Modern software sucks, and computing is garbage while hardware is blazing new frontiers.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Imagine now that in order for your program to work, you have to write custom code for each and everyone of them. He wants developers to do this, instead of using the libraries that abstract that for us. So imagine for a second the inane amount of work that entails. Imagine that if you bought a video card that was released AFTER your program is made, your program crashes, because it is not coded to initialize such video card, and his solution is "Release a new version of your program to account for this."

That is the level of absurdity he is saying.

I don't think that's what he's saying at all, if you look at the second video, he's more advocating for a unified architecture kind of thing between all hardware, so they all work on the same fundamental instruction sets, and using SOCs as an example of this in action.

The issue is, obviously, it's in no hardware makers interest to do that. They would rather make just more code on top of code.

Regarding word typers today being slower than word perfect, so what? Can wordperfect of 1995 do any of the million things the current word processor can? The answer is no. If all the downside for it is a minor graphical delay when pressing a keyword, then it is a tradeoff that works in favor of the modern software.

No offense, but this is exactly what he talks about how people constantly make excuses for things, and why he felt the need to compare 1995 to 2018 (when the 2nd video was made).

No, WP 1995 can't do any of the million things the current word processor can. Now tell me, when you use a modern word processor, do you use those millions of things? His point here was: what you could accomplish in 1995 can also be accomplished today, but the experience of accomplishing that task is considerably worse today than it was in 1995 and there's no reason whatsoever that should be the case given modern hardware capabilities.

Adobe is the worst out of them all. It has Creative Cloud, which is fragile, slow, and spams the fuck out of your system with a bunch of random shit. I switched to an older, pre-CC version and also use Affinity Photo in its place.

Adobe's worst crime is is still doesn't do multicore anything. Compressing 1gb of JPG to a small size takes well over 1 minute 41 seconds. The same operation in Affinity Photo takes....16 seconds.

Such as this earlier post from Fucker Fucker about Adobe is exactly what I'm talking about. Adobe in 2021 has millions of more features than Adobe stuff in 2000, and yet the experience is terrible just using the software in general. I bet Adobe will go on and on and tell you about how amazing and great CC is and yet... here we are.

As for the terminal -- As I saw it, the point of the video isn't how to raster text super fast or anything. The point of the video is that the terminal is spinning cycles and performing slowly for no reason whatsoever, because in order to raster the text on the terminal, it has to go through countless windows sub-systems to do so, when almost none of it is needed. And even so, in the end, you can't do simple basic things that are nice such as changing the font in the terminal (unless you go through a registry hack unless the font is specifically a terminal font), or format things like 2/4 byte characters properly. So despite being bloated, and spinning more and more cycles to accomplish the same task as his terminal, it doesn't even do a good job of it from a computing side of things.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I don't think that's what he's saying at all, if you look at the second video, he's more advocating for a unified architecture kind of thing between all hardware, so they all work on the same fundamental instruction sets, and using SOCs as an example of this in action.

The issue is, obviously, it's in no hardware makers interest to do that. They would rather make just more code on top of code.

No offense, but this is exactly what he talks about how people constantly make excuses for things, and why he felt the need to compare 1995 to 2018 (when the 2nd video was made).

No, WP 1995 can't do any of the million things the current word processor can. Now tell me, when you use a modern word processor, do you use those millions of things? His point here was: what you could accomplish in 1995 can also be accomplished today, but the experience of accomplishing that task is considerably worse today than it was in 1995 and there's no reason whatsoever that should be the case given modern hardware capabilities.

Such as this earlier post from Fucker Fucker about Adobe is exactly what I'm talking about. Adobe in 2021 has millions of more features than Adobe stuff in 2000, and yet the experience is terrible just using the software in general. I bet Adobe will go on and on and tell you about how amazing and great CC is and yet... here we are.

As for the terminal -- As I saw it, the point of the video isn't how to raster text super fast or anything. The point of the video is that the terminal is spinning cycles and performing slowly for no reason whatsoever, because in order to raster the text on the terminal, it has to go through countless windows sub-systems to do so, when almost none of it is needed. And even so, in the end, you can't do simple basic things that are nice such as changing the font in the terminal (unless you go through a registry hack unless the font is specifically a terminal font), or format things like 2/4 byte characters properly. So despite being bloated, and spinning more and more cycles to accomplish the same task as his terminal, it doesn't even do a good job of it from a computing side of things.

