Timeline of what happened on this epic day


Molten Core Raider
I woke up this morning and tried to log into Morenetz but found it was down so I thought it was still under maintainance. I browsed fohguild and found out Evelys just made a farewell post and thought that someone logged into her account and made that post as a troll. I figured things were not right when I checked my email and found out that the donation that I made had been refunded so something was definately wrong. I saw Urgo online and PMed him and was just as confused as I am.

I wasn't going to carry on posting on the site so I logged into IRC to find out what was going on and there were a handful of us more or less wondering wtf was going on too. All contact to Evelys had been cut off. Forum had gone. Personal website gone, not responding to emails. We figured that we had to come up with something quick so we knocked our heads together to try and come up with something temp. Suggestions had been bounced about for a new forum name which included Misogyny.org, foh-guild.org, funnystrangerandom.org. There was still a problem with finding a host which was when Draegan turned up in IRC and agreed to host the forum on his Junkies network. We quickly then decided on a forum name for it which turned out to be 'rerolled.org' since it seems so fitting.

The wheels were set in motion. The hostname was quickly brought up and work began on creating the website. I would say from deciding the name to the site going online took approximately 12-3 hrs? Big kudos to those who worked so hard in bring it up so quickly. Especially Draegan, Tuco, Teljair and anyone else whose name I missed. During this time, most of us sat in IRC waiting for the announcement that the site is live and then we can all log in.

I will let someone else fill in the details of the drama that went on the fohguild during the time we were in IRC.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I feel like you're someone else on FoH. Who the fuck are you?

I'd like to know before I make a snarky comment about this not being Livejournal.


Molten Core Raider
I was Zordak in the IRC channel. Probably saw me hanging around today

porkchop sandwiches

Potato del Grande
Break down from the other site, for those wondering wtf is going on.

Some months back Adam12 is sent an email for Fantasy football from Evelys. This email has another name attached to it, a male name. I don't know the specifics here, but Adam12 strongly suspected the owner of the account was, indeed, male. Not one to make assumptions, Adam remained quiet.

Sometime last night, Halan recognized the pictures Evelys was posting on Morenetz was actually a friend of his. Halan confronted Evelys about this oddity by posting OTHER pictures he had of his friend. Evelys accused Halas of simply "snooping" through the directory where she stored photos to find the rest of the series. (In other words, she accused Halan of hax to obtain more photos of her.)

Evelys knew that cover story would only last for so long. He immediately shuts down Morenetz, refunds all donations and says goodbye on FoH, cutting all contact.

At this point, Adam12 drops the bomb that Evelys accidentally emailed his male name. MIRC crew begins a to use the data base and find that this person, but "Jeff" has been busy all night deleting any internet footprint he has. His Google+ Account, Linked, Twitter--anything that might give us more info on him is deleted the same night Morenetz goes dark.

Then Halan, to prove that he isn't just trolling, posts a picture of the woman who Evelys' claimed to be--with a sign stating she is not, indeed, Evelys.

And here we are.
Min characters


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
First pic is quick comparison Urgo made between pic Halan posted on left, and supposed Evelys pic on right

Halan posted pic on Right at: 11:33AM, Urgo makes this comparison pic at: 11:41AM

Pic shows Kersie (Halans friend) verifying who she is, with the same top on as the supposed Evelys pic.

Posted by Halan at: 7:05PM




  • 1Worf
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Boner Donor
Having fucked a few 5's in my day I can unequivocally say these are the same woman


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
my timeline (sans times)

Get to work ,see everythimg I worked on over the last week imploded , immediately go to meetings and test robots in the cold all day
Come home asap and crack open a beer thinking I can hang back until Teljair brings up the site.
Teljair brings up the site right as I get a good buzz and then I have to fight with CSS for the next five hours. End result is a pile of shit Zeste has to sort out.
Get distracted by the destruction of Evelys' alternate personality whilst reading Requiem's cartoonish evil exposition about how he doesn't give a shit about any of us.
Make this post, go to sleep.


Treasured Member
Timeline from my POV:

Started with me posting that fake-nude of the headband-Evelys picture (along the same lines as the fake Trexx one I put up before her's were released) after the site came back up from maintenance. Was kinda weird looking due to some color correction mistakes, but I was pretty sure no one was going to believe those were real anyways. It got brought up in IRC and I was talking to Evelys about. She was joking around and saying "I have tough skin, it's hardly an insult. I'm honored."

Then she signed off a few minutes later. Then about 2 hours after that the site went down, so I hopped back on IRC. Saw that I had an E-mail back getting my donations back and talked about it with Daezuel. After that Evelys made her "Shutting it down because I got a harassment" from the thread I posted the nude in and was like "oh shit, WHAT HAVE I STARTED?"

Drama, then the That's-A-Man,-Baby reveal.


i'm currently in the act of writing a recap of what is going on here on another msg board i visit daily just because it was an epic trolling to its maximum level. jesus fuck

i really hope this time nothing happends.
Damnit, I was just starting to get used to the new site and being a lurker again. Oh well. Hi guys (yeah, you probably don't wanna see me here). Don't worry, if this site sticks, this'll probably be my only post for a while. Waded through the malware on FoH to find it so please be gentle for now.


Millie's Staff Member
the foh board cracks me up. in all but one forum there is maybe 1-10 people viewing each forum, but in screenshots there is 535 viewing. is that possible?