Loot situation POP quit dicking us around


That warrior is fake as hell, and...

Utandyan(sp?), you"re an idiot if you think the framerate bug in PoWater was intentionally placed there. He"s right in saying you"re completely paranoid. You"re obviously not a programmer, because if you were, you"d realize that the simplest looking bugs are sometimes the hardest ones to locate and eliminate.


Care to come up with a *REAL* example where they broke content that already worked on purpose? Note: Not removed or nerfed, *BROKE*. I bet you can"t do it.

Sleeper"s Tomb way back when. Don"t be naive.
*EDIT* Nevermind, it"s not even worth it. Let"s just say I disagree and leave it at that. Iannis apparently quoted part of it already, nothing I can do about that.


Musty Nester
BirgittePovar said:
Plane of Mischief wasn"t found within 3 days of release, so who cares if they fucked with it? I really have NO idea what you are driving at here. It was found by Irontaail of Povar quite some time after the release of Velious. Most people assumed it just plain didn"t exist up until this point. If you knew someone who found it within 3 days this is the first that I"ve ever heard of it. But if it was too easy to get to, then moving it to where it is now is still not purposely breaking content. This would be more of a "nerf".

The 4th warder was already broken when Conquest fucked with it. Temporarily stopping people from messing with already broken material is not "breaking" the material. If you"d like to claim it is, then we have a flat out disagreement on what breaking content means. I"m not going to lose any sleep on it.
People didn"t believe PoM existed because they utterly hid that zone-in in one of the most pain-in-the-butt places...maybe deep in sleeper"s tomb it would have been more difficult to get to. I can"t totally remember the events surrounding someone FINALLY finding that plane, but I remember being proven wrong(I was one the people who believed PoM only existed in a few screenshots they doctored up to be cockteases. hehe)
I remember laughing at one patch message, too, that basically read "adding new wacky things to PoM in the spirit of be mischievous!"...(translation: we"re "roleplay" putting in missing stuff.)
Didn"t they try to slip out of saying the Sleeper script was broken by pretending it was from the "illegal sploiting"? Yar...I wish I still had screenshots of the mule I parked in SS to try to get a screenshot of him before uberdeath.

I think just not fessing up to the missing or buggy stuff is worse than shipping the 65% complete expansions. Hi non-dropping or ridiculously blatant timesink Luclin components. (I said screw luclin and refused to camp the 20-hour-for-a-solid-week-and-maybe-you-get-me bane components for the unbalanced encounters, and for the non-dropping shards in poopie non-exp places...=))


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The 4th warder was already broken when Conquest fucked with it. Temporarily stopping people from messing with already broken material is not "breaking" the material. If you"d like to claim it is, then we have a flat out disagreement on what breaking content means. I"m not going to lose any sleep on it.
Jesus H Christ, you are such a fucking idiot.

The 4th warder was broken Far BEFORE conquest ever used the so called Z Axis exploit. They broke the 4th warder after another guild long before ended up completing the sleepers script. Which went off like a fart in church on Easter Sunday. Take a stab moron. Than the Warder was broken while they fixed the script! Not fix the sploit. Hot damn I have never seen anyone talk more out of their ass since I saw Richard Simmons guest star on a Chips episode.

Adding Plane of Mischief in a hard to get to place is purposefully breaking content? Are you fucking loony?
First off, PoM was NOT intended to be placed in fucking NTOV for christ sake. Does that makeAny fucking sense?Meanwhile PoG is placed in one of the easier access areas one can find.

They placed that little house in NTOV AFTER the fucking expansion was released and they needed to have a way out of their bullshit explanation of it hasn"t been found yet. So Triton CoH"s in, Ester has a fucking cow, the zone is no where near finished, they didn"t think ANYONE would click on a house the size of your own dick. Then you have Ester the Tester going around spouting the entire fucking zone, along with the card quests, and cloth caps dropping off ST warders are working as intended, while they haven"t added an RV vendor to sell the card combiner. People chase their asses for 3 months. The bottom line is, in this instance, I do not give a flying fuck if they broke it previously or not, they still watched as 1000 players chased their tails to quest items that were not even in the god damn database. And the fact that they placed the damn zone in in NTOV for a plane? That ALMOST makes fucking perfect sense if I did about 5 lines, took 3 tabs, gave you a hug, smoked some crack and started singing Koombayaa with a bottle of boone"s in my hand.

Common sense just bit you in the ass for 500 points.

