Science!! Fucking magnets, how do they work?

Can you imagine being stuck in a little cabin with a half dozen other people for the rest of your natural life with zero chance of ever getting out of it? Even if the mission was a complete success you are just going to sit out there for years and/or decades and slowly watch each other die. Everyone would go insane. I suppose there is a faint hope that technology will keep marching forward and eventually there would be a round-trip mission that could take you back to Earth, but there's certainly no guarantee of that.

I would kill myself in two weeks.
Never. Ending. Fuckfest.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
But what happens when Rock Hard Weekend runs out? DUN DUN DUN!!!

Anyways, going to Mars wouldn't be so bad if you could actually explore and not be stuck in a small area. However, assuming this even happened, I don't see them being able to travel very far unless they continue to fund it and make way stations/add additional things that would let them travel farther.


Bronze Squire
I guess there is huge difference between signing a contract or some kind of press document and actually doing the real thing, I would even had expected more than 80k people for signing some paper about something nobody have a fucking idea how this is gonna pan out. Or i'm completely wrong.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
"requires the submission of an application fee that can be as much as $75."

"These numbers put us right on track for our goal of half a million applicants"



Musty Nester
Well it's crowd funding. As far as that goes it doesn't raise any giant flags. But it's fairly obviously not a serious enterprise for other reasons. Their "3 Questions" and mission statement of "We're not looking for fighter pilots -- (or even competent trained individuals!)" are more cringe inducing than their fundraising methods along with the fact that their corporation has a Chief Medical Officer. It's like fucking star trek over there. Any one of these things maybe you can overlook but the sum of them screams, "Hey these guys figured out how to make some easy money".

Not that it's not worth doing. I wouldn't even shut them down if I had that power. At best they're looking to make a 2-3 year reality show about trying to train goobers to be pioneers. But don't forget the impact that Clarke, Bradbury, and Heinlein had. If this serves to spark public interest in a serious enterprise it has value.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Can you imagine being stuck in a little cabin with a half dozen other people for the rest of your natural life with zero chance of ever getting out of it? Even if the mission was a complete success you are just going to sit out there for years and/or decades and slowly watch each other die. Everyone would go insane. I suppose there is a faint hope that technology will keep marching forward and eventually there would be a round-trip mission that could take you back to Earth, but there's certainly no guarantee of that.

I would kill myself in two weeks.
But couldn't you just watch movies with your robot friends?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

Didn't see this posted, the article is dated from last August, but this is the first I've heard of it. Countless lives can, be saved with discovery. Even has an Abyss reference in the article. Although, I don't remember them taking a pill in the movie to breathe water, it's been awhile since I've seen it, but can't recall that.

*EDIT* Link working again.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
In the abyss they filled their suits with some sort of liquid that you were supposed to be able to "breathe". They said it was the same as what you breathed when you are in the womb, which is complete bullshit.


Musty Nester
Oooooh SNAP. The first author called shennanigans.

It does seem like an odd way to announce such a thing. But then again he seems to have left formal academia of his own accord early in his life. If he's earnest that sort of shennanigan would protect his name long term at the cost of his short term reputation.

It doesn't really make any sense unless he's trying to sell a book. He's either earnest or meglomaniacal. I don't see the grift.

One thing's sure though. If he has math -- people who should be looking at it are going to look at it now. If only to publicly mock him and reaffirm the institutions.


Scientists rediscovered the recipe for Roman concrete and this Businessweek article says that it is going to re-revolutionize construction.

The secret to Roman concrete lies in its unique mineral formulation and production technique. As the researchers explain in a press release outlining their findings, "The Romans made concrete by mixing lime and volcanic rock. For underwater structures, lime and volcanic ash were mixed to form mortar, and this mortar and volcanic tuff were packed into wooden forms. The seawater instantly triggered a hot chemical reaction. The lime was hydrated-incorporating water molecules into its structure-and reacted with the ash to cement the whole mixture together."

The Portland cement formula crucially lacks the lyme and volcanic ash mixture. As a result, it doesn't bind quite as well when compared with the Roman concrete, researchers found. It is this inferior binding property that explains why structures made of Portland cement tend to weaken and crack after a few decades of use, Jackson says.
Well it's crowd funding. As far as that goes it doesn't raise any giant flags. But it's fairly obviously not a serious enterprise for other reasons. Their "3 Questions" and mission statement of "We're not looking for fighter pilots -- (or even competent trained individuals!)" are more cringe inducing than their fundraising methods along with the fact that their corporation has a Chief Medical Officer. It's like fucking star trek over there. Any one of these things maybe you can overlook but the sum of them screams, "Hey these guys figured out how to make some easy money".

Not that it's not worth doing. I wouldn't even shut them down if I had that power. At best they're looking to make a 2-3 year reality show about trying to train goobers to be pioneers. But don't forget the impact that Clarke, Bradbury, and Heinlein had. If this serves to spark public interest in a serious enterprise it has value.
Why would you want to send competent people to die on another planet?

I think watching the breakdown of society and inevitable space warfare and cannibalism is worth donating 20 bucks too. Fuck.. maybe there will be options like on Big Brother to send weapons to your favorite contestants. The added butt hurt of the intellectual elite not reaching Mars first will just be icing on the cake.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Probably because she didn't invent a way to charge batteries, she lit an LED. She also didn't do anything that isn't already being worked on, it's just vaguely impressive that a high school student did it on her own. Google electric double-layer capacitors and graphene supercapacitors if you're curious.