

Molten Core Raider
Sorry to hear about the ban, but who are you kidding? I am sure you know why you were banned. Come on...tell us the story.
Like i said, i went on a 10 game mass feed with Jin jumping from base before i was going to take my 1 month break but i was still ending usually between 10-18 to 25-10. I had a past suspension for some polite comments about how a person should petition their mom for a late abortion so not sure if I got reported repeatedly for those games or what.

I tried getting an awesome smurf account i made fired up and some how it accepted an email that does not exist when i set it up and i forgot the damn user name. Support gave me the email the ingame user was associated with but i can't get the user name from their recovery since the damn email doesn't exist. I had a a zeus on my smurf that was averaging 26 kills a game across 100+ games so i really want that sexiness.

Maybe this a clear message i need to find a new game


Molten Core Raider
Well i finally got my username of one of my smurf accounts (2 week ordeal as i had a typo on the email addy when i created it so it was a bogus email; couldn't remember user login and the retrival system required an email).

Just did CQ qualifer on it and got put into gold 4 so i'll be doing some CQ grinding most evenings for anyone who wants a partner. xxThunder is name.

Man those power pots are so fucking OP on PTS; i pray to god they keep the reduction of Cooldown by 1 second on them regardless of other nerfs. My He bo will make a come back with < 1 second "1's


A nice asshole.
Recently starting playing this nightly for PS4, if you want to group add me.

PS4 ID Drakonin626


Molten Core Raider
She is a no talent cunt who manages to out damage mages yet tanks 1v5....CUNT~~~~~

(should have seen her when she first was released, like probably 35-40% better. Was so OP)


A nice asshole.
She is a no talent cunt who manages to out damage mages yet tanks 1v5....CUNT~~~~~

(should have seen her when she first was released, like probably 35-40% better. Was so OP)

I had no idea, I just liked her style heh.


Molten Core Raider
Started playing again now that season 4 got going abit. I did about 8 regular CQ to get used to the changes and not going to lie was getting my shit pushed in. I almost didn't try ranked thinking maybe I lost my touch. Did qualifiers and went 7-3 i think and got gold 1 placement. Then went on some ass raping runs and managed to skip a few lvls and up to Diamond 5 already which is my highest ever lol (made plat 3 twice but that was it). So i do a game this morning and have fucking JeffHindla and Baraccuda on the other team. I still main mid so didn't get to do much against them but they raped out duo so bad lol.

on Xnukez if anyone wants to duo queue ever