"and even so, in the end, you can't do simple basic things that are nice such as changing the font in the terminal (".

BRO .. BRO.. BRO.. if that guy said that seriously unsubscribe.


Click settings


Click Open Json File

  "fontFace": "DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline",

Nothing is easier that swaping fonts here and themes


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Aladain you are ignoring the reality that software is not free, and you have to decide what corners to cut, and when to use premade stuff so you can focus on what make your business/needs unique.

There is no CPU police that if you are not using the CPU to its max it is going to give you a ticket for not optimizing your code. Your code is not supposed to use every possible available cpu cycle. In fact programs are supposed to play nice with others and share resources such as CPU and memory.

If you were to run a program that will use every possible cycle, the program will be useless, because modern computers have to run 20 things at once.. I am currently running 137 different windows/background services, and they are all there consuming CPU/memory, and that is OK.

Also to analyze the software post work and claim that it can be done better, but not actually doing it, is just like the saying goes comments from the peanuts gallery.

If he thinks he can do better, well let him open his own shop and create his own software and he will quickly realize that the business reality of software development are a bitch.

I will bet you that he cant even duplicate notepad if he has to rewrite everything using his own libraries.

The more It is required for developers to know about hardware the worse it is for developers.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Uncle Bob tells us this.

In order to go fast, you have to go well.

Great series on software development. This was the guy referenced on the latest factorio cancel culture controversy.
Uncle Bob has some good ideas, but you should not have everything turned into small functions if it clutters readability.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
"and even so, in the end, you can't do simple basic things that are nice such as changing the font in the terminal (".

BRO .. BRO.. BRO.. if that guy said that seriously unsubscribe.

He didn't say that, but I said that because the default windows terminal you can't (however the one you can download from windows store you can).

Aladain you are ignoring the reality that software is not free, and you have to decide what corners to cut, and when to use premade stuff so you can focus on what make your business/needs unique.

There is no CPU police that if you are not using the CPU to its max it is going to give you a ticket for not optimizing your code. Your code is not supposed to use every possible available cpu cycle. In fact programs are supposed to play nice with others and share resources such as CPU and memory.

If you were to run a program that will use every possible cycle, the program will be useless, because modern computers have to run 20 things at once.. I am currently running 137 different windows/background services, and they are all there consuming CPU/memory, and that is OK.

Also to analyze the software post work and claim that it can be done better, but not actually doing it, is just like the saying goes comments from the peanuts gallery.

If he thinks he can do better, well let him open his own shop and create his own software and he will quickly realize that the business reality of software development are a bitch.

I will bet you that he cant even duplicate notepad if he has to rewrite everything using his own libraries.

The more It is required for developers to know about hardware the worse it is for developers.

Everything you're taking about here is making excuses for companies to make poor code and a poor experience. Everything you're talking about here is the reason this shit is a shitshow. You know, somehow, Adobe was able to make a great product 20 years ago. How could they do that then but can't today?

The bottom line, at the end of the day the experience of using a computer 20 years ago is far better than that of today. It's all packed full of more features, but the basic functionality of said applications are all more cumbersome and unnecessarily taxing than it needs to be. Windows XP was a better experience than Windows 10. Adobe was a better product. Every peripheral you bought didn't have some required software package you have to install to get functionality out of it. Good luck if you have a corsair keyboard, logitech mouse, razor headset, and an NZXT cooler. Typing in a word processor in 1985 and 2021 is the same thing, and yet the one in 2021 is often slower. The list goes on and on.

Everything you're mentioning here is the problem. You're justifying it by saying "but but but" behind writing garbage, inefficient, and bloated applications and code. If you watch the guys video, he actually has respect for companies that say "Yes, we know it sucks, but getting to market is more important". At least, in this case, you're admitting you're releasing garbage code.

