Oppenheimer (2023)

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Because it wasn't significant.


Even if you ignored the political implications, a 1.5M men Soviet Army invading Manchuria and smashing a 1M men Japanese Imperial Army in less than 30 days is anything but insignificant.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>

Even if you ignored the political implications, a 1.5M men Soviet Army invading Manchuria and smashing a 1M men Japanese Imperial Army in less than 30 days is anything but insignificant.
It was expected they would declare on Japan they were our allies and had battled Japan before.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
You act like Japan never thought Russia was going to fight them.

No one has to "act"

It's well documented that Japanese held out hope that Russia would be a mediator to prevent an unconditional surrender.

That's the whole premise of why Japanese didnt surrender after first A bomb, but surrendered after Russians invaded Manchuria.

I know you've been taught the "Japan surrendered because of A bombs" lie your entire life. It's cool, I have been too. But the timeline and evidence are indisputable. It's all documented by the Japanese.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
No one has to "act"

It's well documented that Japanese held out hope that Russia would be a mediator to prevent an unconditional surrender.

That's the whole premise of why Japanese didnt surrender after first A bomb, but surrendered after Russians invaded Manchuria.

I know you've been taught the "Japan surrendered because of A bombs" lie your entire life. It's cool, I have been too. But the timeline and evidence are indisputable. It's all documented by the Japanese.
Then they are fucking dumb since it was agreed in 1943 that Russia would join in the war against Japan after Germany was defeated. Everyone knew but the Japs apparently.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Then they are fucking dumb since it was agreed in 1943 that Russia would join in the war against Japan after Germany was defeated. Everyone knew but the Japs apparently.

Desperate men hold out for the tiniest slivers of hope.
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Potato Supreme
The Russian D-Day in Manchuria was merely the last straw. It had zero impact impact on the ultimate outcome that was already assured. It just sped things up.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
The Russian D-Day in Manchuria was merely the last straw. It had zero impact impact on the ultimate outcome that was already assured. It just sped things up.

If it sped things up, then it did have an impact.

The A-bomb wouldnt make Japanese surrender but a Russian declaration of war did.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So did oppenheimers wife really have a girl power moment where she put shitty terminator in his place?


Potato Supreme
If it sped things up, then it did have an impact.

The A-bomb wouldnt make Japanese surrender but a Russian declaration of war did.
D-Day had an impact on Germany as well. You still consider it immaterial to the outcome of the war.

You really are just a Soviet Propagandist at this point. Pretty sad.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
D-Day had an impact on Germany as well. You still consider it immaterial to the outcome of the war.

You really are just a Soviet Propagandist at this point. Pretty sad.

No, I just enjoy pointing out the "muh lendlease, muh d-day!" hypocrisy.

Unlike the endless Lendlease/D-Day humpers on these forums I never stated that America couldnt win without Soviet help in the Pacific. That's an important detail.

I'm sure eventually US would have won after dropping another pair of A-bombs and invading the Japanese mainland, slogging through it mountain by mountain, island by island for another year, losing hundreds of thousands in the process.

What I did state is that Soviet invasion is what forced the Japanese surrender. That is a historically documented fact which chaps the anuses of the American propagandists here.


FPS noob


Bronze Baronet of the Realm

pretty neat, nolan cut the estimated film time from 90 days to 60 days to reallocate that money to properly building out the Los Alamos set and still keep to a $100m budget. respect.

That or he pulled a Scotty. He initially overestimates the time to fix the warp drive just so he looks good getting it done so much sooner.

Too help support this argument that Nolan knew what he was doing when it came to funding this movie.

Christopher Nolan directs his films like a "master chess player", actor Tom Berenger has said.


FPS noob
coming to VOD and 4K UHD on Nov 21, nolan using his juice again since its unheard of to day and date both VOD and disc

4K Pugh floppy titties will live forever


FPS noob


the steelbook spoils the movie