Time Travel: What would you do?


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Hitler was stupid in some ways. He believed that Slavs were naturally inferior, so he rejected the Soviet Union’s offer of being an ally out of hand. If he had said yes to that, the world would be an extremely different place today.
If you want the converse to "let's kill Hitler", that's basically what you do. Show him exactly how the history unfolds, and convince him that he needs to ally (at least on paper and temporarily) with the Soviet Union. They split Eastern Europe, while Hitler focuses on invading the UK and making sure North Africa doesn't have enough fallback bases for the British.

Allying with the SU probably means Japan does NOT join the Axis, since the SU is a rival/enemy, which makes USA less likely to declare war on them even if Japan does start shit. That gives them enough time to consolidate everything. Imagine 1943, except Britain is invaded, the government is in exile (like India), Japan is on its own, and Franklin Roosevelt has zero excuses to enter war against Germany.

At one point, Germany will betray the SU (or the reverse), but they're not going to be vulnerable to a counterattack behind them, so they can prosecute that war fully. Maybe even succeed, who knows.

And that's how you make a Thousand Years Reich.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
If you want the converse to "let's kill Hitler", that's basically what you do. Show him exactly how the history unfolds, and convince him that he needs to ally (at least on paper and temporarily) with the Soviet Union. They split Eastern Europe, while Hitler focuses on invading the UK and making sure North Africa doesn't have enough fallback bases for the British.

Allying with the SU probably means Japan does NOT join the Axis, since the SU is a rival/enemy, which makes USA less likely to declare war on them even if Japan does start shit. That gives them enough time to consolidate everything. Imagine 1943, except Britain is invaded, the government is in exile (like India), Japan is on its own, and Franklin Roosevelt has zero excuses to enter war against Germany.

At one point, Germany will betray the SU (or the reverse), but they're not going to be vulnerable to a counterattack behind them, so they can prosecute that war fully. Maybe even succeed, who knows.

And that's how you make a Thousand Years Reich.
You never read Mein Kampf. Hitler doesn't respond to reason. He was a very intelligent person in some respects, but almost every interaction he mentions made him more extreme in believing what he thought was right. I believe that pretty much any attempt you would bring him to shake his resolve would only make him commit harder to what he did. He simply wasn't the sort of person that could make the small and temporary sacrifices necessary in that scenario you laid out.


<Silver Donator>
I think we all know what happens if someone actually went back and prevented Hitler's rise to power...
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The Scientific Shitlord
You never read Mein Kampf. Hitler doesn't respond to reason. He was a very intelligent person in some respects, but almost every interaction he mentions made him more extreme in believing what he thought was right. I believe that pretty much any attempt you would bring him to shake his resolve would only make him commit harder to what he did. He simply wasn't the sort of person that could make the small and temporary sacrifices necessary in that scenario you laid out.
Depends on how early on you reach him. When he's in prison and writing Mein Kampf would be an ideal point to make contact. Earn his confidence and start nudging him towards not allying with Japan and not aggroing the USSR. Instead of putting Jews in camps in Europe just expulse them outright. Put them on boats and dump them in British waters. The English would either have to take the moral and PR hit by sinking them or destroying their food supplies by taking them in, which would have them begging for peace very quickly. While all that is going down you can give the science department a 10-25 year tech boost to help them fortify against Russia. Give them computers and catalytic converts and microwaves and maybe current gen nuclear reactors if you want them to be able to reverse engineer the bomb at some point to secure global domination.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Depends on how early on you reach him. When he's in prison and writing Mein Kampf would be an ideal point to make contact. Earn his confidence and start nudging him towards not allying with Japan and not aggroing the USSR. Instead of putting Jews in camps in Europe just expulse them outright. Put them on boats and dump them in British waters. The English would either have to take the moral and PR hit by sinking them or destroying their food supplies by taking them in, which would have them begging for peace very quickly. While all that is going down you can give the science department a 10-25 year tech boost to help them fortify against Russia. Give them computers and catalytic converts and microwaves and maybe current gen nuclear reactors if you want them to be able to reverse engineer the bomb at some point to secure global domination.
My biggest problem with the hitler route, was that Hitler was basically a person who said "Communism will work if it weren't for JOOOOOOOS!!". Never mind that he was completely unreasonable even as a child. I'll NEVER work for government, because that is what my father wants REEE. Then he ends up being a politician anyways. The world was pretty much lost at that point anyways, and I don't think any leader could have turned it around. Even if you could some how get Hitler to win the battle for the world. Well, you'll still have women voting, public education, thus a steady supply of fags and pedos, leading ultimately to the same sort of bullshit we saw in the 70s, and the same sort of collapse we're in today.

