Tools for dumb webpage thing?


what Suineg set it to
So I need to accomplish a fairly simple task. I could do it in any number of languages or tools, but I'm trying to think of the clearest way to construct something light weight accessible via a web server (IIS or Apache is fine).

Essentially, I need to build a simple 'script' builder for a project I'm working on as a prototype for some business process enhancements. I'm trying to build a simple web page version of the product enhancement I want to have our software vendor to implement as a base feature, but I will need some sort of functional 'show me' tool to convince certain people to put their weight behind it as a priority.

The core is going to be set up like a multiple choice 'survey' of sorts. Each 'page' will allow a user to select the desired options from check boxes/radios, it will add them to a string and go on until the end of all choice 'pages'.

I'm knowledgeable with programming, but I haven't used much in the past few generations of web page tools and languages, so I'd like some thoughts on the easiest way to accomplish this. I'd like to keep it a single page and fairly lightweight, so I'm thinking some simple AJAX to simply update a DIV in a page with each set of options and a single text box to post the ongoing script building into for review during the process. I don't need to store anything, just send an e-mail to a user with a normal form post at the end with the block of text.



what Suineg set it to
Yea, I've used Balsamiq in the past. I already made some basic design docs. The trick is I'm in a position where decisions are going to be made based on tangible stuff. Automating a lot of work processes is sort of this nebulous goal in a lot of areas in the company until I actually put together something that proves reduction in work instead of introduction of complication. Part of the problem with dragging a small company of 20 people to a large corporation of over 500 in a few years, I suppose. This is just one of my pet peeves at the moment and I need to get momentum on it. It's much more effective to do it with a demo/proof of concept than a powerpoint.


what Suineg set it to
I just ended up coding it with jquery in notepad++. Worked out pretty well, all things considered. It's amazing what you can accomplish in a short time period with a good functional knowledge of programming.