The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Has anyone read POWER vs FORCE ?
Its the first book of a 9 part series on spirituality and by Dr David Hawkins

In short he is a clinical psychologist that had a spiritual awaking and talks about it in scientific clinical terms.

There is a clam that is apparently well tested about the Kinesiological connection between the body and mind that can when accurately collaborated give insight in the "truths and falsehoods" of the universe. It does talk about the pragmatic nature of religion and how many are "part right but c0-opted by weakness of man" Many relious leaders have the same basic teachers from a different perspective and the duality of man is the cause of most suffering.

In short the Theory is "we all are one big combined consciences, and this consciences can be tapped into with the right training" This leads to things like remote viewing and astral planes, unlimited knowledge etc.

Its a really interesting theory and curious if anyone else has read this author?

Amazon product ASIN 1401945074

We are all one big combined consciousness is an interesting theory that would explain a lot.

I'm a big proponent of reincarnation as an idea, and at its root it's kind of the same thing. Less magical and more "we're all from the same soup of consciousness and we return to it when we die".

There's a really interesting movie called "Enter the Void". People who know it, know it. It's from Gaspar Noe, the crazy guy who made Irreversible. It tackles the idea of reincarnation by following a guy who dies, becomes a floating spirit, relives his life rapidly, and eventually gets reborn into a newborn. All from a first-person perspective. It's super unique and at times disturbing.

My only question about reincarnation, is if your soul is recycled from a past death, and more people are being born than dying, then a fair amount of people aren't gonna have souls at all because there aren't enough to go around. Unless the entire animal kingdom is included, and some souls are "moved up" from elephants and whatnot that are closer to us in intelligence. Which is what Hindus believe, if I'm not mistaken.

Also, none of this even needs to be mystical or "magic" or even require a higher power necessarily. If the Earth is looked at as one big life-form with lots of components (including us) then the shared consciousness / souls could really just be part of the planet's biology. Not unlike how cells in the human body all kinda just have a purpose.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
We are all one big combined consciousness is an interesting theory that would explain a lot.

I'm a big proponent of reincarnation as an idea, and at its root it's kind of the same thing. Less magical and more "we're all from the same soup of consciousness and we return to it when we die".

There's a really interesting movie called "Enter the Void". People who know it, know it. It's from Gaspar Noe, the crazy guy who made Irreversible. It tackles the idea of reincarnation by following a guy who dies, becomes a floating spirit, relives his life rapidly, and eventually gets reborn into a newborn. All from a first-person perspective. It's super unique and at times disturbing.

My only question about reincarnation, is if your soul is recycled from a past death, and more people are being born than dying, then a fair amount of people aren't gonna have souls at all because there aren't enough to go around. Unless the entire animal kingdom is included, and some souls are "moved up" from elephants and whatnot that are closer to us in intelligence. Which is what Hindus believe, if I'm not mistaken.

Also, none of this even needs to be mystical or "magic" or even require a higher power necessarily. If the Earth is looked at as one big life-form with lots of components (including us) then the shared consciousness / souls could really just be part of the planet's biology. Not unlike how cells in the human body all kinda just have a purpose.
Enter the Void was awesome.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
One does not enter the Void, Void enters you.
liar why you always lying GIF



<Silver Donator>
There is a clam that is apparently well tested about the Kinesiological connection between the body and mind that can when accurately collaborated give insight in the "truths and falsehoods" of the universe.
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We are all one big combined consciousness is an interesting theory that would explain a lot.

I'm a big proponent of reincarnation as an idea, and at its root it's kind of the same thing. Less magical and more "we're all from the same soup of consciousness and we return to it when we die".

There's a really interesting movie called "Enter the Void". People who know it, know it. It's from Gaspar Noe, the crazy guy who made Irreversible. It tackles the idea of reincarnation by following a guy who dies, becomes a floating spirit, relives his life rapidly, and eventually gets reborn into a newborn. All from a first-person perspective. It's super unique and at times disturbing.

My only question about reincarnation, is if your soul is recycled from a past death, and more people are being born than dying, then a fair amount of people aren't gonna have souls at all because there aren't enough to go around. Unless the entire animal kingdom is included, and some souls are "moved up" from elephants and whatnot that are closer to us in intelligence. Which is what Hindus believe, if I'm not mistaken.

Also, none of this even needs to be mystical or "magic" or even require a higher power necessarily. If the Earth is looked at as one big life-form with lots of components (including us) then the shared consciousness / souls could really just be part of the planet's biology. Not unlike how cells in the human body all kinda just have a purpose.

Yes. I'm not an actual believer in paranormal phenomena, since I"'ve not seen it for myself. But, the discussion becomes interesting as fuck when you incorporate serious philosophy and metaphysics into the discussion.

Idealism and transpersonal and depth psychology offer interesting new perspectives on paranormal phenomena. I think much of the resistance to accepting their existence derives from science's dogmatic. commitment to the idea the universe has to be mechanical and mathematical quantifiable and devoid of real genuine agency. But that is also a metaphysical assumption.

I recommend reading Bernardo Kastrup's book Meaning in Absurdity. Explores this stuff from the perspective of transpersonal psychology and idealist metaphysics.
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Potato del Grande
Hi guys, I have a very interesting case of schizophrenia, which leads me to believe in intelligent design. If you like to read about them you can read them here:

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Potato del Grande
I made a religion about modern day supernatural entities that are common today. Check out my introductory post, I pride myself on it.



Golden Baronet of the Realm
I made a religion about modern day supernatural entities that are common today. Check out my introductory post, I pride myself on it.


Posts from someone named Jamal, thats apparently born in the year 2000. Have you explored the rest of the website?


Potato del Grande
Born in 1987. Jmal is my initials. My father made my first everquest account named jmal2000. That's why I have that as my name. I've been using FoH forums since Furor was still posting.
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Egg Nazi
Its always fascinating when that happens.

After lurking for nearly 20 years, faithfully reading a forum but never, ever posting anything... one day in 2024 you suddenly decide to start posting.

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Potato del Grande
Its always fascinating when that happens.

After lurking for nearly 20 years, faithfully reading a forum but never, ever posting anything... one day in 2024 you suddenly decide to start posting.

I'm a forum poster at heart. I love FoH forums just lil slow in discussion compared to high traffic site like misc. I was fat growing up playing EverQuest and got into lifting, I found the misc. Great forum. Men's locker room type atmosphere. Anyways, who cares man? I contribute. Did you read my post?

Besides I played Everquest. If you played that game, you read these forums.
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Potato del Grande
If you read my Story of the Voices. I talk about how my voices took on appearances of Wood Elves from Everquest. They are evil bodysnatching wood elves. Anyways I've had a disney fairytale psychosis. My life is very blessed. I urge you to check my subreddit out and read my papers and my posts. I post the truth of my experiences.