Reason hate pirates ninjas

heh! That would make sense, Makist.

It"s not unbelievable to me that someone rich would steal. It just makes me that much more angry because there"s no way for me to think, "Well, maybe someone"s kid was starving and they had no choice," or something similar.

Nope. It"s just another piece of shit waste of DNA.


makist said:
Maybe the thief had already stolen one of the cars?
Thats what I was gonna say. The dude thinks there a lot of rich idiots in the area, helps himself to a few other peoples shit, including yours, and drives off in a porsche/benz.


ummm wait a sec... where the hell is our screenshot of the crime... after all, this is the screenshot thread right?
either post some shots of her getting robbed, or post some pics of someone getting ganked. Keep it on topic ya know


Deus Vult
I"m going with the stealth rogue or the pirate. Though if it was the pirate she probably would have heard when he said "argh matey that"s some mighty fine loot".


GaliemVaelant said:
Yeah, there was cash in the purse. This area is about twenty years behind in technology, and you still have to have cash at a lot of places.

So she left this purse full of "all your money" which was some denomination over $60 in an unlocked car in a parking lot because she figured none of the upscale patrons would steal it? This is not a rhetorical question.

And why was she in the bank without her purse and ID and cash?


Dude, your elaving a lot of gray area wide open here. I"m cornfoosed.

Where was your wifes purse WHILE she was buckling the kid in? Was it on the front seat, around her shoulder, where?

Why did your wife NOT see who stole her purse? I"m sure her purse would have to have been someplace close to her while she buckling the kid in. If it wasn"t, then that"s careless on her part.

So far I"ve got this scenario in my head from what you"ve explained ..

1. Wife goes into bank. (Apparently with kid in tow, and purse.)

2. Wife exits bank. (Still with kid + purse?)

3. Wife is bukling kid in. (Where is purse?)

4. POOF ! Purse is stolen. (From where, From whom?)

Describe it like ya would in a police report.


Trakanon Raider
Your insistence on blaming this theft on a "rich" person is fucking pathetic.


Chips said:
All the evidence points to your wife being retarded and loosing the money at the track and making up a BS story
She is probably out spending your money on liquor and weed to consume with her boyfriend who your son is calling "da-da" while you slave away at work. I would probably beat her to death if I were you.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Had to have been a ninja, any good pirate usually boasts about his deeds afterwards.


Deus Vult
Did she see a suspicious looking guy with an eye patch, peg leg, and parrot on his should only moments before it went missing?
She had her purse set on top of the car, and was buckling in our son in the back seat. She was having trouble with the buckle, and the boy, so she was well distracted.

She stood up, and the purse was gone, one of the other cars was gone, and there was nobody around.

She didn"t have time to blow the money and lie. She filed a police report. On top of that, part of that money was going to be used to pay off a debt she has to the university here, so she could start graduate school for an adult education degree. She has been looking forward to going back.

If this were my ex wife, then I"d think the same thing, Chips.

I"m going with the stolen car theory. It makes the most sense, but it"s not the only possibility.

Okay... So, I should be looking for a rogue pirate with an eyepatch in a nice stolen car. I don"t have a screenshot now, Terial, but I"ll post a pic of the pirate"s bloody hook after I tear it off his/her arm if I find this shitstain.

Samus Aran_foh

The only cars in the parking lot were nice ones. I mean BMWs, Porsches, NICE, new cars.

No. It"s wide open by that bank, and she"d have seen the thief running off. It was the person in the one car that was there when she came out and gone when she got done buckling in the kid.

Nobody was in the parking lot. This wasn"t a Wal-Mart type parking lot with lots of people and tons of places to hide. This was at a small bank new enough to not even have cameras outside yet, with a couple cars in the lot and no people.
Ok im done trying to figure out this story, im gonna just call bullshit right now becuase either your wife is lying her ass off or you are or you"re both retards. first of all what new bank with no cameras? dont you think any bank new or old will have a security system? it is a bank afterall. second the first story you say the lot is full of cars POrsches BMWS NICE ONEZ!!! then later you ammend it to one other car there besides you"re wife"s. wtf. whats with the retards trying these lameass pranks. thanks for the fucktard trend you started Potam.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
His wife is married to the most annoying man alive, keep in mind... how much wisdom do you really think she"d display when it came to watching her purse?

Seriously though now, there"s all kinds of cool alarms you can get for a purse; consider investing some cash in one.


Deus Vult
GaliemVaelant said:
Okay... So, I should be looking for a rogue pirate with an eyepatch in a nice stolen car. I don"t have a screenshot now, Terial, but I"ll post a pic of the pirate"s bloody hook after I tear it off his/her arm if I find this shitstain.
Finally we are getting to the uncensored pirate theft truth motherfucker.