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<Gold Donor>
What? Where?

lmao, okay admittedly when I read "also cars" I didn't even read that paragraph, bc I would've never guessed you go on to describe cameras. So, my bad. But also, contextualize your fucking points better.

But, even the availability of small cameras is directly tied to the iPhone. So, again, that's not a recent innovation, that's just a more recent application of the innovation. In 4 years the iPhone will be 20 years old.


Log Wizard
I think you described Scuba Steve too.
Other fun stuff:

Still sleeps in the twinsie bed his mommy bought him.
Claims to have knowledge of how college works; has no degree.
Boiled his nuts off for years in a tiny hot room because he didn't know how windows worked, and despite claiming to make $200k+ a year as an "engineer", refused to spend a few hundred for a window AC.
Depending on the argument, he claims to be a telco expert or an AWS engineer or whatever daydream he has that day. Because as you know, people making $200k a year live in tiny run down houses with no AC.

That's the Gist of Mist. Ya'll keep these things in mind when he tries to sound smarter than you.

What Mist thinks he is:

What Mist actually is:
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
In 4 years the iPhone will be 20 years old.
In 4 years, you will still be fucking dumb, or dumber.

Feeling Dumb Jim Carrey GIF

Anyway, there's a whole bunch of other sensors in new cars that have nothing to do with iPhones. My new $34k Subaru can keep itself between lines perfectly for dozens of miles with no input from me, significantly better than the one I bought 3 years ago.

Also, have you noticed that (most) transmissions last practically forever, and starters almost never randomly fail anymore? When in the 80s and 90s, this happened constantly?


<Gold Donor>
If they were competent, they would not have the lowest paying jobs.

What the fuck, this is basic economics.

You're too fucking dumb to argue with.

In the 1980's the lowest paying jobs went to high schoolers or unerdeveloped adults. These jobs were in fast food, sanitation, etc.

In 2023 the lowest paying jobs go to high schoolers or underdeveloped adults. These jobs are in fast food, sanitation, etc.

In the 1980's you could expect good food and service from the lowest paid workers. In 2023 you have to go to Chick-Fil-A to get good food and service, bc nobody else can fulfill simple tasks.

Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
Other fun stuff:

Still sleeps in the twinsie bed his mommy bought him.
Claims to have knowledge of how college works; has no degree.
Boiled his nuts off for years in a tiny hot room because he didn't know how windows worked, and despite claiming to make $200k+ a year as an "engineer", refused to spend a few hundred for a window AC.
Depending on the argument, he claims to be a telco expert or an AWS engineer or whatever daydream he has that day. Because as you know, people making $200k a year live in tiny run down houses with no AC.

That's the Gist of Mist. Ya'll keep these things in mind when he tries to sound smarter than you.

What Mist thinks he is:
View attachment 506796
What Mist actually is:
View attachment 506797
Most going Gold is gonna be the gift that keeps on giving in 2024. i can't wait until he learns how to use threadban toys.
  • 1Clown World
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<Gold Donor>
In 4 years, you will still be fucking dumb, or dumber.

Feeling Dumb Jim Carrey GIF

Anyway, there's a whole bunch of other sensors in cars that have nothing to do with iPhones. My new $34k Subaru can keep itself between lines perfectly for dozens of miles with no input from me, significantly better than the one I bought 3 years ago.

Radar and LiDar are not recent innovations.

Dear god. You're really bad at defending your points. No wonder you stay mad.
  • 1Truth!
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Most going Gold is gonna be the gift that keeps on giving in 2024. i can't wait until he learns how to use threadban toys.
I know how to use them because they've been used on me. I am not a scoundrel, however. At least, not that kind of scoundrel.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Radar and LiDar are not recent innovations.

Dear god. You're really bad at defending your points. No wonder you stay mad.
The precision with which sensors in even 'economy' cars have improved in the past five years is astounding.

No one had this tech in their cars 15 years ago.

Anyway, your thesis that the world is gonna fall apart because they can't find competent people to assemble your Big Mac that you shouldn't be eating is the dumbest fucking shit I've seen in a while.


<Gold Donor>
The precision with which sensors in even 'economy' cars have improved in the past five years is astounding.

No one had this tech in their cars 15 years ago.

Anyway, your thesis that the world is gonna fall apart because they can't find competent people to assemble your Big Mac that you shouldn't be eating is the dumbest fucking shit I've seen in a while.

My lead dev had a Hyundai with the same tech in his car 12 years ago. So, you're wrong.

I agree the "prevalence" has increased, but that wasn't your initial argument. You keep moving the goal posts, but that's kind of your shtick bc you have zero observational skills outside of 1's and 0's.

And I haven't said anything about the world falling apart. I've used the word "pain" consistently.


Vyemm Raider
Wait, if I had good status, I could thread ban someone from a thread? Like forever? How does one get such power?


Potato del Grande
People have been saying "kids these days" since the dawn of time.

Can you give ten examples?

The only recent and accessible advancement I can think of is Chat-GPT, which is easily distributed bc software. Everything else is bottle-necked to the rich or heavily-subsidized. You can't even get fast food at a reasonable speed/quality anymore bc the workers are either incompetent or cut corners. That's 80 year old innovation back-peddling at a rapid pace.

The more you get out, the more readily apparent it is. So, it makes sense that you're oblivious to this phenomenon.

Do the bottom feeders eventualy get so heavy that they sink the rest of the ship? I'd suggest that it's already happening, but it'll just take another 20 years to experience the pain.
Not sure if I missed something or you have a very specific time frame in mind, but we are literally going through a communications revolution that's been lasting 30 years and is still ongoing with AI advancements?

I can list 10 things if you want but seems kinda obvious!?


Egg Nazi
People have been saying "kids these days" since the dawn of time.
I have no idea what context this was meant for. But since its been on my mind lately:

What'll really bake your noodle is when you come to the realization they've been right, all along.
  • 1Truth!
  • 1Worf
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
People have been saying "kids these days" since the dawn of time.
There's a thread somewhere of someone finding the quote "no one wants to work anymore" in printed in a news article every year for over 150 years.

I can't find the long version, only the original abbreviated version on Twitter.
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<Gold Donor>
There's a thread somewhere of someone finding the quote "no one wants to work anymore" in printed in a news article every year for over 150 years.

I can't find the long version, only the original abbreviated version on Twitter.

"I can't find it, and you've never seen it, and I'm not gonna post it, but I swear it exists."
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
"I can't find it, and you've never seen it, and I'm not gonna post it, but I swear it exists."

This the short version.

I'm looking for the long version.

Here's the Snopes article with the context of all the quotes in the short version:

  • 1Imbecile
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