You're saying because there's no CPU police, we can just work the system over spending 90% of its cycles doing tasks completely inapplicable to what the user is needing. That's unacceptable and no one else would accept their products working at 10% efficiency. Right now on Chrome, I have 1 tab open, where I'm typing this now. Nothing else in Chrome is open and I have 2 plugins running (ublock origin and auto play stopper).


...but but but business reasons? *joe biden voice* come on man. How can someone possibly justify this as remotely acceptable. I'm typing text in a text box on a basic webpage which is really just a text file and a couple of images. But that's okay right? I mean, 64GB right? Who cares, it's just 1GB right?
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Very simple question.

Is chrome a defective product because of this? Is the number of background tasks an indicator of a defective product? Why do you assume it is?

"The bottom line, at the end of the day the experience of using a computer 20 years ago is far better than that of today"

WHAT .. WHAT?.... You mean in 2000, with windows ME, is a much better experience than today? Jesus man, you really don't remember how Bad windows 95,ME were, and windows 98 was marginally better, until windows XP SP2 finally was a better and more stable product.

Right now on my PC, I can type on Chrome, Play 6 windows of EQ and have Visual studio 2019 running... All at the same time... why because the software and the machines are a lot better.

I remember the day where you have to restart your pc daily because it would crash if you didn't. Software is a lot better today than it was back then.
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Very simple question.

Is chrome a defective product because of this? Is the number of background tasks an indicator of a defective product? Why do you assume it is?

"The bottom line, at the end of the day the experience of using a computer 20 years ago is far better than that of today"

WHAT .. WHAT?.... You mean in 2000, with windows ME, is a much better experience than today? Jesus man, you really don't remember how Bad windows 95,ME were, and windows 98 was marginally better, until windows XP SP2 finally was a better and more stable product.

Right now on my PC, I can type on Chrome, Play 6 windows of EQ and have Visual studio 2019 running... All at the same time... why because the software and the machines are a lot better.

I remember the day where you have to restart your pc daily because it would crash if you didn't. Software is a lot better today than it was back then.

Well, no it's not a defective product. But lots of things can work, and work very inefficiently, and not be considered to be defective. Horizon Zero Dawn had garbage shit framerates on release on PC, but it wasn't defective. It just ran like shit.

I think you and I have a different definition of what a "better experience" is. Today, you have to install an app for every fucking peripheral to get full functionality out of it. You are constantly being nagged and plagued by updates to this, that, and the other. Every fucking application you install you need an account, so you get full functionality of it. Even games are like this now, either with steam or games themselves like Mass Effect where you can buy it on steam which you need a steam account for, but then you also need an origin account and you also have to log on to origin just to be able to play Mass Effect. Let's not talk about shit like gameguard, and all the other DRM bullshit that's embedded into every fucking thing these days.

So yeah, as I was saying... every fucking app is tracking every single thing you do, every button you push, how long you stay on a page, etc. So in 2000, you bought a mouse and plugged in it and it worked. Today, you buy a mouse and plug it in and it works with default settings that suck balls, and buttons on the mouse that do things you don't want it to do. So you have to install an application that as soon as you install it needs to update, then nags you to register the thing, then wants you to create an account. And this application then tracks how you use your mouse, and buttons you press, and sends all kinds of usage data to the company for a product you paid for. Simple tasks in applications are now buried under 85 pages of preferences and menus within submenus. Windows is full of bloated shit you can't get rid of and still suffers from getting worse and worse the more time that goes by. Applications and games take more and more time to launch and load.

Go look at shit like NZXT Cam, which is required if you have a NZXT cooler for *any* reasonable functionality from the thing at all, and people left and right pan this shit as some of the most dog shit bloated software in existence that practically ruins peoples OS installs. Read reviews like this one -- this is the kind of experiences people have with all kinds of software these days.

We just have to agree to disagree here, but that's fine. I think software is just dogshit today compared to what it should be.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Very simple question.

Is chrome a defective product because of this? Is the number of background tasks an indicator of a defective product? Why do you assume it is?

