Our World - Built by the Rerolled community


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
A game which will be made by all of us here at Rerolled. A new project. No publishers, no management meetings, no design meetings, no drama, no secret office affairs, and most definitely, no press paid for garbage hype. Why? We are NOT making any money on it. No need for marketing, no need to pay off a fucking reviewer to give us glowing praises. No need for a rucking review embargo, because we don't give a SHIT what anyone thinks because not only are we having fun making the game, we are having fun exploring the other words others have created only limited by their imagination when given the proper tool set. Which will be EASY. Easy enough so that my Dog can pounce on a keyboard and design a zone by accident. Our community will provide the tools, our community will provide the world, our community will play with each other.

Welcome to "Our World."

A game in which we all use our imagination to design our own content. Dungeons, stories, lore, spin off events, haunted houses, you name it. It doesn't matter because every other "World" in Our World has it's own meaning behind it, created by US. Every World is unique in Our World. Each has it's own mechanism of play behind a common action based combat system. No more need for mods, no more "What the fuck am I looking at I cannot even see the fucking game I am playing" bullshit. Each has varying methods of achievement, in it's own reality. Once you leave one World, you bring only your skills with you from mastering a common combat system while your items are left behind in the old World until you return and you move to the next where only your skill as a player determines how you advance. World's will only be limited by our own creativity.

For 34 weeks I have prepped about a way to do this. I have steamed over ideas, how to make sure money is NOT made, and how to make sure no one takes advantage of this. For that, I need ethical people, which most of you are. Gamers.

For starters, I am willing to pony up some cash for an engine. I am guessing Unity may be our best option without having to build our own. With that, we will need to set up a common way of sharing ideas, ideas can be shared here in this thread. YOU are the decision maker on YOUR OWN IDEA. So let me lay the ground rules:

1) There will be no discussing how one idea or combat system is better than another. The combat system is what I decided on. Action based. Controller friendly-KB/M friendly. You play however the fuck you want to play it. We, as a collective group, do not care. We do NOT dictate gameplay. We create the world in which we and they play in. Our egos are cashed out at the door.

2) Itemization will be based on the concept from Monster Hunter. Items do not drop in the real world. What drops are ingredients on a unique, rare, and common scale tied back to a loot system with unique art. Which YOU can craft. You do not need to rely on anyone else. The main boss of a World needs to be spawned by going through the story of each world created. Here is the kicker, we will not place items from the dataset on one SINGLE boss. All dropable crafting items to match an item you want to create are equally pulled from the last encounter. Our reward structure will increase those chances of unique craftable ingredients based on if you followed the story or not. Which yes, will be exploitable after you have gone through it enough times to know what the story is based around. There will be players that want to go through the same world over and over again. Their loss. There will be a mechanism in place punishing the drop rate severely for running the same world more than once. Meaning, your shit won't drop after the 1st time you have been in that world. You will be FORCED to go to other worlds or set up your own circuit of play to achieve the rewards you want.

3) 1st person. There is no camera angle, there is no looking at your character from 50,000 feet above the fucking ground. You see what is in your field of view, you see what other players are wearing, you see really cool artistic shit, you see accomplishment.

4) Day/Night cycles, with full weather effects that HAMPER or HELP your character. If you go to a snow ridden zone and you want to get your running speed (There is no walking shit in this game) back to normal, you need to find the ingredients to make special footwear to make sure you are adapted to the world you are in. See a tornado? You better fucking run. It will kill you. And not only kill you, it will spin all your items off your body and you will have to start over. There are penalties for being a fucking moron. Why? We don't care. You will learn to not be a fucking moron, or you will be forever naked in that particular world. (I know everyone here will be able to think of some really cool shit when it comes to weather/gameplay and how it will impact YOUR world.)

5) The most important rule and then we are done with rules. WE WILL NOT SELL THIS, MAKE MONEY, ADVERTISE IT, NOT A FUCKING PENNY. This entire project will be devoid of what makes other games shit in a handbasket 95% of the time and 100% of the time in this genre. I will NOT profit, YOU will NOT profit, Our profit will be the joy we all receive from doing this together and playing a game which we have all had a part in. In my post in the EQ Next thread I posted what made EQ successful and why we do not have the magic back since then. Why? US. This project will not only create US, we will create it together bringing a new and intangible asset of the magic that has been gone for so long.


