Tale of Toast


<Gold Donor>
I just saw a stream of this today. It looks like it will give Pantheon a run for its money.

Tale of Toast

  • Old school MMORPG combat system (see section below).
  • Huge open world in a single zone with towns, cities, forests, fields, winter areas, desert areas, volcanoes, mines, and dungeons instances.
  • Day/Night cycles which affects things such as quests and enemies.
  • Weather system.
  • Expansive spell system based around a spell tree.
  • Lots of character customizations and emotes.
  • Weapon and armor with varying quality and stats buffs.
  • Large variety of trade skills such as wood cutting, fishing, mining, smithing, cooking, etc.
  • Multiple instances with bosses.
  • Quests with main focus on quality over quantity.
  • Wide range of weapons and armor.
  • Dueling between players where you can chose the stakes of winning and losing the fight.
  • Play with your game controller.
  • Guilds.
  • Big variety of pets.
  • Many different mounts.
  • Large amount of unique enemy types.
  • ... and much more.

Trade Skills
We currently have the following trade skills for you to excel in:
  • Mining
  • Botany
  • Fishing
  • Blacksmithing
  • Carpentry
  • Cooking
  • Alchemy

General Rules
The combat system is a mixture between real-time and strategy. When you initiate melee combat with a player or enemy, both players are locked for three rounds of fighting before they are able to run or stay fighting. Rounds are handled automatically by the game, and the decision you as a player have is what type of combat stance you want to fight in during the fight. Spells and Magic are real-time, which means you can for example shoot an arrow at an enemy and then attempt to kite them.

Player versus Player
You can initiate combat with other players throughout the entire world, with the exception being the starting zone where you cannot fight with other players. There are however guards in cities and towns who will try to stop brawls between players.

  • You can only initiate combat with players that are either above your combat level, or a maximum of three levels below your combat level.
  • Your combat level is calculated based on an average of your attack skills.
  • You have three types of melee attack skills (accuracy, strength and defense).
  • Attacking a player who has not attacked you in the last 15 minutes, means you get a skull above your head for 30 minutes.
  • If you kill another player with a skull, they will drop their equipped items and inventory.
  • If you kill another player without a skull, they will keep their three best items but drop the rest.

Melee Combat
When fighting monsters, any amount of players can join in on the melee fight, but when two players are fighting each other through melee then no other player can initiate melee combat with either of the two players before they break up the fight. Other players are however able to provide assistance in the form of ranged or magic spells.

Ranged Combat
To shoot at a player or monster you need a ranged weapon (such as a bow), and the required ranged ammunition (for example arrows). Ranged combat is great if you are playing in a party with a melee fighter, as it means you can shoot at the same player or monster that the melee fighter is currently fighting.

Using Magic together with a melee fighting friend is a great combination as it allows you to use magic spell on the players or monsters that the melee fighter is attacking, or to heal/buff your party member. You gain magic points by using magic, which then allows you to place magic points in a spell tree. Perhaps you want to focus on gaining more powerful healing spells, or attack spells from subtrees such as ice or fire?

What will it cost?
The game will be free to play, and Never "pay to win". You can purchase in-game items and features, but none of it will grant another player advantages over somebody who has not paid.

Examples of in-game purchases:
  • Armor, Weapons and Items which are only for visual appearance.
  • Adding visual improvements on standard items, weapons and armor (such as glowing effects).
  • Additional character customizations and renaming current character.
  • Certain Guild features (such as being able to customize titles).
  • Pets that cannot be acquired through NPCs or drops.
  • Extra character slots.
Maybe I'm wrongly judging a book by its cover but I can't imagine a good combat system and deep MMORPG with kiddie Lego graphics like that.
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Trakanon Raider
Maybe I'm wrongly judging a book by its cover but I can't imagine a good combat system and deep MMORPG with kiddie Lego graphics like that.

Lol I agree with this sentiment.

That being said I would definitely play a lego skyrim game.



Blackwing Lair Raider
I just saw a stream of this today. It looks like it will give Runescape a run for its money.


Edit: It could've, should've, would've given EQN a run for its money too, alas.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, they really need new character models. I've said as much on their reddit subforum.

Otherwise the game is pretty good considering it's made by two people. I mean you lose all your shit when you die PLUS experience. The game plays cute then kicks you in the balls with how brutal it is. It's also hardcore pvp oriented.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I was really hoping this was an I Am Bread MMO.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
TheHiveLeader did a preview of it:

I was enjoying the video till the guy mentioned selling stuff in Gfay and not Ecom tunnel. Can't trust his judgement on anything now.

Anyway, I guess I'm in the minority in that I like the graphics on this. I love the super stylized look.


Vyemm Raider
I mean you lose all your shit when you die PLUS experience. The game plays cute then kicks you in the balls with how brutal it is. It's also hardcore pvp oriented.
But the devs decided these traits are best represented by bearded bobblehead baby graphics, huh.

Of all the ways to sabotage your chances at success, an aesthetics-gameplay mismatch has to be the dumbest.


Golden Squire
Gameplay is king, if people can still play Ultima Online, Runescape, EQ, etc then if this game is solid content and mechanics wise, people (including me) will play.

If you have a limited budget, concentrate on the game itself, you can always re-skin shit when you get popular.


Molten Core Raider
I think it's mostly the faces that bother me personally. They need to be re-done.

I'll play it if it's solid. Hell it's not to bad right now (accept for running around my character spazzes out sometimes, also mob lag). In the MMO industry you take what you can get like.