The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM (2022)


Millie's Staff Member
I need shirt sizes from everyone in this thread btw so they can receive their ‘I stand with Floyd” t-shirts.
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Potato del Grande
That's it, change the subject because you're getting absolutely embarrassed in here.

One of the articles you linked even said there were chewed pill fragments in the police car that tested positive for meth and had Floyd's DNA. Which is consistent with what we're all telling you about him taking them to avoid being found with them, so go grab some Huffington Post or Slate articles to try and weasel out of this one, but this time ACTUALLY READ the article passed the headline and maybe you won't get clowned as much

Not embarrassed at all. I just realize you don’t really care about any document, witness, video, etc. that is contrary to what you believe is the truth. It doesn’t matter to you or others in this thread. You will say it’s because they said what the prosecution wanted, or they felt preassured or threatened, or they had some other political agenda.

So really there is no point in disussing it. No one is as informed as you. You have all the answers and anything anyone shows you or tells you will be explained away. Anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant.

It’s remarkable really to see the lengths you go to prove your right And how hard you try to remove facts your don’t like.


Ssraeszha Raider
Not embarrassed at all. I just realize you don’t really care about any document, witness, video, etc. that is contrary to what you believe is the truth. It doesn’t matter to you or others in this thread. You will say it’s because they said what the prosecution wanted, or they felt preassured or threatened, or they had some other political agenda.

So really there is no point in disussing it. No one is as informed as you. You have all the answers and anything anyone shows you or tells you will be explained away. Anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant.

It’s remarkable really to see the lengths you go to prove your right And how hard you try to remove facts your don’t like.

From the guy that just posted 3 headlines from left wing sites as his "proof" without even understanding what they said.

"George Floyd died from lack of oxygen, not fentanyl , says expert" - You're too dumb to realize how nonsensical that even is. Fentanyl kills you by slowing down/stopping your breathing. So all fentanyl overdoses are from a lack of oxygen. How you can think of this as some kind of gotcha is beyond me.

An article stating the autopsy that the family paid for, THAT DIDN'T EVEN EXAMINE THE BODY, and made their conclusion based on nothing but the video as fact.

And then one about Dr. Baker that we've been talking about for the last page or 2.

I can understand you not knowing any of this, because you're not a very smart person. But what I don't understand is why you believe that you have any idea what you're talking about or that you're actually fooling anyone by doing quick google searches between posts and just vomiting out whatever you see.
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Trakanon Raider
Not embarrassed at all. I just realize you don’t really care about any document, witness, video, etc. that is contrary to what you believe is the truth. It doesn’t matter to you or others in this thread.

It's conflicting statements which can't both be "facts." So the question is who is telling the truth.

The original autopsy by someone who doesn't even know any significance of the deceased yet.
The guy that's scared for his life months later because he knows the significance of the deceased.
The guy being paid lots of money by the prosecution to say what the prosecution wants him to say.

Anyone that makes a choice other then the first one is retarded or too emotionally invested to think clearly.
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<Prior Amod>
I also think everyone was pressured into making them guilty due to racial violence. That leaves a nasty taste in justice's mouth. That's just my position but I understand there are many others.
if ar-kyle shot a black pedophile or a black absuser or blew a noggers arm off, he'd be in jail for 99years
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Millie's Staff Member
if ar-kyle shot a black pedophile or a black absuser or blew a noggers arm off, he'd be in jail for 99years
the media still said those guys were black in the news in hopes of riling up the savages to kill him. but we shouldnt talk about that.


<Bronze Donator>
Shes definitely a grifter, and she and her husband just exectured a master class grift on Kanye.

I mainly avoid the political side of this forum, as I think the left has gone insane and are sacrificing their ideals on the altar of gender, sexuslity and other BS, but the right cant admit they are just as bat shit crazy worshiping the Orange Man and defend things like Jan 6 (put BLM shirts on those people and change their skin to brown and suddenly Jan 6th would be the talk of the town on the right).

