Total War: Warhammer


Molten Core Raider
Deja vu all over again.

Before Total War there was a eerily similar series in the old days called the 5 star series, I believe. They had panzer general, allied general, and the spectacular Fantasy General as big hits very similar to Rome, shogun, and Medievel. This reeks of Star General. It was a great idea on paper but it was shoddily developed and completely bombed taking the whole series with it.

I hated Rome 2 and Panzer General 2, but still bought Star General on day 1. I know I'll do the same with WH. I hope this time it goes better.

Edit: by eerily similar I mean they are both the dominate turn based wargame of their eras and rather than branch out they both began releasing sequels that didn't live up to the originals before taking big risks with IPs out of left field.


Useless lazy bastard.
Jait, I think you confuse the games. Total War is not a turnbased series. The "General" series from SSI was however.

That being said, the previous real-time strategy games like Shadow of the Horned rat was pretty good as I remember it. If we get a Total War version with large parts of the old world to fight over it could be exceptional.


Trakanon Raider
And they've officially announced it.

No gameplay yet, but the trailer's pretty cool.

So as I understand it, the game is launching with Empire, Dwarves, Greenskins, and Vampire Counts (and maybe Chaos?), and according to IGN they're planning to do two more stand-alone releases afterwards, which I guess will bring in all/most of the remaining armies.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I do not understand Games Workshop at all. I figured it was abundantly clear by now that no one cares about fantasy Warhammer, and the only 40k stuff they license are shitty ios games and chess clones? Where the fuck is another Space Marine game, or Dawn of War? So much wasted awesome.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Regardless of how "OG" their fantasy stuff is, it's just less unique and awesome than their 40k universe and it's annoying as shit that they aren't just licensing out 40k to anyone and everyone so we get some new decent games. I even thought DoW2 was a downgrade from 1 but at least it was ok, and Space Marine was reasonably entertaining. But it's been years now and nothing decent on the horizon!


Murder Apologist
Hopefully that cinematic doesn't do it justice. CA's cinematics always let their games down for some reason.

I lurrrv Tzeentch but that wasn't even the best presentation of WH Fantasy's bleak baroque despair... it kinda veers closer to AOR's failed brighter ("painterly" lol) art direction.

The old Mark of Chaos cinematic still does the best job of presenting the WH Fantasy setting in 3 minutes than anything I've seen in the years since it came out.



Buzzfeed Editor
Still love the DOW 1 vanilla intro cinematic. I think that also did a great feel for the chaotic large scale nature of 40k. (VS Dow2 which was like squadplay lol....)
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Useless lazy bastard.
If they have the dwarf army in the game at relese, Im in. Fuck your mages/demons/witches/liches, we have runes and we are not afraid to use them!

(Oh and Skaven for expansion 1 plix, for the lulz when your entire army suddenly retreats because some rat over there died).


I do not understand Games Workshop at all. I figured it was abundantly clear by now that no one cares about fantasy Warhammer, and the only 40k stuff they license are shitty ios games and chess clones? Where the fuck is another Space Marine game, or Dawn of War? So much wasted awesome.
My understanding of how it actually works is this - X company comes to GW and says they want to make a game or games based on Y license (necromunda, blood bowl, fantasy, etc) and they need rights for Z years. Gw says "Okay, it will this amount of money spread of your Z years". Either the company takes it or leaves it.


Murder Apologist
they never made a necromunda game. I would rape your mother for a necromunda game.


No one made one however they did sell the rights to it at one point. I believe they recently sold the rights to it again so who knows.

Basically that is why they go after websites where people are publishing old rules or home rules/games for their games. The IP is worth less if someone else is giving it away.


what Suineg set it to
Right after they killed all the lore and armies lol lol
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Murder Apologist
So they've been doing these in-game diaries for a bit but I suppose noone followed it?

Or maybe it's because they're focusing on stuff most players will be auto-resolving through after a few hours instead of showing the campaign game.