I'd go further back. The first quakers in the US that sat down at a produced play and said "This is okay". Nah, they should have been mobbed and burned at the stake. Entertainment leads to degeneracy. Too bad I can't think of any one crux that'd turn us around from the end times.
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The Scientific Shitlord
My biggest problem with the hitler route, was that Hitler was basically a person who said "Communism will work if it weren't for JOOOOOOOS!!". Never mind that he was completely unreasonable even as a child. I'll NEVER work for government, because that is what my father wants REEE. Then he ends up being a politician anyways. The world was pretty much lost at that point anyways, and I don't think any leader could have turned it around. Even if you could some how get Hitler to win the battle for the world. Well, you'll still have women voting, public education, thus a steady supply of fags and pedos, leading ultimately to the same sort of bullshit we saw in the 70s, and the same sort of collapse we're in today.

I'd go further back. The first quakers in the US that sat down at a produced play and said "This is okay". Nah, they should have been mobbed and burned at the stake. Entertainment leads to degeneracy. Too bad I can't think of any one crux that'd turn us around from the end times.
We pick Hitler because he was in near absolute power and was right about most things. Juice, trannies, etc. And you are wrong about communism. He put just as many commies in the camps as the jews. The exercise is just how to give him enough of an edge to make the reich last for a while. A unified Europe all speaking German would have had some decent legs. Russia would have eaten itself to death, literally, without the excuse of WW2 to throw bodies at. A fortified titanium wall at the edge of Europe would have aimed them at India and China instead, and without the advantage of nuclear weapons Russia would have collapsed even sooner.


<Bronze Donator>
I'd go back in time and nuke this thread before it devolved into a furry complaining about degeneracy.
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Tranny Chaser
The "kill Hitler" time travel idea is a classic example of how trying to do an objectively "good" thing can result in unintended consequences. It usually is based on the idea that if Hitler was killed before he rose to power, then WW2 and the Holocaust would be avoided and hundreds of millions of lives may have been saved. However, it takes a very myopic view of the world at the time

1) Imperial Japan and Stalin's USSR still exist even without Hitler - there still would have been major geopolitical issues and probably a war still
2) It rides on the idea that Hitler basically the genesis of all the Holocaust stuff and the mastermind of WW2. While he did clearly push for those, he didn't invent the ideas for either. It is just as likely another person could have risen to power that would have subscribed to the same viewpoints
3) As an extension to #3, a more competent person than Hitler in power could have resulted in a very different outcome in WW2. Hitler made a lot of decisions that really hurt Germany in the long run, especially all the Eastern Front stuff
4) Even if you somehow got the outcome no WW2 at all, the global stage would be completely different. There would be significantly reduced technological advancement, which would have cascading effects. Jet, Rocket, Computers, Atomic, etc. The changes to the timeline on Earth would be massive. Those technologies would no doubt be eventually refined and developed, but the levels they reached by the end of WW2 may have been delayed for decades.

we've all played Red Alert, no need to explain it

Edit: wait, people are actually wishing they could go back in time to give Hitler a sports almanac?


Canuckistani Terrorist
I went back and tried to warn yall about Millie, but I just got my ip posted, then banned. Fuck it, jerking to some vintage porn, and the obscure references I left in random negs was worth it.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What would probably happen

Time traveler: hey Emperor! I’ve got this awesome weapons technology to give you
Emperor: sweet!
Some random senator: fuck that
*time traveler gets murdered by one of the 10 hot women thrown at them by the Emperor after they pass out from exhaustion, then the senator is all “omg this is horrible” and betrays the assassin and kills them before they can reveal anything*


<Silver Donator>
We always hear the same shit: I'd go back and kill baby Hitler, tell myself about Google and get rich, etc. But what else? What would you do, for the greater good or just shits and giggles, that people don't really talk about?

For me, I'd go back to the Library of Alexandria and load up my time machine with as many scrolls and books I could, plus the Monks so I can bring them back and teach them English to translate all that shit, just to figure out what knowledge we allowed to be lost. Also, on a side note, I'd go back about 500 years and stock up on peanuts and strawberries. I'd bring them back and give them to folks who are supposedly allergic to them in order to see if they're really allergic to peanuts and strawberries, or just what we've done to them.
People in the past had dirty buttholes. I cannot abide a world without bidets.

I'd travel to the future to aquire some techno-wizard cleanbutt spells and teleporting gizmos. Then I'd click my heels 3 times and wish myself to a planet without furries, trannies, vegans or that movie trailer voice guy's rotting corpse.


<Silver Donator>
Wait, new answer.

I'd initiate an exhaustive study of which MRE consistently creates no-wipe poops, then travel to the future and learn the outcome. Afterwards, I'd stock up on a 30 year supply of the correct MRE and milf porn, install Total Annihilation on my laptop, and sneak it all into the Mount Weather Facility right before it's sealed up forever.


Potato del Grande
I would go back in time to make sure I was born. If I were to do this, then I would eventually do it again.. and again.. and again.. creating unlimited timelines of my existence. Clones hopefully to be used for immortality. The first step to immortality is the ability to clone.