Both parties are a mess...this country desperately needs a centric/moderate party.
Jan 6th was a guided tour compared to the burning of a once proud country for a whole summer. They're not the same, and if you think they are, you're a part of the problem. Americans (white Westerners in general) are too scared to tell the truth anymore, so we have this epidemic of fence-sitting where we all have to throw softballs to criminals, just to be "fair".

This country needs a real Right-wing, one that's not purely economic and soulless. A return to a Buchanan style would be a first good step.

That aside, props to Owens. All these Conservative pundits are somewhat grifting - this whole country is a grift nowadays, at least she's fighting this battle at the forefront of public theater.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I get what Warrik is doing. He's looking at media reports of people who said things effectively under duress and saying that he believes the reports, while ignoring the duress. This is pretty common with people looking at the Floyd case.

Large parts of the country burned, 20+ people died, and our media was highlighting -anyone- who said -anything- about the incident.

So you get some "experts" attached to the -very- public trial, and these people are expected to provide expert opinion on what happened. When for -months- prior, people were vilified, verbally abused, and in some cases physically attacked, for saying anything other than "Chauvin murdered Floyd." And you put their names; their titles; their occupation, on a public screen, and say "Do you refute the narrative?"

Every single person involved who wasn't the crazy "blood choke" guy who was actively trying to assault the police officers involved during the incident, were effectively under duress. Every single person whose face was on the television was actively putting their life in danger just by doing so; they -had- to say Chauvin murdered Floyd or they would be in the obituaries by the end of the week.

I think this context gets lost on the folks who go "But the doctors said he didn't die by overdose! It was all the stress and the lethal level of drugs he consumed, but mostly the stress!"

Multiple politicians and people with lots of media sway sentenced Chauvin before the trial even took place. And the extreme violence that the mob was willing to partake in before the trial even began was the duress. To think otherwise is to simply not understand basic human psychology. After day 2, any sort of fair trial was basically impossible for Chauvin, because murders had happened and millions to billions in property damage had already occurred. And that was just with the heavily redacted video of the incident being released (you know, the one that omitted all the shit Floyd was up to and actively engaged in prior to "the knee").

And do you know what black parents have told and will tell their children regarding this (not all, but most)? That white cops and cops in general are out trying to murder black people and will do anything they can to do so, and not "Hey, maybe not ingest all your illegal and lethal drugs at once, while actively committing a crime? And hey? Maybe don't commit crimes in the first place?"

Chauvin was a sacrifice, and every "but he murdered Floyd!" narrative is a context-free piece of bullshit.
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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I also think everyone was pressured into making them guilty due to racial violence. That leaves a nasty taste in justice's mouth.

Remembering when Eric holder hired al Sharpton to fly down to Florida and to whip up hate mobs in the George Zimmerman case made me think that it's at least encouraged at times to imply that violence, that act pressured the local DA to let Zimmerman case go to trial when it shouldn't have because of lack of evidence iirc.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Warrik is just another groomer piece of shit masquerading as a centrist. I'm sure his throat will open up nicely just like the rest of his ilk.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
im sure you will excuse this all away too?

Toxicologist testifies that drugs and heart disease did not kill George Floyd

I mean, we can both play the game of statements, experts and links. I’m not pulling something out my ass here. You want to throw away what you don’t like or don’t want to hear.

Sop watching OANN, put down the tiki torch and do some research,

Jesus fucking christ, those articles lol.

"he died from lack of oxygen, not fentanyl overdose."

.... fentanyl overdose causes you to slow/stop breathing, which causes a lack of oxygen...

"he died due to blood loss, not from being shot 6 times!"
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
You didn't know fucking anything one day ago so I don't even know what this is. People have been talking about Baker specifically for a few pages now and out come the top links from a Google search? Are you participating in the discussion or not.

Put down the tiki torch and do some research, faggot


The Karenist Karen
<Silver Donator>
Amod Amod Recommend that this thread be moved to Politics, Culture, and Controversy,
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