Total War series


My performance is actually way down since the patch, I've lost a solid 10 fps everywhere. Most noticeably on the campaign map. I've gone back to Shogun 2 Rising Sun mod until it's fixed.

By the way this is the alpha UI, aren't you glad they changed it, I just shudder at the thought of seeing more than 3/4ths of the screen



My performance is actually way down since the patch, I've lost a solid 10 fps everywhere. Most noticeably on the campaign map. I've gone back to Shogun 2 Rising Sun mod until it's fixed.

By the way this is the alpha UI, aren't you glad they changed it, I just shudder at the thought of seeing more than 3/4ths of the screen

Performance for me as improved. Again Everything is mxed out and I've gained a solid 10~ FPs accross the board and the campaign map especialy seems a LOT smoother. Good patch. Hopefully next friday they address the ai glaring deficiencies (They will be patching weekly).


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
My performance is actually way down since the patch, I've lost a solid 10 fps everywhere. Most noticeably on the campaign map. I've gone back to Shogun 2 Rising Sun mod until it's fixed.

By the way this is the alpha UI, aren't you glad they changed it, I just shudder at the thought of seeing more than 3/4ths of the screen

I dunno man, what I've seen is most people got a decent performance improvement out of this patch, so the problem may just be you.

As for the 3/4ths of a screen thing, I dunno man. I use a 52 inch tv screen for my computer monitor. I never have a problem having my eyes full of screen.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
My performance is actually way down since the patch, I've lost a solid 10 fps everywhere. Most noticeably on the campaign map. I've gone back to Shogun 2 Rising Sun mod until it's fixed.

By the way this is the alpha UI, aren't you glad they changed it, I just shudder at the thought of seeing more than 3/4ths of the screen

Am I missing something? Looks fine to me.

Performance for me has increased since the patch. I also turned off memory limitations. But I have a 3 gb card.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Game is great for fans of Total War. There is a lot of potential with the campaign map. My issues:

  • Poor Performance- The game doesn't seem to make optimized use of hardware. It is VERY CPU-bound and there are a number of weird texture bugs such as low/high res textures swapping in and out.
  • Passive Campaign AI- At least in my campaign I seem to be the only one initiating conflict. Even then the AI isn't too bright and seems to just throw weaker armies at you that you just eat through. Have yet to see a solid concentrated attack that would challenge my main armies.
  • Sometimes bugged battle AI- I've had instances where I was vastly outnumbered but the AI refused to come at me. So I just ran out the 60 minute clock and I won by default. This is more often the case with the reinforcing army/fleet doing nothing. Sometimes they make a formation closer to my main army, but they chill around waiting for me to initiate.
  • Long wait after ending turn- Even though I disabled show CPU moves, the various number of factions is taking way too long to process between turns. I started to notice this really early on. Moving to SSD didn't really help. Still about 45+ seconds for me, if not longer
If you are new to Total War series, I would seriously consider waiting until many of the issues are fixed or at least some decent mods are out there. Just as with Shogun or previous TW games, it is usually best enjoyed when modded.


<Gold Donor>
the fact that the factions numbers increase almost every turn is killing me. Sit there for a minute or two then look up and see that the faction turns has just gotten to the factions that start with "C" (exaggerating but my entire CPU moves phase is verging on a few minutes at this point there are so many factions in game now). The random placement of control points in open field battles is also a puzzling decision. Why does the entire battle hinge on me defending this one point of this field?

The patch doesn't seem to have done anything for me but I wasn't really having performance issues just graphical ones.


Yeah, the control points thing is one gripe that's actually legit. I lost a battle once because I lost control points in just the natural flow of a battle. I was like "how the fuck did I just lose that battle?"


Unelected Mod
Wanted to try out a Total War game for years but never got around to it. Just started downloading this undoubtedly buggy piece of shit one. If it sucks I'm burning a biologist in effigy due to Hodj's shilling.


It's really not that bad, bro. The interface probably won't be as weird to you if you haven't played prior Total War games, and bayr is just flat-out wrong about the performance. I think he's trying to play on a TRS-80 or something.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Outside of typical, maybe even a little worse than usual, Total War dumb AI, the performance issues were fixed for me with the patch, the UI is always a little bigger than most would like and apparently moddable so who cares, and it isn't as bad as it seemed early last week after release.

Pretty much all Total Wars are the same, even when they change the region/time/place I mean unit variety and maps are different but the principles are the same and the core game is always decent.


