Peter V. Brett


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For all things Demon Cycle related and whatever else he does in the future.

UK cover forThe Daylight Warwas revealed.





Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Damn you I was going to start this thread this morning.

Anyways, any of you fantasy junkies out there that haven't read this yet really need to. Great series, I couldn't put the first book down. I was kind of iffy about how the second book started but it turned in to a page turner pretty quickly as well. Can't wait until the next book.


Golden Squire
Rereading "The Desert Spear" right now...when I first read it, I was disappointed about the Jardir part because like everyone I wasn't expecting it, but this time I think I prefer it to the Leesha's Twilight-esqe storyline about how everyone wants to fuck her, and I'm kind of looking forward to see how full of shit all the prophecies and advice Inevera gave Jardir was with her POV backstory section.


<Gold Donor>
Rereading "The Desert Spear" right now...when I first read it, I was disappointed about the Jardir part because like everyone I wasn't expecting it, but this time I think I prefer it to the Leesha's Twilight-esqe storyline about how everyone wants to fuck her, and I'm kind of looking forward to see how full of shit all the prophecies and advice Inevera gave Jardir was with her POV backstory section.
I felt much the same way. I really liked the first book, even though I could point out several things I didn't like about it, but I struggled to make it even a quarter of the way through the second book. Once I made a concerted effort though and got past halfway, I ended up finishing it rather quickly and might have liked it more overall. Tough to say though, because the "becoming a hero phase" for the main dude in the first book was pretty awesome.

I think the third book should have a full-color centerfold of Inevera to make her more tolerable though.


Silver Baron of the Realm
I really liked the first book despite the cliche of downtrodden boy/girl -> adversity -> talent/power -> adversity -> to hero arc of most fantasy. The total helplessness felt by the characters each evening and the effects this had on society as a whole was interesting and effectively helped to make the story somewhat original and refreshing. That said, the second book near totally undermined this and turned the story into a much more conventional fantasy tale dealing with armies and the other usual events both magical and mundane.

I know that the author had to do something so that the world could be changed but I much preferred the smaller scope and the oppressive atmosphere of the beginning... this leader of the light VS leader of dark is just a bit tired
but hopefully he will make it a bit more interesting than that and at any rate it should at least be a bit entertaining.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Thanks for the heads up. I enjoyed the hell out of the first two books in this.
There seem to be more Fantasy Authors asking question in the AMA in there then not, that was an interesting one. I have something very important to do the week of the 13th...I probably shouldn't buy the book until I can spare a day... damn.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There seem to be more Fantasy Authors asking question in the AMA in there then not, that was an interesting one. I have something very important to do the week of the 13th...I probably shouldn't buy the book until I can spare a day... damn.
There's a pretty big clique of these younger fantasy guys that are all pretty good friends now and publicly fuck with each other. See the Rothfuss thread where one got others to start posing like sexist fantasy book covers. Guys like Brett, Weeks, Sanderson, Myke Cole, Mark Lawrence, Rothfuss, Abercrombie, seems like they're all varying degrees of pals. Any time one of them does an AMA the others will pop up a bit. Mark Lawrence and Myke Cole especially are clearly pretty just big fans of reddit, at least the /r/fantasy subreddit.


Has anyone seen a good summary of both books? I read them both when they first came out but I have the worst memory when it comes to books these days, so I am really struggling to remember a lot of the specifics, but I don't want to reread the full books just to refresh myself.


Golden Squire
No summary by chapter that I've found, but the wikipedia for each book gives you the general gist of the plot and characters and the different demons.

Also, did not know that Paul Anderson had optioned the film rights to the series...that's interesting...


