Time Travel: What would you do?


Molten Core Raider
We always hear the same shit: I'd go back and kill baby Hitler, tell myself about Google and get rich, etc. But what else? What would you do, for the greater good or just shits and giggles, that people don't really talk about?

For me, I'd go back to the Library of Alexandria and load up my time machine with as many scrolls and books I could, plus the Monks so I can bring them back and teach them English to translate all that shit, just to figure out what knowledge we allowed to be lost. Also, on a side note, I'd go back about 500 years and stock up on peanuts and strawberries. I'd bring them back and give them to folks who are supposedly allergic to them in order to see if they're really allergic to peanuts and strawberries, or just what we've done to them.
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<Gold Donor>

dollars GIF
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Tranny Chaser
Go back to 1960s Seattle just when Bruce Lee was opening his first school. Be one of his first students, befriend him etc. I would take back those Ray-Ban glasses that have a camera built in and just document in 4k as much of his wisdom as possible for future uploading to Youtube.. Would make sure I was in Hong Kong in July 1973 and make sure he didn't take the painkiller that killed him.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Hang out with Jesus just to see what the fuck was up. Not the Buddha though, that guy was legit an asshole.

Would NOT go back to classic Greece to hang out with the OG western philosophers, I couldn't even try to disguise myself as a little boy because they fucked those too.

Other than that, just go see a bunch of bands in their prime, Shakespeare and shit too.
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Egg Nazi
Completely depends on the time travel rules though.

Cause by default, without any other information about the rules, I'm going back and giving myself information I shouldnt have and probably fucking up the space time continuum, but I'm still doing it if the rules allow it.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Completely depends on the time travel rules though.

Cause by default, without any other information about the rules, I'm going back and giving myself information I shouldnt have and probably fucking up the space time continuum, but I'm still doing it if the rules allow it.
It's a spectrum, like your autism.
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<Bronze Donator>
I would go back to explain why picking our own cotton is the smart thing to do.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I think the Library of Alexandria is a solid answer. Just going back and finding out who was doing what and when (i.e. ancient civilizations, looking for Atlantis, etc) would be an amazing way to spend the rest of one's life. Gathering info that was lost everywhere you could.

If the rules of time travel are more limited in scope...so instead of warping all over the place, I could only go back to one specific time, I'd just leap back into myself circa March 2012 or so and relive spending time with my favorite girlfriend. Make sure I actually married her this time, and disregarded her protestations when I opened a Coinbase account and wanted to buy a Bitcoin at $130. (Sometimes I wonder if I actually went ahead and did it behind her back, then forgot about it...)

Basically just that. Redo everything only with her and lots of money, and having an extra 11 years with family by extension. Nothing else means a damn when it comes down to it.


Potato del Grande
Hitler: Hitler did not come up with stuff like the Holocaust. That was from a book by Martin Luther called The Jews and Their Lies hundreds of years before.

The book said to do almost exactly what happened in WWII.

So, Hitler didn't come up with this stuff, rather it was in German culture for hundreds of years. Thus, killing Hitler might not do anything and COULD end up causing someone worse than Hitler to exist.

Instead, I would tell Hitler about it all and suggest forcing all jews to "return" to the mideast out of sarcasm, and let them fight it out there.


If I would make multiple time trips, my FIRST one would be to go back and tell the Founders of the US to outlaw slavery, and why.

That's because I live in the US and having the black population we do now is much worse than WWII.


I would love to go back in time and see if Jesus was a real person or just some cult to fuck with jews.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Depend if it's back-and-forth, or full no-return trip. Because dipping into time to do the tourist-slash-researcher is one thing, but going back to change things, and stay there because of course your original timeline is erased by your actions are two very different things.

The former? Do the tourist thing. Visit original Egypt pre-roman conquest, attend ceremonies to Enlil at Nippur, see a full-blown festival at the Coliseum, chat with Confucius to see if he really had a broom stuck in the...

The latter? Late roman republic. Introduce simple and basic technologies and ideas:
- Movable type printing press
- Immediately after, the academic press, so you can kickstart the scientific method (that lets people figure everything you forgot)
- Accounting & economy methods (so that the gov realizes they can't devolve money without consequences, as they started to do later)
- Germ theory, sanitation/hygiene (there are some nasty plagues coming up soon)
- Simple electricity: show how a telegraph works, let them do the rest ("oh, by the way, yes, it lets you transport energy")
- Simple machinery. Introduce a modern version of the lathe (whose principles were known already), then showcase steam-powered stuff like presses ("I can make a curved shield in 10 minutes").
- Introduce the concept of standardized measures and interchangeable parts for the above.
- A world map. A fuckin' honest to goodness world map, in front of Mr. Julius Gaius Caesar ("you're thinking too small, Jules"). Also, dump Gibbon's Rise and Fall (translated) on him and a few select politicians to see what mistakes Rome needs to avoid.
- And cooking ("No, you do not need to put garum in everything. Try this things called a pizza, instead...")

Then I retire and watch the World Empire start.
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Molten Core Raider
Depend if it's back-and-forth, or full no-return trip. Because dipping into time to do the tourist-slash-researcher is one thing, but going back to change things, and stay there because of course your original timeline is erased by your actions are two very different things.

The former? Do the tourist thing. Visit original Egypt pre-roman conquest, attend ceremonies to Enlil at Nippur, see a full-blown festival at the Coliseum, chat with Confucius to see if he really had a broom stuck in the...

