New World


Blackwing Lair Raider
My 53 was already on Marama (sp. I wish I could reroll on Marrama but since I can’t I’ll just stick with my character that’s already there. 53-56 took like 2-3 hours with full rest doing MSQ.

I roll with OTG and have for years these days but I’m also super casual. Hopefully it works out for a SOLO! as they call it in their marketing videos.
If it weren't for all my almost (thanks to the update) maxed out Tradeskills, I'd have no issue starting on a new server with like-minded folks
But that was a LOT of fucking hours between Harvesting/Refining/Crafting. I don't mind re-doing quests and shit, but that Tradeskill grind
is killer

Also, what is OTG?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I forgot I have a 2nd Steam account from back in the day. Unfortunately, I can remember the damn email/phone number
I used on it, and you can reset password based on your Login/account name. Grr...

Anyhow, I grabbed a 2nd copy of the game and was going to put it on there, but I'll just create a new Steam account
instead of hassling with it. The wife might try the game, we'll see. Otherwise, I'll just have a dummy account. The only
available servers (US East) are Octans, Orion, and Pollux, though. If the wife likes the game, I'll probably transfer my
Main to the server she ends up on. Really sucks there's no option for "I already know people on this server, so let
me in". pfft!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Also the mounts are pretty great. Other than the jumping. On horse anyway it’s lol.

Jumping gets better at higher riding levels. That is actually how you get to the higher levels of that mountain on that island to the east in EW - you have to sprint fast and jump on a mount to clear the chasm.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Played a couple hours this morning.

The gathering in this game is...satisfying. I mean I got excited that I found iron ore!

Also this running back and fuckin forth is for the birds. When do you get a damn mount!?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Played a couple hours this morning.

The gathering in this game is...satisfying. I mean I got excited that I found iron ore!

Also this running back and fuckin forth is for the birds. When do you get a damn mount!?
You making your own weapons or armor? The whole attitude behind nodes on this Pollocks server seems really different than I remember in the past. People may or may not walk past a node on this server - where as in the past, something like a Hemp and Iron was un-skippable.
10 or 20? Quest starts in Everfall
Level 25.

Yes, its for the birds. I cant believe they put the feature up that high in levels. I feel like around level 15 would have been a greater position to have it. Thats about the level when your quests really start to get spread out, far away from each other. 25 Isnt "too" far away, but by that point, walking is definitely a chore. I appreciate it, Brahma Brahma - I wouldnt say you rekindled my enjoyment of the game, but you did get me looking forward to logging into it again.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Oh, and I have the quests for Amirine Expedition saved for when you, Brahma Brahma , get to that point - if you stick with the game. Should be pretty easy to heal you in that one.


<Gold Donor>
If it weren't for all my almost (thanks to the update) maxed out Tradeskills, I'd have no issue starting on a new server with like-minded folks
But that was a LOT of fucking hours between Harvesting/Refining/Crafting. I don't mind re-doing quests and shit, but that Tradeskill grind
is killer

Also, what is OTG?
Nothing fancy - been around since the ancient times. Old Timers Guild - basically a multi game guild of old heads like my gen x ass.


<Gold Donor>
Of course it can happen.
But I'm tired of hearing "it's not worth the fight". I absolutely refuse to be
threatened or shamed into silence. So I have to go play something else for
a while. That's a small price to pay for standing up for what's right.
I'm actually worried. Some other player was I guess, cosplaying a a liberal I guess and saying I'm a man that likes men and I voted for Biden I'm an idiot and quotes like that. Would you like to know my pronouns? I said shem, then shit, then realized I'm probably getting banned too.

Asked if anyone in area ever woke up and wanted something "big in their behind." I simply replied that yes, I do, but only every other Tuesday when theres a thunderstorm and Drake is playing in the background. Probably again, getting banned. Not sure how big area chat is!

And yep, a woman is a woman. Crazy ass revelation!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nothing fancy - been around since the ancient times. Old Timers Guild - basically a multi game guild of old heads like my gen x ass.
I've played with a couple of different "old timer's" guilds, and Knights of Glory and Beer . I tied logging into the forum for OTG
that you linked and it seems I don't have an account there. Must have missed that one along the way. hehe

Anyhow, created an account. If the Guild has an active presence, let me know.


<Gold Donor>
I've played with a couple of different "old timer's" guilds, and Knights of Glory and Beer . I tied logging into the forum for OTG
that you linked and it seems I don't have an account there. Must have missed that one along the way. hehe

Anyhow, created an account. If the Guild has an active presence, let me know.
I'm still returning and only level 56 but they definitely have a good 10-20 people on pretty frequently from what I've seen since returning a few days ago. There are about 11 people in the Discord channel right now just for NW. Which I suppose isn't crazy but not dead either. They always have a pretty solid leadership structure for every chapter and in wow for example raid etc. while still being super fucking casual. I've never even raided with the guild but I like that I can.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yea, I just read they're still on Mar server. No way to get in, so unless they move there's no way
I'm can join. lol


<Gold Donor>
Yea, I just read they're still on Mar server. No way to get in, so unless they move there's no way
I'm can join. lol
Ah damn was thinking maybe you already had played near launch like some of us. I just lucked out that that's where I ended up. Other than 5-10 minutes here and there I had not fired the game up since 2021. Hell I'd reroll if I could, but you can't even make a new character if you have one there.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh, I played the Alpha, Beta, and up to Season 1 before I fled.
Just not on that Server. My Main is on Valhalla. Still, there's no moving to
or creating a character on the server they play on.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Hit level 30. The mount makes the back and forth tolerable. Still haven't seen a dungeon yet.

How do I add sockets to crafted gear, or is it rng?


Hit level 30. The mount makes the back and forth tolerable. Still haven't seen a dungeon yet.

How do I add sockets to crafted gear, or is it rng?
RNG, but as you level, you'll notice as the gear score of the item goes up, the more likely it is to have a socket on it.
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<Gold Donor>
The main quests should lead you to a few dungeons along the leveling path. I think the firs one is around lv 20-24 ish? If I remember?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Hit level 30. The mount makes the back and forth tolerable. Still haven't seen a dungeon yet.

How do I add sockets to crafted gear, or is it rng?
Ive been busy the last few days. Ya, the mount isnt amazing but it makes it a lot better. Looks like you get a substantial speed boost as you level up the trade.

You should have seen the first dungeon well before 30. I got the first quest for it at level 18 or so? Its in the northern part of windsward, above the town, for reference.

I can make you blue gear with sockets if I ever see you online. Just requires more Azoth and its an older server, so 25 azoth vials is like pennies.


<Gold Donor>
The main quests should lead you to a few dungeons along the leveling path. I think the firs one is around lv 20-24 ish? If I remember?
I think theres a dungeon finder now isn't there? Hit 61 today after returning at 53 a week or so ago. I've only done one expedition, like, ever, around launch heh. Was too much of a pita to put groups together and key back then for this Timmy.

Definitely going to try the dungeon finder soon since I'm planning to flail / warhammer tank and I'm already set up for it. I believe the next season they're adding cross region to the dungeon finder as well. I'm not really 100% on any of this stuff so hopefully Daidraco Daidraco can enlighten us a bit more.

I personally dig the mounts, I finished up the Brimstone rally/tours today and I definitely failed a couple, had a sense of PRIDE AND ACCOMPLISHMENT when I beat the two nearly 20 minute ones. Fuck tours (point A > point B > figure it out yourself.) I enjoy the rallies though (check points)
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