The Conjuring


Trump's Staff
Anyone looking forward to this horror movie? I'm gonna be seeing an early screening tonight and can post my thoughts if people want an early review.



Gunnar Durden
It looks decent enough, but the genre has been flooded by so much shit it's hard to want see this.

I feel like James wan could pull something good out of this.


Trump's Staff
Well supposedly it's got a pretty good word-of-mouth and right now it's sitting at 93% on RT with 14 reviews.


Trump's Staff
Just got back, the movie is really good if this is a genre you're into. Very tense all the way throughout. A few cheap scares, but good acting throughout and a good story. Probably the best horror film I've seen in recent memory, including films like Insidious, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark and a few others. Patrick Wilson and Vara Farmiga steal the show.


Was it rated R because it was legitimately scary or was it just too much gore? While I enjoyed the Evil Dead remake for the gore and non CGI effects I would enjoy something that is actually scary.


Trump's Staff
Almost no gore considering the genre, and I'm not even sure if I remember any cuss words in it.


A Mod Real Quick
So I was curious about the real events this is based off since I am a glutton for paranormal investigation. Apparently it was a book written a few years ago by the daughter, but it has received pretty poor reviews. It either gets a review of a 1star or 5star on Amazon, with all 5-stars coming from residents of the town/state and everyone else giving it a 1. Guess I won't check out the book.

Also there's been some concern over the legitimacy of the Warrens, their practices, possibilities of hoaxes, and general career. I have no opinion on it, but just to be sure people should know this is the same couple that were part of Poltergeist (short old lady).

That said, I am really interested in seeing this, but no one wants to go with me so I'll probably wait for BD.

I just wonder how over the top they go. For instance, I thought Haunting in Connecticut was awesome. I had seen the TV episode on it, and the movie turned out good too.. but the cheap scenes where they try to make you jump, or certain 'fictionalized' aspects they threw in kind of ruined a few parts of it. I know it's a movie, so they have to add some of that stuff - but I think it would've been better represented as the true story and not some bastardized hollywood version. Does it have that feel?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I met Ed and Lorraine Warren once at a university in Pennsylvania, hell, over 15 years ago now, they gave a lecture about paranormal activity. I remember it was punctuated by strange events, noises, people flat out leaving because they were freaked out. Of course, I thought, shit, they rigged this place up pretty damn good, we are getting played, jolly good show. At the end of their speech, myself and a few friends went up to talk to them, shake their hands, and Lorraine Warren knew shit about us. Personal shit. It was goddamn creepy and fascinating at the same time. So while I have no doubt that they sensationalized most of their investigations, there is a small part of me that wonders if there isn't some kernel of unexplained weirdness behind them.


Trump's Staff
I know it's a movie, so they have to add some of that stuff - but I think it would've been better represented as the true story and not some bastardized hollywood version. Does it have that feel?
If you really believe the demon-haunting aspect, then there's nothing in the movie that is very hard to believe. As far as the actual plot points go, this is a pretty standard haunted house / possession type storyline. What differentiates this movie is some good use of camera angles, darkness, general creepiness and slow build of suspense. Very few in-your-face scares out of nowhere.

There are a couple situations where I was like, "how did that person get there?" but whatever.


Buzzfeed Editor
I met Ed and Lorraine Warren once at a university in Pennsylvania, hell, over 15 years ago now, they gave a lecture about paranormal activity. I remember it was punctuated by strange events, noises, people flat out leaving because they were freaked out. Of course, I thought, shit, they rigged this place up pretty damn good, we are getting played, jolly good show. At the end of their speech, myself and a few friends went up to talk to them, shake their hands, and Lorraine Warren knew shit about us. Personal shit. It was goddamn creepy and fascinating at the same time. So while I have no doubt that they sensationalized most of their investigations, there is a small part of me that wonders if there isn't some kernel of unexplained weirdness behind them.

It's bullshit.


Gunnar Durden
I met Ed and Lorraine Warren once at a university in Pennsylvania, hell, over 15 years ago now, they gave a lecture about paranormal activity. I remember it was punctuated by strange events, noises, people flat out leaving because they were freaked out. Of course, I thought, shit, they rigged this place up pretty damn good, we are getting played, jolly good show. At the end of their speech, myself and a few friends went up to talk to them, shake their hands, and Lorraine Warren knew shit about us. Personal shit. It was goddamn creepy and fascinating at the same time. So while I have no doubt that they sensationalized most of their investigations, there is a small part of me that wonders if there isn't some kernel of unexplained weirdness behind them.
LOL come on, really?

Anyone who buys into these quacks, or John Edwards, or the Long Island Cunt Whore Psychic or whatever her name is, is either retarded or suffering from an open head wound.


A Mod Real Quick
Nowhere in his post did he say he bought into their stuff, he merely said he was fascinated by it. By your own admission you do coke/crack (I can't remember) so it's probably the same as a typical day for you.


Gunnar Durden
Nowhere in his post did he say he bought into their stuff, he merely said he was fascinated by it. By your own admission you do coke/crack (I can't remember) so it's probably the same as a typical day for you.
He said he wonders what is real about it. Answer, NOTHING.

Yeah, I casually have used Cocaine. Are you saying that doing coke at a party and a couple whack jobs lying to the ignorant for 40 years about murdered children ghosts are the same thing? Not sure I follow your logic.

If so we need to get you out of the house and into the world.


Avatar of War Slayer
The warrens tell good stories. yeah they go around campus's and tell their stories.

A good deal of movies are based on their stories.
Amityville horror, The haunted, the Haunting in Connecticut, Chucky is based off a supposedly possessed doll they have. A raggedy ann.
So yeah.

I have no idea if they believe their own stories or not. They SEEM to.

Movies based on the stories. love to through out the "based on a true story". which in itself is VERY loose. then the original storys themselves are of course full of inconsistencies, and half truths.


Trump's Staff
Chucky is based off a supposedly possessed doll they have. A raggedy ann.
The doll is in this movie. Doesn't look like a raggedy ann, though.