So Utnayan, this sounds all well and fucking good, so how the hell do we get started and how the hell do we know this entire project won't fall on it's asshole like a Rerolled created guild in where all the members are gone within a month of the game launch?

We don't have any guarantees here. Sucks, but that's reality. But I do believe that everyone here who will contribute will do so because of their passion to see awesome creativity without a strangle hold on how that creativity is managed, deployed, or decided upon. I do believe that when word gets out of OUR game, more people will flock to it faster than Minecraft on a meth bender. We have a rough framework to follow above. Action combat, day/night cycles, real weather impacting events, and the possibility of getting your ass kicked in the game and losing everything - WITHOUT making money. There will be NO money made. Our reward is playing. Together. That's all.

With that said, we do need an Engine. Unity is the perfect start. It has all the tools we need to get ramped up. Collaboration? I propose Dropbox and this thread for all communication.

The initial start of this will be for you to think of how you want to make YOUR world in the game (Think of it as a zone from the old EQ days)

I hope everyone wants to be a part of this. I will have enough funding (By me) to get us off to a good start on assets. What we will need more than ever are artists. You won't get paid. But your ideas won't get stifled either, because it's YOUR world. Want to show it off so you can get a job? Go nuts. But this game will not be about revenue generation. It WILL be about playing in various worlds and enjoying each other's content.

Now to show you how serious I am, I am going to take a shower, go to a bar here in Maple Grove Minnesota, drink some Summit Saga, play bingo and pull tabs, and the winnings (I am a lucky bastard when I gamble) will be dedicated to this endeavor.

Download the engine:

Unity - Game Engine
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
We are ALL lead developers. Dumar can create Dumar World. You can create Big Phoenix world. You can even place Dumar NPC's everywhere and mock the shit out of him, me, or anyone. You can make your world hilarious. You can make it serious. You can make it both. You can make is so you troll the fuck out of everyone and not even have a final boss spawn with a player wondering "What the fuck did I just play through?"


Trump's Staff
Why the decision to go with a hub world rather than an open one, out of curiosity? Why disparate visions rather than a cohesive one? What's the advantage as you see it?


Elisha Dushku
1) There will be no discussing how one idea or combat system is better than another. The combat system is what I decided on. Action based. Controller friendly-KB/M friendly. You play however the fuck you want to play it. We, as a collective group, do not care. We do NOT dictate gameplay. We create the world in which we and they play in. Our egos are cashed out at the door.
You have lost your mind.

Action combat is all wrong for MMORPGs it is the necessary, inevitable evolution of dumbed down DPS only hotbar button mashing. Combat should be strategic: emphasis on Control over DPS. Original trinity, as we all know, was: Tank, Heal, Control not Tank, Heal, DPS.


Trump's Staff
You have lost your mind.

Action combat is all wrong for MMORPGs it is the necessary, inevitable evolution of dumbed down DPS only hotbar button mashing. Combat should be strategic: emphasis on Control over DPS. Original trinity, as we all know, was: Tank, Heal, Control not Tank, Heal, DPS.
Start your own MMO.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Why the decision to go with a hub world rather than an open one, out of curiosity? Why disparate visions rather than a cohesive one? What's the advantage as you see it?
It will be both. We will have a common area. From there you will enter a portal and each portal brings you to a new world created by that user. The common area will one day get overloaded with portals. (If this all goes to plan) and we will worry about it then if that ever happens. Let's hope it does and we all need to figure out what the fuck to do. I believe it is good to do it this way so we can have any type of content we want to create. An open world, I believe, will sooner or later inhibit imagination as some may try to point their ideas towards a specific singular lore piece. Rather than say, "I can make this haunted amusement park, and its going to be hilariously awesome and it doesn't need to tie to any specific story but my own".

Tad10, you don't like it? Then don't participate.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Concept, and finalizing the IP to make sure no one (including myself) can sell it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What kind of tools are you imagining to make this easier? Example please if you have one.


I'm getting weird vibes.



F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
That's what we will need to work on collectivity. The tool set will be the biggest and hardest part of this. Click and drag asset placement, ease of use AI pathing, and text insertion or emoteable text insertion needs to be simple. We want all of us to be able to create their world without having to worry about how. AI abilities also need to be simple. Selecting from a group of options and easy to insert. More abilities will come from us to select from.


ResetEra Staff Member
Should look into Atavism. I'm not sure how stable that framework is but it sounds exactly like it'd do what you want here in Unity.