Total War series


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I probably sunk 400 hours into TW:M2. I much preferred it to the later time periods and I'd say the mod support for it is some of the best. I really enjoyed going on the crusades and dealing with the Mongol Hordes (the only potential for real challenge after the early game). The Shogun games are more polished but I think also a bit more restricted in some ways.

Rome was great though I think the lacking graphics and lesser options would get to me now. Rome 2 better be fantastic because I think that time period has such amazing diversity -- that's what made the original so much fun. I still remember playing a multiplayer rome game (2 on 2) and watch my teammate get obliterated only to end up turtling and winning because they hadn't bought the right troops to face an archer heavy, spear heavy army. Still have that saved replay (something I wish all games had).


I probably sunk 400 hours into TW:M2. I much preferred it to the later time periods and I'd say the mod support for it is some of the best. I really enjoyed going on the crusades and dealing with the Mongol Hordes (the only potential for real challenge after the early game). The Shogun games are more polished but I think also a bit more restricted in some ways.

Rome was great though I think the lacking graphics and lesser options would get to me now. Rome 2 better be fantastic because I think that time period has such amazing diversity -- that's what made the original so much fun. I still remember playing a multiplayer rome game (2 on 2) and watch my teammate get obliterated only to end up turtling and winning because they hadn't bought the right troops to face an archer heavy, spear heavy army. Still have that saved replay (something I wish all games had).
I have play Rome a little but at this time all my gaming time was for WoW , i wanted to play it but probably threw it away while moving.

I think will buy TW;M2 and try it, anyway they amlost give it away on steam so.


Bit of a necro but thought on Sega acquiring rights to Warhammer Fantasy and planning for Creative Assembly to make a Warhammer Fantasy title? IMO it's potentially awesome.

Was never huge into Warhammer Fantasy (I'm too gay for 40k) but given unit variety and the assloads of factions I could really get into a Total War: Warhammer Fantasy. Undead armies? Elf armies? Dwarven armies? Orc armies? Chaos armies complete with daemons?! Fuck. Yes. Would add a crazy new dimension to the Total War series without necessarily tainting the rest of the franchise by subtracting Total War from the title.

And maybe, just maybe, if it's a respectably decent financial success, we can get a Total War: Warhammer 40,000. I would literally sacrifice infants for this to happen.



Ahh I cant wait for this game


Golden Knight of the Realm
I probably sunk 400 hours into TW:M2. I much preferred it to the later time periods and I'd say the mod support for it is some of the best. I really enjoyed going on the crusades and dealing with the Mongol Hordes (the only potential for real challenge after the early game). The Shogun games are more polished but I think also a bit more restricted in some ways.

Rome was great though I think the lacking graphics and lesser options would get to me now. Rome 2 better be fantastic because I think that time period has such amazing diversity -- that's what made the original so much fun. I still remember playing a multiplayer rome game (2 on 2) and watch my teammate get obliterated only to end up turtling and winning because they hadn't bought the right troops to face an archer heavy, spear heavy army. Still have that saved replay (something I wish all games had).
Just got done playing a TW:M2 grand campaign as the HRE and I must say, fuck those Timurid elephants. Whereas the relatively shitty siege defense AI tactic of relegating one's entire forces to the courtyard proves suicide in nearly every other circumstance, placing large amounts of heavily armed/armored elephants with siege artillery on high ground with no practical means of taking them out with missile / siege engines (in a confined space, no less) makes for massive casualties for even the highest quality armies, it's stupid. Unless you're Venice, then Mortar pewpew to victory.

We just need a TW:M3, then I'll be golden.


Rome II is coming out in 10 days
everyday I watch the dark grey title in my steam favourites and remind myself it's getting closer ;p

I hope loading every battle doesnt take 5 mins to refill your whole video card ram...that got old fast and is the sole reason I stoped playing shogun 2.


Molten Core Raider
I'm going to punch a hole in the wall if the coop campaign is acting up again after release.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I kinda want to pre-order now but I'm like 99% certain that there will be some game breaking bug that wont get fixed for the first 3 weeks.


Preload has's going to be terrible at launch I'm sure, but it's kinda to be expected. I just want my legions.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
After the huge let-down Napoleon total war was (I don't recall the name, just the terrible issues trying to control units) and the weak show Shogun II put up, I'm pretty sure I'll pirate Rome II.

Lets hope Rome II isn't the same weak shit. The first one was epic, so was MWII, the napoleon - shogun saga sucked balls by comparison.


After the huge let-down Napoleon total war was (I don't recall the name, just the terrible issues trying to control units) and the weak show Shogun II put up, I'm pretty sure I'll pirate Rome II.

Lets hope Rome II isn't the same weak shit. The first one was epic, so was MWII, the napoleon - shogun saga sucked balls by comparison.
hmm aside from the launch shogun bugs and the terrible siege battles, i thought shogun2 was pretty good overall.


Empire was kinda....well it didnt live up to expectations. I thought Shogun was good though.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I just beat Shogun 2 twice this month with 2 campaigns (Uesugi and Shizamu)

My only real gripes is the campaign map style that replaced the map style for the original Shogun and Medieval. Back in the day, you could just put stacks of units in provinces on the front lines without having to worry that some ass was going to sneak past you and then wreak havoc in your virtually undefended rear. With the new campaign map that was in introduced in original Rome, now you have to closely survey every inch of your front line, during every turnm to make sure that the enemy army simply doesnt walk past you in the same province. Same goes for naval battles. Also, the inability to vector units in Shogun 2 is extremely infuriating. It's like they want to make the second half of the campaign as annoying as possible.

Otherwise Shogun 2 was a very solid game I think.

As far as the siege battles go, what's wrong with them?


Trakanon Raider
The complaint was that there was a lot of them on Shogun 2. You would spend as much time sieging(sp?) as you would fighting in open field. Thats why only the provincial capitals in Rome 2 have walls, less sieges (although I honestly like the siege weapons of this era, so whatever). They also announced that they are releasing the Seleucids for free in October along with a DLC for 3 Nomadic tribes north of the Black Sea (one of which being the Scythians, which are essentially Iron Age Mongols). All in all I'm excited!


The complaint was that there was a lot of them on Shogun 2. You would spend as much time sieging(sp?) as you would fighting in open field. Thats why only the provincial capitals in Rome 2 have walls, less sieges (although I honestly like the siege weapons of this era, so whatever). They also announced that they are releasing the Seleucids for free in October along with a DLC for 3 Nomadic tribes north of the Black Sea (one of which being the Scythians, which are essentially Iron Age Mongols). All in all I'm excited!
sieging was bad because the ai was ATROCIOUS. you could win with 2 archers vs like 15 spearmen... and the other way around you could siege the hell out of the cpu with archers and he would stand there dying doing nothing useful. I would go out of my way to avoid sieges to make it at least a bit challenging.

and thats not considering the bug for a LONG time where cpu would just sit there when attacking in siege and just do nothing the whole game

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, the sieges were definitely poorly balanced. But i always sucked at the actual combat stuff so it wasnt too easy for me. I auto-decided like 90% of the battles anyways