The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread


Avatar of War Slayer
He was in FF12 as well. As one of the monsters you could hunt down.
Aye reading up on him on the wiki was actually kind of cool, V was the only game where he was "in the spotlight" but he is "fairly" consistant in look, speech, character etc throughout all games he appears in... while there are namesakes such as cid, biggs and wedge- cid is "kind of" consistant in he usually has something to do with airships and technology but thats about it

I still havent
truely finished BD... I really lost motivation to master all classes, and every guide I read kind of tells me I need to have a perfectly balanced OP party to think about beating airy 3rd+ form and the real final boss... I have 2 free lunch pirates that can dish 9999's and a hasten world I can abuse that- I attempted to hasten world + jump thing but no one is fast nuff to go consistantly first so i just die lol


Toe Sucker
Yeah.. last boss is pretty cheesy heh

I can't for the life of me understand how the hell anybody enjoys Blitzball, god its so gay haha


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah.. last boss is pretty cheesy heh

I can't for the life of me understand how the hell anybody enjoys Blitzball, god its so gay haha
Once you are up by at least a point you can throw a pass to a player back near your goal. And if he is far enough away from the opponents, the AI wont pick up on him and you can just idle the last 4:40 of each half. I AFK'd (or AFC'd I guess) the entirety of the seasons/tournaments for Wakka's stuff.


That guy
Blitzball is awesome yo! Finally ended up buying the box version of X/X2 HD so I could play it on my roommate's functional PS3. I miss my old PS2 save game where every character had celestial weapons and the entire sphere grid unlocked (not counting naturally blank spaces, I did not have the patience to farm shit for that). Think my Auron on that save game had like 36,000 HP and even Yuna would melee for 99,999. Got to the Calm Lands recently and I think I might break another controller like I did back in 1999/2000 trying to get that chocobo race item for Tidus's celestial weapon.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Plowing through Blitzball grinding is hard going but just remember how good the reward is. Wakka with the World Champion and Attack Reels is literally god mode.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Plowing through Blitzball grinding is hard going but just remember how good the reward is. Wakka with the World Champion and Attack Reels is literally god mode.
Blitzball is luls at the point I'm at now. I'm using my defenders to score every goal. It's hilarious when I win games 10-0 with only the defenders scoring and Tidus/Wedge/Brother haven't done shit except corral the entire other team away from their goalie. Good times.


Trakanon Raider
I reached Chapter 4 of FFX-2 and I forgot how much the Commsphere sequence sucks. It really doesn't add much to the game but it's simply hours of tedious annoyance to make sure you keep your story rating at the appropriate percentage.


Toe Sucker
By the time i got to Mushroom Rock i realized how much i fucking hate the sphere grid. I guess it's been too long that i forgot how tedious their leveling system is. Blarghhh
I guess I should have just went with the standard sphere grid lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
So, currently playing through AC4 and about to finish that up and I'm thinking about which game I want to play next. Wondering if FF13-3 is really worth it or not? I wanted to grab it when it first came out but held off, but now I really haven't heard much about it so maybe it wasn't that great? Reviews seem to be all over the place as well, so might as well ask you great people here at RR!

13-1 was meh/just okay, 13-2 I liked quite a bit. Now since 13-3 is finally dropping in price a bit I'm tempted to pick it up and give it a shot just to see the stories "conclusion".

Also, if somebody could give an estimate on total game time to finish story and maybe total game time to do ~100% that'd be sweet. If you can finish the whole main story pretty quick I'd almost just be tempted to rent it for a wknd.


Trakanon Raider
13-3 is decent but nothing great or spectacular. For most of the game it's simply Lightning against the world. She's not a particularly well designed character and she's not particularly likable so having the entire game revolve around her is a questionable decision.

Despite only one playable chartacter, the battle system is decent but there is no leveling up in the traditional sense. Instead you gain stats based on quests completed. Abilities are "drops" from enemies and you can enhance those abilities by farming them and combining them to make them stronger. This includes basic abilities like "attack." However, the job system is pretty decent and it's fun to play "dress up" with Lightning.

Keep in mind if you are a completionist, you will NOT be able to get Platinum or 100% on a single playthrough. There is a fairly robust NG+ system in place though which brings me to my next point...

This game features a clock. When the clock runs out, the game is over. This is one of the most controversial features of the game and most view it very negatively. With that being said, there are ways to abuse the clock system and freeze the clock for short periods of time. And once you understand the game and where to farm things, you can keep the clock froze almost indefinitely. One big problem though is the amount of stuff that must be done at certain times of the day which can make the first play extremely difficult without a guide. Without a guide, you're likely going to run out of time and be forced to start from the beginning. But remember how I said there is a robust NG+ system? Starting over doesn't mean starting over at level 1 (though there are no levels). You start the plot over but keep pretty everything except key items.

Anyway, that's a lot more than I planned to write. In the end it's an OK game but not a great game.


Potato del Grande
I don't get the whole time issue. LoZ: Majoras Mask had a similar time constraint but no one bitched as much as with Lightning Returns.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There really is no time issue. If you abuse the hell out of Chronostasis you can complete everything and wind up having to rest at an inn for several days straight in order to finish the game. If you play normally and use Chronostasis liberally you'll complete all required quests with plenty of time to spare for the optional ones.

It's a great game, easily one of the best in the series.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Man, finally going back through to do the Platinum on FF13 - it's a brutal platinum.... so easy to screw up and so much grinding...


Trakanon Raider
13's platinum wasn't bad but it was very time consuming. Just don't sell anything and you'll be fine. The worst part is killing the big turtles for hours at a time for the money drops. I think I clocked about 90 hours on 13 to platinum it.


Toe Sucker
13's platinum wasn't bad but it was very time consuming. Just don't sell anything and you'll be fine. The worst part is killing the big turtles for hours at a time for the money drops.I think I clocked about 90 hours on 13 to platinum it.
90 hours in that game oh gooooooooooooood.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, think I might just go ahead and order FF13-3 then. I guess I can get it for ~$30 on amazon so why not. I usually never use guides for games on my first playthrough but would it be suggested for 13-3 so I don't miss a bunch of good optional stuff. I just don't want to miss a bunch of good scenes/optional areas especially if I only play through it once. Knowing me, I'll beat the main storyline, go to start up a NG+ yet get bored of it after a few hours and then never touch the game again for a good year+.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
13's platinum wasn't bad but it was very time consuming. Just don't sell anything and you'll be fine. The worst part is killing the big turtles for hours at a time for the money drops. I think I clocked about 90 hours on 13 to platinum it.
Would help if I could kill them with any regularity, but only Summon methods are reliable for me - but then I've gotta run around an age to recharge.

And Needless, part of my OCD I guess.