The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
its a short story by one of my top 3 favorite authors, James Thurber, a humorist from the early 1900's. It looks to have been highly adapted, but still looks pretty good from the trailer. Highly recommend reading some of his stuff.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The Walter Mitty is basically the template/probable influence for any modern fictional character that engages in really vivid daydreams/fantasy worlds because his life sucks/is boring otherwise.

Think a modern hardcore MMO player/Tabletop Gamer in a time before MMOs/Table Top RPGs ;P


FPS noob
I thought he was a fat neckbeard with a hamplanet mom who had an overbearing influence on him, ben stiller is kinda weird to play him but eh looks decent enough. good high school read


Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>
the old move was cool, hopefully this isant garbage


FPS noob
saw this last night at a free screening, was ok. Good laughs, sweet and sentimental story, good date movie. Ultimately though pretty empty and bland, one of those movies you completely forget 10 minutes after walking out of the theater. I will say some really beautiful scenery shots of Iceland and parts of Asia. Worth a watch at home especially for waifu points, not worth a trip out to theaters.


Molten Core Raider
I am not a big fan of Ben Stiller over all, but I watched this movie this weekend and it was actually quite good. I would compare it to something like "Stranger then Fiction" with Will Ferrell. Kind of a surreal, Gilliamesque?, style movie where Ben really underplays most of his normal goofiness and it really works well.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, a decent little movie. The fact that the soundtrack included the song Far Away (aka: the Red Dead Redemption Mexico song), also gave it some bonus points with me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Great movie, beautiful scenery, outstanding acting, great message that nearly everyone can relate to. The pacing was a little slow at times.


This movie has a lot of problems... the script is not so good, the comedy is rarely funny... but somehow the whole ends up being a lot better than the sum of its parts. No masterpiece, but a very pleasant surprise.


Mitty is a daydreaming loner who had to start working at a young age and is now responsible for the photo-negatives of Life magazine. The magazine got sold and will publish a last paper issue before becoming fully digital. For the cover of the last issue it is decided to use the 24th photo of a reel sent by a globe-trotting star photograph. The problem is that Mitty got the reel, but it is missing N?24, that is supposed to be the Quintessence of Life. Hiding the fact by fear of being fired in the restructuring of the magazine, he goes on an adventure across the globe to find the elusive photographer only armed with the other pictures of the reel, the encouragements of his love interest and the realization that he has not lived much in his life.

Mitty misses the photograph in Greenland and Iceland and, with no more clues, goes back to New York. There he realizes than one of the photo is actually a detail of the piano at her mom's house. Asking her about the photograph leads to more clues that send Mitty in Afghanistan. In the mountains there he finds the photograph who tells him Mitty had the N?24 all along as it was in the wallet he sent him along with the reel. Sadly, at the peek of his desperation, Mitty had thrown the wallet away and as such N?24 is forever lost... except he threw it away at his mom's house and she kept it. Mitty and his love interest got fired, but the Quintessence of Life still reached the cover of the final issue and it's a picture of Mitty outside Life's building examining a contact sheet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You know I typed out like 5 pages of stuff but as I typed it out it made me really appreciate the movie even more than I had already did, you should watch it.Even if it's this shitty ripyou should watch it.

There's a lot of great symbolism throughout the movie but one of my favorite, even if it was kind of heavy handed, is his brief case. He religiously carries it with him through out the movie until you see less and less of it as he becomes more adventurous. Right up until the point where the shark shreds it. The briefcase dies at the same moment that he realizes that the scene before was real life and not a day dream. Really well done!


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Sounds cool, I'm more likely to see it now. From the previews it just looked like some boring ass office worker who daydreams about actually doing something in his life but doesn't do shit for two hours except day dream until he realizes that everything he needs in life is there for him.


<Gold Donor>
There is also a pretty good e-Harmony sub-plot going on throughout the entire movie that does a good job of showcasing exactly what changes are going on too, and the e-Harmony guy is Patton Oswalt, so that was a plus.