"The bottom line, at the end of the day the experience of using a computer 20 years ago is far better than that of today"

WHAT .. WHAT?.... You mean in 2000, with windows ME, is a much better experience than today? Jesus man, you really don't remember how Bad windows 95,ME were, and windows 98 was marginally better, until windows XP SP2 finally was a better and more stable product.

Right now on my PC, I can type on Chrome, Play 6 windows of EQ and have Visual studio 2019 running... All at the same time... why because the software and the machines are a lot better.

I remember the day where you have to restart your pc daily because it would crash if you didn't. Software is a lot better today than it was back then.
Is this a trick question?

Chrome is fucking garbage now and has been for the last several years. Fuck, Edge is way better precisely because MS just took Chrome and stripped out half the useless bullshit that makes it run like garbage. And even with that, it isn't like Edge is amazing.

Chrome is a perfect example of software that started out brilliant and quickly morphed into trash because they kept expanding it to encompass everything...and to spy on you as much as possible.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I agree that it's a problem, although I also understand the point that it's not cost or time efficient to fix most of these things. Browsers being slow is additionally caused by webpages these days being absolutely massive. As an example, I ran this front page of this forum through Web Bloat Score.


The front page of this forum is 7 megabytes now. Transmitting an image of the same page would only be 170kb. So we've gone from what markup was supposed to do (create the desired text and formatting on the user's screen while requiring less data than sending a pre-prepared image of the page) and looped around to the other side, where we actually send 42 times more data than would be needed to just send an image.

Each of the the icons to the left of the various forum subsections are larger than that. They are hundreds of kilobytes each because they are transmitted at their full size and then scaled down in the browser. If they were scaled down on the server they would likely be only a few kb each. That would be several megabytes of data saved on every single page load, not to mention the millions of CPU cycles needed to scale them all down.

Processors are much faster and so are data links, but pile on enough shit and everything becomes slow again. To be sure, this is not a dig at the forum admins, every website is like this now. For reference, the front page would take at least 20 minutes to load if you were still on dialup.


Log Wizard
Well, no it's not a defective product. But lots of things can work, and work very inefficiently, and not be considered to be defective. Horizon Zero Dawn had garbage shit framerates on release on PC, but it wasn't defective. It just ran like shit.

I think you and I have a different definition of what a "better experience" is. Today, you have to install an app for every fucking peripheral to get full functionality out of it. You are constantly being nagged and plagued by updates to this, that, and the other. Every fucking application you install you need an account, so you get full functionality of it. Even games are like this now, either with steam or games themselves like Mass Effect where you can buy it on steam which you need a steam account for, but then you also need an origin account and you also have to log on to origin just to be able to play Mass Effect. Let's not talk about shit like gameguard, and all the other DRM bullshit that's embedded into every fucking thing these days.

So yeah, as I was saying... every fucking app is tracking every single thing you do, every button you push, how long you stay on a page, etc. So in 2000, you bought a mouse and plugged in it and it worked. Today, you buy a mouse and plug it in and it works with default settings that suck balls, and buttons on the mouse that do things you don't want it to do. So you have to install an application that as soon as you install it needs to update, then nags you to register the thing, then wants you to create an account. And this application then tracks how you use your mouse, and buttons you press, and sends all kinds of usage data to the company for a product you paid for. Simple tasks in applications are now buried under 85 pages of preferences and menus within submenus. Windows is full of bloated shit you can't get rid of and still suffers from getting worse and worse the more time that goes by. Applications and games take more and more time to launch and load.

Go look at shit like NZXT Cam, which is required if you have a NZXT cooler for *any* reasonable functionality from the thing at all, and people left and right pan this shit as some of the most dog shit bloated software in existence that practically ruins peoples OS installs. Read reviews like this one -- this is the kind of experiences people have with all kinds of software these days.

We just have to agree to disagree here, but that's fine. I think software is just dogshit today compared to what it should be.
One of the funniest things I've seen in a while is a user here bought fans for his computer, and they show up as removable drives in Windows. Bwahaha...the absurdity of that.


Log Wizard
I agree that it's a problem, although I also understand the point that it's not cost or time efficient to fix most of these things. Browsers being slow is additionally caused by webpages these days being absolutely massive. As an example, I ran this front page of this forum through Web Bloat Score.