Silver Baron of the Realm
Has anyone seen a good summary of both books? I read them both when they first came out but I have the worst memory when it comes to books these days, so I am really struggling to remember a lot of the specifics, but I don't want to reread the full books just to refresh myself.
I don't remember the second book especially well as I didn't like it very much but here's the gist if you want (its a rather bland summary, but the book is actually very engaging):

A boy lives in a world that is ravaged each evening by demons who appear at sunset and are immune to physical harm, the only way to protect yourself is to create a ring of wards either carven or drawn in some fashion around yourself or property. This creates a barrier that the demons cannot pass through. The majority of his world lives like this, cowering in fear each evening, except for one nation in the desert who performs ritual combat every night in elaborate battle grounds constructed to capture various demons and hold them until dawn (they die if they cannot go back to where they came from before sunrise).

Anyway tragedy strikes the boy and he sets out on a formative journey in which he faces great adversity, gains knowledge, independence and great psychical and scholarly prowess. He uses his gifts to seek out ancient ruins hoping to find clues to the past of a civilization that were rumored to be far more powerful and able to defeat the demons. While continuing his search he finds some acceptance from the culture of the desert warrior people who typically disdain all outsiders as cowards and he is ascribed a special status due to his taking part in their nightly combat and is an impressive warrior.

Eventually he finds what he is looking for and discovers forgotten wards that will change the entire world, they enable the crafting of weapons that will kill demons and confer other protections. He naturally brings this back to his adopted people and finds glory and betrayal in equal measure.

The second book focuses mainly on the protagonists dealing with this betrayal, the machinations of the "brain" demons who show up because the humans are killing their peons and the activities of the betrayer who is hogging all the glory rightfully belonging to the main character. Its mostly a bunch of stuff happening in typical army of light vs dark fashion except that the wonderful element of intense fear each evening from the first book is basically gone now. There are hints of some super demon to come and probably some kind of demon army of some sort of other.

I hope that helps and I apologize again for the bare bones nature of the summary, if you want more then I suggest re reading


Golden Squire
My thoughts on Daylight War...I guess I'll spoiler them:

1. Far too much of this book's first half was about who's currently fucking who and who had fucked who in the past.

2. If book two took a lot of the fear away from the demons, this one demolished it. They're not scary at all now and random demon encounters are actually boring.

3. While Jardir's backstory was out of the blue, it did reveal a lot of Krasian culture and his side of things. Inevera's backstory was 99% rehash and didn't add barely anything to the story for requiring 200 pages of flashback.

4. Leesha's personality is all over the place. It's all messed up. Brett's really made her unlikable too.

5. Rojer and Renna sure do disappear for large chunks.

6. Having the Waning Battles be the one in the north and then the one in the south, instead of going back and forth, made for a very weird chapter structure.

7. I still always wonder if I should be more insulted as a guy that the male characters are predominantly written as rapists just waiting for a shot, or insulted on the behalf of women that they're predominantly written as scheming sluts who will use sex with anyone to get what they want in the world.

8. Serious cliffhanger, kind of pissed off about it.


Golden Squire
I'm about halfway through this. It's decent, but IMO 3 books into the story wasn't the time for a whole fuckload of extra Jardir backstory.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yep, didn't like this as much as book one but still readable so far. At least by the second half of the book I didn't really want to put it down until the sudden setting change.

Book 1>2>3 for me.

I wish he either kept the baddies more of a mystery or they actually had more depth to them.
The corelings aren't the bad guys at this point. At least not the main ones. They don't need deep motivations or character, being essentially the zombie horde back drop for the main characters to carry out their personal struggles.

The main enemy at this point is human weakness.

1.) Arlen's refusal to be the deliverer the people need.
2.) Jardir's back and forth between enlightened ruler and despot ruler.
3.) Leesha's condescension towards everyone else and her Anita Blake like Slut/Not Slut dichotomy.
4.) Inerva's reliance on outside forces for decision making and her fear of losing control.
5.) All of the above people's pride versus ripping common sense.

All of those things have done far more to damage the human fight versus the corelings then anything the corelings themselves have done. So yah I could care less about the how deep or intrigueing the coreling princes are at this point. The corelings don't even want to wipe out humanity since they are their food source.

Screw that ending though. I doubt Jardir is dead since Brett hasn't shown a propensity for killing off main characters, but that is where you are going to end it? Bleh

Book 1>3>2 at this point for me.