Registered Hutt
Rome and Empire were worlds apart. Rome's emphasis was on globbing heavy melee against each other with some light ranged/cavalry of questionable value mostly used for morale shock damage. Empire was about thousands of line infantry trying to manage their angle and range of fire with fucktarded skirmishers and fantastically powerful mobile siege units.

I prefer Rome's balance to Empire's. We're talking Rome 1 here. I'm still on the fence about when I'll buy in to Rome 2.


Molten Core Raider
It's really not that bad, bro. The interface probably won't be as weird to you if you haven't played prior Total War games, and bayr is just flat-out wrong about the performance. I think he's trying to play on a TRS-80 or something.
Please stop it. He's not lying, the game has performance issues like crazy. An overclocked i5 2500 and a Radeon6950 2gb should not stutter over the campaign map. The ingame benchmark means nothing, it's just a fixed video and nothing else, there's zero pathfinding or calculations to be done.
And about that benchmark (cause people take that as a point of reference), even though it says I'm getting between 60-70 fps; the camera hangs, every unit is going through 2-3 stages where you can actually see the textures getting slapped on and it all in all runs like crap.
The forums are crazy, there's so many people with a large amount of problems. And if both nvidia and amd pretty much say "yeah this game is unoptimized like hell, there's hardly anything we can do about it until they change the core" you know there's trouble.

By the way, I'm mighty curious where you guys performance increases are coming from. The patches so far decreased the default graphics settings, that's it. But apparently that directly translates to a wonderful fps increase once you crank the game back up to ultra.


I haven't had a single performance issue so far, and most people in this thread seem to be agreeing. Why are we having such different experiences, if the game is SO unoptimized as you claim it obviously is?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Rome and Empire were worlds apart. Rome's emphasis was on globbing heavy melee against each other with some light ranged/cavalry of questionable value mostly used for morale shock damage. Empire was about thousands of line infantry trying to manage their angle and range of fire with fucktarded skirmishers and fantastically powerful mobile siege units.

I prefer Rome's balance to Empire's. We're talking Rome 1 here. I'm still on the fence about when I'll buy in to Rome 2.
I've literally used the same tactics in every Total War since Shogun 1.

Line up my main troop type, whatever they may be, with support behind them, then flank with cavalry. Its really never failed me.

I didn't play much Empire, though, to this day (or at least, to a year ago when I last installed and played it) I still get broken save games after awhile so there's no point.

My game stuttered a lot before the patches and was very sluggish.

Post patches smooth as silk. I dunno man. I have a first gen i7 and a 670 with 2 gigs on it and the game is running fine for me post patch.


Eh, to me that's as it should be. It's like THE classic tactic from those times. It should work pretty damn well in most cases.


Registered Hutt
There really wasn't much "support behind them" in this period. Most of the support you'd consider relevant was used in the prologue of the clash rather than throughout the conflict. Slingers or spear-throwers were the vanguard force that retreated behind the successively heavier lines of infantry. Each lighter, and therefore less expensive and of lower status, line of troops was inflicted on the target before the heavier wave behind them. Cavalry and ranged were both very weak forces in the roman army, and mostly consisted of local auxiliaries barely under the command of the roman general leading the legions.


<Gold Donor>
there are some serious performance issues with this game but I'm guessing most people who post here have beefy enough rigs to either bypass them or postpone them for long enough so that they're not really noticeable. There is a gigantic memleak going on and CA decided not to dump gpu cache in several places (I guess they are dumping it but they're also saving it before it gets dumped and then not dumping the save).

The one that I found that I can reliably recreate is waiting for better weather, it reloads the entire map, models and all, but never dumps the old one so if you wait three turns to avoid rain you get to load into memory three identical instances of the same map on top of each other all possibly with a horribly optimized weather particle effect going on. Water seems to be an issue as well but only in the battle map and only after a really long time (well past battle time limit time).

Finally started having issues but it was because I was trying to.

There are some seriously weird design decisions with the game that could be seen as actual problems but it seems like the performance issues are going to get squashed pretty quickly with their patching.


I am not having any performance issues either. However I am using a beefy rig, i5-4650 16gb ram GTX770 and SSD. But everything is maxed out and it is super smooth.


Dear god naval battles are so bad :x I avoid them like the pest! Talk about horrible ai..You have to absolutely micromanage every ship and even then it takes multiple clicks on the same action for them to do something...