View attachment 362201

The front page of this forum is 7 megabytes now. Transmitting an image of the same page would only be 170kb. So we've gone from what markup was supposed to do (create the desired text and formatting on the user's screen while requiring less data than sending a pre-prepared image of the page) and looped around to the other side, where we actually send 42 times more data than would be needed to just send an image.

Each of the the icons to the left of the various forum subsections are larger than that. They are hundreds of kilobytes each because they are transmitted at their full size and then scaled down in the browser. If they were scaled down on the server they would likely be only a few kb each. That would be several megabytes of data saved on every single page load, not to mention the millions of CPU cycles needed to scale them all down.

Processors are much faster and so are data links, but pile on enough shit and everything becomes slow again. To be sure, this is not a dig at the forum admins, every website is like this now. For reference, the front page would take at least 20 minutes to load if you were still on dialup.
You know you have bloat when Apple creates CPU extensions specifically for their browser. I mean, it is commenable that they do it, but it is absurd that they need to do it.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Well, no it's not a defective product. But lots of things can work, and work very inefficiently, and not be considered to be defective. Horizon Zero Dawn had garbage shit framerates on release on PC, but it wasn't defective. It just ran like shit.

I think you and I have a different definition of what a "better experience" is. Today, you have to install an app for every fucking peripheral to get full functionality out of it. You are constantly being nagged and plagued by updates to this, that, and the other. Every fucking application you install you need an account, so you get full functionality of it. Even games are like this now, either with steam or games themselves like Mass Effect where you can buy it on steam which you need a steam account for, but then you also need an origin account and you also have to log on to origin just to be able to play Mass Effect. Let's not talk about shit like gameguard, and all the other DRM bullshit that's embedded into every fucking thing these days.

So yeah, as I was saying... every fucking app is tracking every single thing you do, every button you push, how long you stay on a page, etc. So in 2000, you bought a mouse and plugged in it and it worked. Today, you buy a mouse and plug it in and it works with default settings that suck balls, and buttons on the mouse that do things you don't want it to do. So you have to install an application that as soon as you install it needs to update, then nags you to register the thing, then wants you to create an account. And this application then tracks how you use your mouse, and buttons you press, and sends all kinds of usage data to the company for a product you paid for. Simple tasks in applications are now buried under 85 pages of preferences and menus within submenus. Windows is full of bloated shit you can't get rid of and still suffers from getting worse and worse the more time that goes by. Applications and games take more and more time to launch and load.

Go look at shit like NZXT Cam, which is required if you have a NZXT cooler for *any* reasonable functionality from the thing at all, and people left and right pan this shit as some of the most dog shit bloated software in existence that practically ruins peoples OS installs. Read reviews like this one -- this is the kind of experiences people have with all kinds of software these days.

We just have to agree to disagree here, but that's fine. I think software is just dogshit today compared to what it should be.

The issues you are describing are not issues with software development. That is the problem, you are lumping things together that are not the same, and call everything "software development". If you need an account to use an app, that is not software development, that is a business user on that company made that decision, and it doesn't matter how you change how to code on, the decision will still remain to require an account. For all those things, software developers have ZERO input. These are top down decision, and yes, we implement them, but it is not on us.

We as developers, are not the crusaders for users. We are tasked with creating widgets that behave a certain way, and we create those widgets to the best of out abilities.

In the case of chrome. Chrome developers decided to have one process per tab you have open. So for every tab u have open a new process that is isolated from the rest of them is created. This is configurable and can be turned off.

It is virtually impossible to make an honest assessment of that decision without having all the pertaining information. Again, the number of background process is NOT a measure of software quality, and it is an irrelevant metric. It honestly is, the same as memory page hits and JVVM memory pressure, or a tons of other highly technical benchmarks that are useless for the individuals that downloads the app and uses it.

I'm not sure the NZXT experience you describe is the norm, which basically means a hardware manufacturer does not know to code his own software.

Also app development is a different world, it is like a gold rush, people have an idea and they implement an pp for it, usually with the main concern is time(make fast get it out), not quality nor scalability, and that is fine.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Is this a trick question?

