Marvel Universe stuff


Potato del Grande
Yes I know. Chris said Holland is now exclusive to Disney. Correct him. Not me.
I meant Tom Holland Spiderman is only in Disney MCU movies, which is true.

He could be technically employed by Sony and with other studios for other projects.
Peter Parker/Tom Holland likely is only in the Sony/Marvel/MCU crossover films while somebody like Miles Morales is exclusive to Sony. i dunno if that means Tom Holland is exclusive to Disney. his last movie was made by Columbia (Sony) and his last TV series was put out by Apple TV.
I would guess that live action "Spider-man" has been agreed to be Disney/MCU only, which is why they haven't made a Miles Morales movie or cameo either.


<Gold Donor>
Obviously I'm not privy to the details between these mega corporations, but my understanding is that Sony can make as many Spider-Man movies (as in, with actual Spider-Man) as they want, but the moment they do they confuse the fuck out of their audience with multiple versions of the same character and Disney tells them the Tom Holland version is never allowed to reference the MCU in any way, etc. It is only because they want the added clout of the MCU, including crossovers like they had with Iron Man and Dr. Strange, that they keep Holland "MCU only."

They have the rights, and they can do what they want in a self-contained universe. They could make Venom 3 and put Holland in it right now. But we all saw what happened when they stuck to their own universe, which is why they likely jumped at the chance to put Spider-Man in the MCU. Violating the terms of that sharing agreement will put them right back into nobody giving a fuck about Spider-Man because he can't hang out with anyone but shitty blue Electro and Madame Web and shit. Which is why Disney got to demand they supposedly cut all that shit out of Madame Web under the threat of never collaborating again.


Vyemm Raider
Interesting. He's got a major problem though, he can't seem to stick with something. We keep hearing it's but it's fault, and I'm inclined to believe everything I've heard so far. Still, this will be the foundation of X-Men going forward, so I hope he's fully committed.


Trakanon Raider
Interesting. He's got a major problem though, he can't seem to stick with something. We keep hearing it's but it's fault, and I'm inclined to believe everything I've heard so far. Still, this will be the foundation of X-Men going forward, so I hope he's fully committed.
I don't have that impression, he wanted to keep playing Superman, he wanted another movie, but DC fucked him around so much cause they couldn't make up their minds on what to do with their universe of movies other than make sure it's woke as usual.
Witcher went full woke, who knows what the story is behind the scenes there, but I doubt he really wanted to leave the show before it was done. Dick armor should be a good example of creative working on that show.
Nothing else he's done that could warrant commitment issues.
Him being Cyclops could be interesting as the next leading figure for the mcu going forward, (in which captain marvel failed to do), I doubt disney would just want him for a one off or a small role which captain britain may be, they also like having their big stars commit for 5-7 movies.


Avatar of War Slayer
Gunn wanted a new Superman, so he was not signed on for anymore Superman work until the Rock came along and said he wanted Cavill in Black Adam. Black Adam bombed and easily gave Gunn the greenlight to go with a new Superman for his universe.

Cavill is a Witcher geek/nerd and was always pushing back against the showrunner, writers, and directors making changes from the book (the showrunner admitted to disliking the source material). There are interviews and stories of him being a Witcher "encyclopedia" and fighting for a book Witcher portrayal. Every season was more and more changes until the show was nothing like the books (or the games). So he finally had enough and quit, rather than see the character neutered (probably).

Edit: One of the Witcher writers about the writers room (link):
2024-02-24 13.08.47 d80016cfd9a5.png
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Trakanon Raider
Back in 2021 he still wanted to do another man of steel movie. Henry Cavill Still Wants to Return as Superman in a Man of Steel Sequel
Gunn joined a year later, a month after Black Adam released, maybe he was involved for that, maybe they were waiting to see how it did before attaching his name, but I doubt they were going to build dcu around black adam after. Pretty sure someone like Gunn would want his own people in place for his own universe anyways, so a fresh reboot was gonna happen regardless.

Cavill being a geek/nerd is the only sliver of hope I have the Warhammer stuff he's doing won't be entirely hollywoke crap.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't have that impression, he wanted to keep playing Superman, he wanted another movie, but DC fucked him around so much cause they couldn't make up their minds on what to do with their universe of movies other than make sure it's woke as usual.
Witcher went full woke, who knows what the story is behind the scenes there, but I doubt he really wanted to leave the show before it was done. Dick armor should be a good example of creative working on that show.
Nothing else he's done that could warrant commitment issues.
Him being Cyclops could be interesting as the next leading figure for the mcu going forward, (in which captain marvel failed to do), I doubt disney would just want him for a one off or a small role which captain britain may be, they also like having their big stars commit for 5-7 movies.

Fris is probably referring to the fact Cavill was offered a type of Superman agreement but it required absolute commitment, meaning no Witcher or any movies at all. Mission Impossible was his other project at the time. It was in the trades that Warner had a bug up their ass about him doing anything besides waiting for Warner to call, even if waiting meant years go by. Warner stance was that's too bad and they demand exclusivity if he wants to develop anything. He's either a Warner company man or he isn't.

They hated the fact he was doing anything else besides sitting around waiting for them to call and refused to go forward with him at all unless he bent the knee first. Cavill decided it was disingenuous and refused to bend the knee. Smart play, but if he bent the knee who knows if they would have started development or not. Probably not given everything that happened over there.


<Gold Donor>
Grumpy assed,

Too old to swing,
From a thread.
If he falls,
He'll be dead.

Look out!
Here comes the Spider-Old!

In the mid of the night,
Prostate too swollen to pee,
If he falls down the stairs,
He'll shit his pants, just wait and see!

Grumpy assed,

Modern fashion,
He's ignored,
Afternoon nap,
Is his reward.

To him, New York is just too damned cold.
And the American Inventors have gotten too bold,
He is the Spider-Old!

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FPS noob
still got the agatha TV show this year and captain "black power" america 4 next year along with thunderbolts and ironheart TV show (completed?) and armor wars movie.

besides deadpool 3 there is literally nothing interesting coming out of marvel for years


Millie's Staff Member
still got the agatha TV show this year and captain "black power" america 4 next year along with thunderbolts and ironheart TV show (completed?) and armor wars movie.

besides deadpool 3 there is literally nothing interesting coming out of marvel for years
i thought Captain Black America is looking at major reshoots and rewrites? they cant even decide on a name, it went from New World Order to Brave New World. ditto for Blade and Daredevil. nobody knows what the fuck is going on with those. that Agatha squeaked in there somehow is amazing. that shit should have been canceled at the pitch meeting. Marvel is fucked.
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<Bronze Donator>
still got the agatha TV show this year and captain "black power" america 4 next year along with thunderbolts and ironheart TV show (completed?) and armor wars movie.

besides deadpool 3 there is literally nothing interesting coming out of marvel for years