, effort and time or have the skills and abilities to pull off what we are on Friday :)
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