

Life's a Dream
Oh yeah. So I guess I got out of the show when I moved to Hawaii. Season 6 was the end. Didn't Harvey quit the show earlier? He was a no-show most of the time, so they had Mike doing all of the Harvey type scenes. Yeah, I won't watch the other seasons. But I did enjoy the show at first.


<Prior Amod>
Oh yeah. So I guess I got out of the show when I moved to Hawaii. Season 6 was the end. Didn't Harvey quit the show earlier? He was a no-show most of the time, so they had Mike doing all of the Harvey type scenes. Yeah, I won't watch the other seasons. But I did enjoy the show at first.

no, Harvey goes on to become a named partner, alone with Lewis. They merge with Rachel Zane’s dads firm and Mike and Rachel leave the show…sorry line wise they moved to Seattle to run a well funded firm that did class action lawsuits.


Life's a Dream
Ahh, ok then. I guess that's where I got out. They both quit, but maybe they didn't quit? Google is misleading.


<Prior Amod>
Ahh, ok then. I guess that's where I got out. They both quit, but maybe they didn't quit? Google is misleading.

yeah end of season 7 they both left the show. Meghan Markle because of her relationship with Prince Harry getting more serious (getting married), Adam’s (Mike) left because his wife (who was in Pretty Little Liars) and him didn’t get enough time together and he wanted to focus on that.


<Prior Amod>
Well I’ve finished it. It got a lot weaker when Mike left and the new cast came in but it ended about the best way it possibly could have. No loose ends, no left wondering anything, it was honestly the perfect finale for this show.

now to find something else.