Tales of Maj'Eyal


Trakanon Raider
I offer a thumbs up on this one - IMO best of the roguelikes by far and well worth the $5 ;p

IIRC it's still free if you want to try it out, the steam version is the supporter version with steam achievements and a few extras thrown in to encourage support.


Been playing the free version for a while. Definitely gonna throw some money at them for the Steam one. Incredibly fun rogue-like.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. I probably should too.
I can't say I got TOO into it. outdated graphics, and not entirely random gen.
Rather just play dredmor.

Also, sale seems over.


I remember this coming very highly recommended by several people from some forum I can't recall now. So much so I remember being convinced into clicking the "I would play this" button on STEAM Greenlight or whatever it's called.

Supposed to be be quite good, lots of depth in character/classes, if I recall.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm enjoying this game quite a bit. Tons of classes and specialization combos along with a huge arsenal of weapons, armor and magic items.

The graphics are poor but the gameplay makes up for it - now if only I could keep from dying........

Game is a steal at 7 bucks.


Trakanon Raider
I picked up the free version from their site yesterday and played this some. It's nice how even though it has permadeath, you earn extra lives while leveling up, so you get a few get out of jail free cards. I tried a mage first, who promptly died in the first zone since I had no idea what I was doing, and mages are fragile anyway. Next I tried a berserker, who did well for a while. He burned through all his extra lives exploring the sandworm caves since I kept suffocating from the tunnels collapsing on me, and I was too stubborn to leave and come back later.

Now I'm playing a Cursed, which is a class my berserker unlocked by saving some village from a possessed guy. He tears up most enemies, but I've died a few times now from mages, since their nukes 2-3 shot me if I don't charge them and take them out instantly.


Avatar of War Slayer
Got sucked in again bit.

Definitely fun. Some new things added since I last played. pretty sure the psi stuff wasn't in last time.

The sort of complaint I have is still the random/not random nature, I think.
The game is tough, on your first time. Much of the difficulty comes from the game murdering you, if you take a wrong turn basically.
Like for example, the overworld is not random. but it also doesn't tell you were to go at all. So you start at the 1-level 5 forest. and then likely go to the town and tower that are visible.
now the tower is easy itself. until you get to the boss who I am fairly sure will "one shot" you with the freeze from offscreen the first time you fight him. (and probably a couple other times too) But there is basically no way to be prepared for that, unless you have died to it before. at which point, you'll see his spawn is not random. and you know what his moves are, so you can prepare for it. ALOT of things in this game are like that. Feels a bit cheezy at times. Although that is why the extra lives feature exists I suppose.
and also, you will likely not even notice the OTHER side of the level 5-6 forest+town and level 6-8 gloomy forest, until you are like level 12+.
The game heavily rewards you for having preknowledge of where things are, is what I am saying. In not just rewarding exploration, but penalizing walking into new places at times. another example, Celia's crypt. hey go explore this crypt. Ok!. door shuts behind you. (recall does work). but no npcs to judge level, until you walk into Celia herself. level 20 or 25iirc.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Best rogue-like out there IMO. Go back and binge play it once in a while. My dad was highly addicted to it for a couple months. If you like rogue-likes at all, this is the one to play.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Thank you for posting this. I am having so much fun in this game it is crazy. I have not been this engrossed in a game since...well, it has been at least 5 years or so.


Molten Core Raider
I am crazy addicted to this. Game is completely not afraid to just out and gank you at times. I've lost some pretty good characters to accidentally popping a boss that's 15 levels higher or some shit. Seems Right now have a character with something like 7 different heals on him so I'm taking it slower this time and actually checking the HP on bosses instead of just assuming I'm some sort of Billy badass.


Vyemm Raider
This game is great. I really like the unique mechanics of each class. Makes for interesting replays. Alchemist seem to be the most overpowered class by far. Those gemstone bombs are no joke when you fully upgrade them. Not to mention, being able to turn all metallic items into gemstones means you can buy the best gear very early on. Add on a fearless speed bump of a golem and you have just unlocked EZ mode. Bulwarks are also a solid starting class, but they seem to lag in the damage department later on.

Capping elemental resists makes certain areas a breeze, otherwise they are almost guaranteed to gib you. And eventually with enough playthroughs you work out the "order" in which to do the dungeons for the smoothest curve.


Trakanon Raider
This game is great. I really like the unique mechanics of each class. Makes for interesting replays. Alchemist seem to be the most overpowered class by far. Those gemstone bombs are no joke when you fully upgrade them. Not to mention, being able to turn all metallic items into gemstones means you can buy the best gear very early on. Add on a fearless speed bump of a golem and you have just unlocked EZ mode. Bulwarks are also a solid starting class, but they seem to lag in the damage department later on.
Alchemists are still pretty fragile, and you will find late game that bosses have enough to survive multiple bombs, so you have to move to a more careful style. Still, for blowing the crap out of those pesky adventurer parties, antimagic patrols and orc patrols they are the reigning champs, especially if you pick up an 'of delving' item so you can track them and blow them the fuck up from max range, out of sight behind a few trees. Protip - adventuring parties are *not* an easy source of free loot on most classes, this makes the revenge you can get with alchemist extra sweet ;p

Most OP in my opinion goes to oozemancer though, a ways back in the pack are corruptor, reaver, solipsist and summoner. All of them except summoner have outstanding durability to go with their crazy dps and other tricks - summoner makes up for that if you are careful by burying everything in an endless wave of cannon fodder.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. I found the summoner really strong. havent unlocked everything, but yeah. sit back, and just throw stuff at everything.
low hp and defense on you. but, your minions all scale with willpower directly. you can basically forsake everything else.
infuse a stun break and teleport in case you do get into danger. and the class has a heal anyway.


I picked this up yesterday and am loving it so far. Very simple, yet can spend silly amounts of time playing if you're not watching the clock.

I'm playing a summoner right now, my very first unlocked class, and they seem very very strong like Caliane said.

Fun game, definitely would recommend to anyone.


Molten Core Raider
I do most of my exploring on my Thalor Bulwark. While not an offensive powerhouse by any means, the fact that I'm damn near invulnerable is pretty nice, can take on a lot of bosses that simply cannot hit me and Thalor get a lot of innate resists. Got lucky and had a lone alchemist escort right off the bat so learned the gem xmute thing and made bank. Stacked life regen as much as I could as well so now I regenerate like 1/5th my life per turn.