You want to know why no company ever purposely breaks content? It costs money.
You want to know why they do? Oh I would say it took about fucking 63 seconds for someone to break the 4th warder considering I know the guy that did it for fucks sake. The same reason they keep on coming up with these convenient ass bugs when the players get to the end of an expansion. Because they released it before they were finished. Why? Because the money men said we want to push this out now, we"ll finish the top end zones later. What does this mean? This means they have milestones that no longer need to be reached. What does this mean? It means budgeting and scheduling of dev time, which is fixed from a production standpoint, not that you would know because you are a fucking clueless baboon, causes more time to sit around and play Duke Nukem 3D on a LAN of 8 computers with toothpicks up their ass because they have 2 weeks to fuck around, instead of actually taking that time to make a better game. Or better yet, actually take the time to test a script or develop a balanced loot table.

Why not just let them get to the ALREADY broken stuff?
Because, young grasshopper who has more to learn than anyone I have ever fucking posted with, the public would know for a FACT that they released an expansion before it was finished.DING DINGCommon fucking sense bites you in the ass again for 1k.

It might take months to make a zone like Vex Thal work. You think the warders were easy to code? Do you have any clue? No you don"t, so you continually fall back on the "Anything I don"t understand is easy" clause, and then folow it up with the "Because it"s easy and it took them 6 months, they must be lazy" clause.
You know how long it took to "Code" Vel thal, considering they use a zone builder which pretty much allows a designer to do what he or she wishes to do? About 2 weeks. Build the zone, populate the zone, path the mobs, add any scripting of quests, story, which is usually handled by another team anyway, and itemize the mobs. 3 weeks tops in the most extensive zone to date. You know fucking nothing. Cockstains like yourself with your head firmly planted up your ass while pulling words out of it to boot, should go back to playing their level 25 druids on Sullon Zek.

3rd grade insults for a 3rd grwade imagination.

You"re a God damn retard. Your knowledge of the sleeper events that transpired a broken 4th warder just proved you know jack shit.


So Triton CoH"s in, Ester has a fucking cow, the zone is no where near finished, they didn"t think ANYONE would click on a house the size of your own dick.
You must be complementing his manhood, the Zone-in for POM was quite large back then. It was shrunk late into Luclin if I remember correctly.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Pretty common knowledge that the PoM zone in was put in NToV just because it wasn"t finished at the time.

At the last fan faire the developers even said when/if they redo PoM (rumored for a while now) they"ll move the zone in to somewhere more accessable, much like in EW where the ST zone in is.


Ok this subject was about loot-tables and droprates...right?

Here is my opinion, although fairly limited since RZ keeps biting our ass atm. Looking at PoP so far we see lots of nicely done completely wasted zones. Lots of semi-tough-trivial mobs that drop Velious loot at best. Zero variety!

Saryn drops the mage shield EVERY SINGLE TIME. Karana always drops the green wis-caster orb. WTF is that?

There are 5 mini-bosses in Tower of Sol Ro that drop about 15 items overall. On top of it you get lots of class only loot. Gratz rott on the mnk/bst shit and the pal/SK lance whatever that is not even an upgrade to Ssra stuff. Seru looks like Jesus compared to that. A whole zone with huge potential (yes, it could be some sort of ToV II) gets wasted, because VI intentionally wants us to move on. Yes, these zones drop nothing because VI doesn"t want us to camp there. They want us to move on.

Now what is PoP overall? 10+ zones are designed to win one major encounter, get trash loot that"s worse than Ssra and move on to the next flagzone. Wow...awesome plot! Then you reach the elemental planes that are completely bugged.

Life sucks...and then you die....

Neric the Heretic
Arch Lich of Darkwind
Antonius Bayle
You are right, I"ve been /owned by the mighty Utnayan. I humbly beg to be forgiven, and hope that one day I might be as great as him.

I will add however that if I believed even half of what you said was true, I"d quit EQ, and it boggles my mind that you don"t.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
And speaking of Sol Ro, whats with the nodrop tag on alot of the stuff like the padded leather? You can seriously get better tradable items from SEBILIS


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I will add however that if I believed even half of what you said was true, I"d quit EQ, and it boggles my mind that you don"t.
Who says I haven"t? As of now I am definitely taking a break from this game, as I now see the same damn thing happening with SW:G. In no way shape or form will this game be ready to be released by April 15th, unless they had Baby Jesus as their in house tester.

