Metal Gear Solid V


Trump's Staff
Officially announced by Kojima, trailer at the link.

The game was officially revealed with an amazing trailer running in realtime on the studio's new FOX engine.

The trailer opens with what appears to be Snake falling into a coma. Doctors struggle to revive him. But then it switched to show what looked like an old Snake shooting people from a helicopter.

Snake's been in a coma for nine years. Kojima said that Snake's movement is constrained because of that coma. The opening parts of the game will therefore be linear. It will then switch to an open-world type of game.
This has to be Big Boss, right?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
This series took a nose dive into retardation 30 minutes into the second game, dont buy this.


Ssraeszha Raider
I don't see how anyone could describe MGS 2 without the phrase "nosedive into retardation". The story really is that bad and Raiden is a terrible terrible character that never should have been brought into MGS

Beef Supreme_sl

This series took a nose dive into retardation 30 minutes into the second game, dont buy this.
Deep down, it's true though.

Imagine if they followed up MGS with serious stories that made logical sense...



Potato del Grande
MGS3 was good?

So basically did they announce a Metal Gear Solid Spinoff and a weird game about a vetern in a hospital, then say "SURPRISE BOTH ARE MGS 5!"?


Gunnar Durden
Im thinking the Two Phantoms are Solid and Liquid. They say the first part is Big Boss during the original outbreak of Outer Haven. Then he goes into a coma for 9 years. This is 10 days after peace walker meaning its 1974. Solid Snake could have been born then, right?


Necroing the old thread as new news has surfaced, plus I felt the need to Kojima bash.

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes releases Spring 2014

Kojima states:

Ground Zeroes consists ofonemission - a Cuban rescue mission - that has been extensively demoed this year, including at Tokyo Game Show in September. It will be out on PS3, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360 next Spring. In the UK it will cost ?19.99 on the older platforms and ?29.99 on PS4 and Xbox One.In the US, it's considerably cheaper at $19.99/$29.99 respectively.
(emphasis mine)

Half the price of a full game for one mission? Fuck that. Thing had better be 4-6 hours long to garner that sort of price point...


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Why is it more expensive on the new platforms as well? That's retarded, seeing as it was clearly developed on the old gen.


There's no retail box for the PS4/Xbone version either, digital only. Fuck you, Kojima. You're a dick. If you're going to offer a box for one set of versions offer it for all of them, douchebag. I need my boxes.

an accordion_sl

God of War 3 was like 6 hours but it didn't really feel like wasted money... If the PS4 gets a box, that's probably when I buy a new console.


That 4-6 hour thing I said was just random numbers I spouted off, there's no indication of how long this glorified demo is gonna be.

Im sure the full game will have a box for all consoles it comes out on but that wont be until late next year probably, it's only being projected as a late 2014 release. Ground Zeroes has been billed as a prologue for the new game for ages now so if it ends up longer than 2-3 hours Id be surprised (and being a Kojima game Id wager 2/3 of that time will be cut scenes and character dialogue).


Silver Knight of the Realm
Pumped for this. 4 was absolute dogshit in my opinion. So Kojima needs to get this one right, and i think he will.


I find Metal Gear to be a really odd animal. On the one hand, MGS for Playstation absolutely blew me away. It was incredibly cinematic and more clever than any video game had any right to be. Events like the confrontation with Psycho Mantis left an impression that sticks with me to this day. On the other hand, I find it incredibly difficult (and incredibly stressful) to stay "stealth" for any length of time. Much of the game (and every subsequent game in the series) boils down to: OK, there's a bad guy. He can probably see me if I move now, let me wait a moment... just a moment... I think I should be OK... now! Oh fuck I've been spotted time to run around and try to take cover or retreat to wherever there are no bad guys...

When you add features like the ability to take dog tags from enemies by sneaking up behind them, then I realize I'm not anywhere near as patient as I thought I was with video games. Again, MGS is easily in my top ten games of all time, EASILY, but it's more because of how groundbreaking it was and how it redefined what I thought video games could do. Even though, technically, subsequent games in the series improved on the formula, the "holy shit how fucking cool is this" factor wasn't as strong any more and I just found myself constantly getting frustrated whenever I lost my cover. Maybe I'm just better suited for Mario games, but I find myself less and less enthused by new Metal Gear games (I haven't played part 4, and I didn't make it halfway through 3).

I hope part 5 does well, simply because I think Kojima deserves as much success as the public is willing to lavish him with, but I'm well past the point where I'll be first in line for another Metal Gear game, only to once again feel the repeated frustration of being spotted by a bad guy I either didn't know existed or believed wasn't able to see me.