Pacific Rim


Hellboys are fucking awful, how can you guys like that shit.
They are so far off the source material it's crazy

You know why Del toro movies suck? bad pacing, and terrible dialouge

Pacific Rim is so cheesy, and the character are so one dimesonal how can you possibly like that shit?
I think at one point the Black dude says that cliche line if you ever touch me again it will be your last time rofl

You know why Avengers was good? the characters had great dialouge coming out of there mouths, and the movie was paced perfectly.

All of Del Toros big budget movies are a mess.

Blade 2 had cool moments, but as a whole film? trainwreck

The Hellboys were a joke. How can he look at those Hellboy stories ,and come up with that.
Pacific Rim is the same cliche shit. So instead of huge explosions and one dimensional characters they have Big monster, and one dimensional characters.

I just do not get the why he gets a pass when hes making these shitty movies.

As a Indie film director I do like Del Toro, and wish he would do more of that.


As opposed to you who falls under just genuine imbecile....


Can we talk about this movie now?

Saw it yesterday, it's awesome. Sure, the dialogue is cheesy, characters are underdeveloped and the storyline is very thin... but bigass robots against bigass sea monsters? That's just awesome. The CGI was top notch. There's some Charlie Day, Idris Elba and Ron Perlman in there for good measure.
Fuck the haters. I could not hide my boner when Gipsy Danger slammed a tanker into one of the Kaiju.
The only thing that bothered me was that the other Jaegers did not get enough screentime. They introduced them as badass mf's but they get fucked up rather quickly.

It's terrible that most of you go to a movie where the trailer has cheesy lines and crazy CGI fights... you guys go in and expect an beautiful tale of love, war, drama, good character development and an excellent storyline. This movie delivered what it promised: bigass robots vs. monsters.



Its fucking Del Toro you dumbshit, hes proved he can do better then this phoned in bullshit..

You popcorn eating 1 brain cell motherfuck.

You are what they consider the brainless masses. I could film a piece of shit on a platter as long as it has lasers, and bewbs your stupid ass would give it 5 stars.
Get some fucking culture in your life, expect better then the mediocre, retread, cliche, and product placed entertainment so we all don't have to suffer with the neanderthals.

O but, can you imagine how good this is going to look on my 6k dollar Bigscreen TV in Blueray?? FUCK YOU!


Millie's Staff Member
column, i would like to fucking know what you expected going in to see a movie that makes it very clear from the trailer and synopsis that it will about sea monsters vs giant robots?

what part of that disappointed you?


column, i would like to fucking know what you expected going in to see a movie that makes it very clear from the trailer and synopsis that it will about sea monsters vs giant robots?

what part of that disappointed you?
He has a "Kneel before Zod!" kitty avatar. Don't take him too seriously.


Its fucking Del Toro you dumbshit, hes proved he can do better then this phoned in bullshit..

You popcorn eating 1 brain cell motherfuck.
...excepthe hasn't done better. Outside of Hellboy, his chops as director is toilet paper fodder.

Now, go have some popcorn.

edit: P.L. was shit. Being acclaimed just makes it acclaimed shit.


There's shitloads of movies with cheesy premises that the creative staff has elevated to art.

So don't come with that tired ass excuse... o it's only about Giant Robot, and monsters we can't possibly make that any better then subpar.
Not to mention this was Del Toro's first big production IP. He was out from under other people licenses to do whatever he wanted, and this is what he came up with??? fuck that noise


I'm definitely bitching about this movie, as should everyone.

And I was also calling you a Bitch, cause you are as dumb as one.


Millie's Staff Member
There's shitloads of movies with cheesy premises that the creative staff has elevated to art.

So don't come with that tired ass excuse... o it's only about Giant Robot, and monsters we can't possibly make that any better then subpar.
Not to mention this was Del Toro's first big production IP. He was out from under other people licenses to do whatever he wanted, and this is what he came up with??? fuck that noise
i saw pan's labyrinth and it was also a very simple movie, it was an artistically beautiful film, but the story was still very basic. what part of Pacific Rim did not meet that criteria?


Seem my review up top..

And also Chuk you have always had the shittiest taste in movies. This one is right up you alley.
You live for this garbage, so this is par for the course that you are defending it,

If it was your world , it would Be all G I Joe, Battleship, Transformers, and whatever bullshit movie they come up with next with the same exact characters, story, and dialogue.

Raise the fucking bar, expect more, and they will give you better movies.

What's really amazing is this came after Avengers. You think he would looked at that, and said hmmm I can make a really fun popcorn movie for everyone without making it the saming boring mess that comes out every summer. Should have inspired him to be better.