Chrome is fucking garbage now and has been for the last several years. Fuck, Edge is way better precisely because MS just took Chrome and stripped out half the useless bullshit that makes it run like garbage. And even with that, it isn't like Edge is amazing.

Chrome is a perfect example of software that started out brilliant and quickly morphed into trash because they kept expanding it to encompass everything...and to spy on you as much as possible.

you have zero idea of what you are talking about.
And to say and "to spy on you as much as possible.", means you have zero input/knowledge on the topic of the thread, which is about software development, not some political point.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
you have zero idea of what you are talking about.
And to say and "to spy on you as much as possible.", means you have zero input/knowledge on the topic of the thread, which is about software development, not some political point.

Kiss my ass, Chrome is objectively worse now than it was 5 years ago. There is no debating that point. Additionally, it is absolutely the case that Google uses Chrome to collect as much data on you as possible while you use it. Full stop. No one said they were the only company to do so, but they absolutely do it.

Fuck you and fuck your delicate "developer" sensibilities. This isn't the 90's anymore and you aren't part of some noble profession of software developers courageously fighting against the misconceptions of the unwashed, uneducated masses. You are part of an autistic, elitist profession that requires professional management go-betweens to allow you to properly interact with co-workers and clients.
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Log Wizard
Reading title at face value, yes... Modern Software is over engineered dogshit

Gmail Web Browser, actively fights with you, to stop you from doing the most basic web 1.0 shit et. al.
The guy who came up with Gmail coded the first version and had it running in ONE day.


Log Wizard
Kiss my ass, Chrome is objectively worse now than it was 5 years ago. There is no debating that point. Additionally, it is absolutely the case that Google uses Chrome to collect as much data on you as possible while you use it. Full stop. No one said they were the only company to do so, but they absolutely do it.

Fuck you and fuck your delicate "developer" sensibilities. This isn't the 90's anymore and you aren't part of some noble profession of software developers courageously fighting against the misconceptions of the unwashed, uneducated masses. You are part of an autistic, elitist profession that requires professional management go-betweens to allow you to properly interact with co-workers and clients.
That's Lendarios you are talking to. He's numb from the neck up. Imagine how bad his code is.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Kiss my ass, Chrome is objectively worse now than it was 5 years ago. There is no debating that point. Additionally, it is absolutely the case that Google uses Chrome to collect as much data on you as possible while you use it. Full stop. No one said they were the only company to do so, but they absolutely do it.

Fuck you and fuck your delicate "developer" sensibilities. This isn't the 90's anymore and you aren't part of some noble profession of software developers courageously fighting against the misconceptions of the unwashed, uneducated masses. You are part of an autistic, elitist profession that requires professional management go-betweens to allow you to properly interact with co-workers and clients.
Then pay for a browser. Go ahead. Pay for it. Make it, spend the money and create it.

Stop using a free product and complain as if you entitled to some shit. You are not entitled to anything. Also yo should stop getting your knowledge about software development from tps reports.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Then pay for a browser. Go ahead. Pay for it. Make it, spend the money and create it.

Stop using a free product and complain as if you entitled to some shit. You are not entitled to anything. Also yo should stop getting your knowledge about software development from tps reports.

Fuck you, you braindead moron. No one even brought up free software until you just did to move the goalposts after your overwhelming and obvious failure to back up your previous statement.

Since you can't possibly argue that Chrome isn't demonstrably worse than it was as little as five years ago, I'll go ahead and demolish this new "go pay for software if you want it to be optimized" canard you just decided was your best way out. Adobe's software is completely pay-only excepting the free PDF reader. Not only is their pay software a giant pile of nearly unusable trash, even the free PDF reader they give out for the sole purpose of trying to hook you into their paid software is clearly inferior to just letting Edge display the PDF. Acrobat Reader used to be a simple, lightweight application that was fast as fuck, but within the same 5 year time period as Chrome's demise it has also become a bloated piece of shit that isn't worth installing. So Adobe can't even make their free software meant to be an advertisement useful for a single purpose any longer, much less their full paid applications.

You are just ignorant and wrong on so many levels it is pathetic.
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