I am tired of this happening to tell you the truth. I am more tired of seeing people play and play, some dedicating God knows how much time to this "hobby", only to be let down time and time again because they killed off 4-5 milestones (Which shouldn"t be done in the first place because that means they know they are releasing an expansion as they always have done) seeing half the dev team moved over to a different project, while the other half gets lazy and realizes they have no more milestones to reach, so they fuck off for the next 2-3 weeks taking a break while they could be working on a loot table, population, script testing, you name it. But no, as usual, they wait to work on trying to get the last few remaining high end zones up, itemized, populated, and tested, all last minute when a guild is about to reach it. When they get about 75% of the way through, they end up having to throw in a loot table that was thought of on the way to work on the short bus. If they do not get it finished, they break something quick (It takes all of like I said, 45-60 seconds to enter the change in the NPC files) make it unkillable to stall a guild out until they can finish the other zone.

It"s even more evident with Plane of time. Why the hell would they restrict their own GM"s from using the /zone command for the first month in Tier 3+ zones? They never did it before with any other expansion. While people were busy battling Tier 2 Gods, they didn"t want GM"s poking their nose into areas where devs would be set up testing population/pathing scripts. Running around with their head cut off trying to finish the RZ encounter. Which was made unkillable on day 5 of PoP until the patch, but AL found an accidental sploit. Than, shock, they finish population on Tier 4 zones, and they patch in a workable RZ encounter.

1 month after release of the damn expansion.

This unfortunately happens much more than you think. As of right now, they still do not have Plane of Time done because they are getting too big for their britches with too many damn games and another expansion, as well as another in blueprint for EQ, and there isn"t anyone left to work on the original PoP released expansion. Who cares though, they"ll just cock block with bugs until they finish Plane of Time, and then like the hand of Jesus Christ on a leper, every single bug will be healed and the floodgates opened to a Plane of Time which is actually finished.
Oh, I totally agree with you there. I have no doubt in my mind that the Plane of Time is not finished, nor will it be finished till a couple months after Fires of Heaven has killed the last few creatures.

I seriously was not trying to be deliberately antagonistic in any of what I wrote, I am very bad at putting into words what I think about things. I honestly don"t know why I try sometimes.

I do have a different perspective on a few things than you do, and I now know what you meant by breaking content and what I thought of as breaking content are not the same thing.

As an example of a differing perspective, I agree Vex Thal as a zone will only take a couple of weeks to do in the editor. However, it is the stuff that"s not in the editor(warders, specific "new" effects of boss mobs) which can and does take a long time to do. I am probably more lenient with programmers than I could be, because it is what I do myself, and I know that sometimes things that appear very simple on the outside can be incredibly complex within.

Lastly, the black helicopters and crop circles thing was childish and petty, and that"s what started the thread going downhill. I should not have gone there.



I agree, technically, with most of what furor wrote, except he always presents his ideas in a asshole-ish way. And this gives him alot less credability.

1) Bitch here to everyone because you can swear up a storm and you think that brings attention on you instead of getting into a long term relationship with devs. But alas, he may not be able to because he was banned from the game (and they know it) and now has a new acct. To see him cheating, catch him, ban him, then see he"s back (albeit in one of the most powerful guilds on all servers (as the leader of that guild)) they couldn"t really be seen as doing justice to the EQ community so they never really enter into a long term beneficial exchange with them. So, the only way he can do it is to try to get everyone into a frenzy over the issue.

Even so, the issue he speaks of is valid, to an extent.

2) Repeatedly have we seen these guilds bitch up a storm to get things changed and then they dump on everyone else because they had it easier due to the change. So, I see this as something that"s a bit selfish. We"ll see VI react to this, make the changes, and then when other get there FoH will be shiting on everyone because they didn"t have to put up with the shit they did.

This isn"t to say that I don"t appreciate fixes to the high end before I get there. I"d rather have the game in a realistic playable state (which is what I pay my money for).

So, we go from cheater to bitcher so he can get out of this game a status so he can abuse everyone else to make him and his guild look good--well, that"s hillarious.

But, frankly I enjoy reading these boards and the fact that I can go all out and scream and rant. I just see a selfish and bias aspect to the idea in the thread. I don"t think he"s completely off base and has valid issues. I just think he"s a fool.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Its not so much that they "bitch and whine" until they get it changed and then dump on other guilds accomplishments by claiming it was much "easier" when they do things...its the recurring pattern of new expansions being not finished even months after their release with stupid bugs and artificial timesinks put in to either A) prevent the ubers from ripping through it so quickly or B) allow them more time to finish the stuff that remains unfinished even this long after the release...the dumping on other guilds isn"t how you portray it either, as most of the time when they finally do fix the problems brought up they go WAY to far the other way and drastically make timesinks shorter/easier thus allowing more peeps to get caught up content wise late in the expansion so a high percentage will be ready for the next unfinished expansion they will pop out. Sadly, its very efficient.