The latter? Late roman republic. Introduce simple and basic technologies and ideas:
- Movable type printing press
- Immediately after, the academic press, so you can kickstart the scientific method (that lets people figure everything you forgot)
- Accounting & economy methods (so that the gov realizes they can't devolve money without consequences, as they started to do later)
- Germ theory, sanitation/hygiene (there are some nasty plagues coming up soon)
- Simple electricity: show how a telegraph works, let them do the rest ("oh, by the way, yes, it lets you transport energy")
- Simple machinery. Introduce a modern version of the lathe (whose principles were known already), then showcase steam-powered stuff like presses ("I can make a curved shield in 10 minutes").
- Introduce the concept of standardized measures and interchangeable parts for the above.
- A world map. A fuckin' honest to goodness world map, in front of Mr. Julius Gaius Caesar ("you're thinking too small, Jules"). Also, dump Gibbon's Rise and Fall (translated) on him and a few select politicians to see what mistakes Rome needs to avoid.
- And cooking ("No, you do not need to put garum in everything. Try this things called a pizza, instead...")

Then I retire and watch the World Empire start.
Don't forget to warn them about lead in the water.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I think the Library of Alexandria is a solid answer. Just going back and finding out who was doing what and when (i.e. ancient civilizations, looking for Atlantis, etc) would be an amazing way to spend the rest of one's life. Gathering info that was lost everywhere you could.

If the rules of time travel are more limited in scope...so instead of warping all over the place, I could only go back to one specific time, I'd just leap back into myself circa March 2012 or so and relive spending time with my favorite girlfriend. Make sure I actually married her this time, and disregarded her protestations when I opened a Coinbase account and wanted to buy a Bitcoin at $130. (Sometimes I wonder if I actually went ahead and did it behind her back, then forgot about it...)

Basically just that. Redo everything only with her and lots of money, and having an extra 11 years with family by extension. Nothing else means a damn when it comes down to it.
Not sure how cool it would be to go to a library full of texts in ancient languages you can't read at all.

Language barrier is going to be a major problem if you time travel back that far lol.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
The kill Hitler thing is dumb because compared to Stalin and the promotion of Marxism on a world wide scale, he is small potatoes. If you want to save the world from a great evil, cutting communism out at the root is the way you would do it, probably by taking a bunch of drones with you and wiping out the fucking Jacobins in France. In fact fucking over France at key points in history (Germany in WW1 wanted to be on our side but France fucked them out of it for personal greed, Vietnam was the French pulling us in, Libya is ultimately something they got the ball rolling on, ect) would probably do a lot for making human history a lot better off, overall. I would also argue recording an accurate account of the Holocaust would settle a few things for the better as well.

But thats all boring. If I am going to travel back for selfish reasons in my fat old body, its probably going to be to relive the 1950s American Dream before it got fucked up by the left, but this time with a fresh perspective. Experiencing the last era where one dude could own and support a full household, with the music and respectful culture of the day, is something I think I would love to experience. I am too old to save the world, so may as well retire to a time when it was worth saving.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Work to become president of the US during WW2 and finish the job by taking out Russia and China after Japan/Germany have fallen before anyone else develops nukes. The world is now your oyster.

Edit: Meanwhile, disband the federal bureaucracy and kick out all the minorities.


brown please <Wow Guild Officer> /brown please
Nothing. I've been brainwashed into believing these scenarios only offer fear and dread and if you ask for anything a little bit sinful like winning the lottery or getting a nice car, satan will take your soul and you'll be forever deemed an evil person. I mean i manifest now and if it's not "Dear god, please let the trees of the amazon regrow at a supple and prosperous rate" I'm pretty much gaurenteed to be tortured, guilted, destroyed in more ways than one.

So, I would go back in time, to the dinosaurs, and let them chase me, then, eat me.
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The Scientific Shitlord
Nothing. I've been brainwashed into believing these scenarios only offer fear and dread and if you ask for anything a little bit sinful like winning the lottery or getting a nice car, satan will take your soul and you'll be forever deemed an evil person. I mean i manifest now and if it's not "Dear god, please let the trees of the amazon regrow at a supple and prosperous rate" I'm pretty much gaurenteed to be tortured, guilted, destroyed in more ways than one.

So, I would go back in time, to the dinosaurs, and let them chase me, then, eat me.
The dinosaurs don't give a shit, until you kill them all off by introducing our modern plagues to them. You are the meteor, sir.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Nothing. I've been brainwashed into believing these scenarios only offer fear and dread and if you ask for anything a little bit sinful like winning the lottery or getting a nice car, satan will take your soul and you'll be forever deemed an evil person. I mean i manifest now and if it's not "Dear god, please let the trees of the amazon regrow at a supple and prosperous rate" I'm pretty much gaurenteed to be tortured, guilted, destroyed in more ways than one.

So, I would go back in time, to the dinosaurs, and let them chase me, then, eat me.

This is actually a lot tamer than I'd thought it'd be


Egg Nazi
Depend if it's back-and-forth, or full no-return trip. Because dipping into time to do the tourist-slash-researcher is one thing, but going back to change things, and stay there because of course your original timeline is erased by your actions are two very different things.
This is what I mean. Everyone in this thread is assuming its retarded copout Endgame time travel rules.

If its Back to the Future rules, its a whole different game.

Fuck Hitler and any other historical figures, enhancing your own personal timeline is where its at. I'm giving my younger self a bunch of key information, and if multiple trips are allowed, probably checking back in with him at several key times.