Underspace - Space game, spiritual successor to Freelancer


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Surprised that there is no thread on this yet.

There is a new space sim with a "Lovecraftian" flavour that claims to be a "spiritual successor to Freelancer." Haven't seen much of it yet, and don't own it yet, but looks like it might scratch an itch I have for such games. Reviews seem mostly positive.


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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Definitely looks like a Freelancer clone.

I think I got tired of the gameplay mechanics of "rotate your ship to aim at this floating reticle" a long time ago. After playing Chorus that tried to evolve way beyond that with more arcadey combat options the first thing I look for in my beloved genre of space combat is what they're doing beyond that reticle aiming system.



Avatar of War Slayer
you try elite dangerous tuco?

I tried that the other day. got it free via epic games store iirc.
man I didn't make it 10 minutes past the tutorial. hated the play controls, ui.

the "immersive" menu was a terrible idea. having use use 1-4 hotkeys, then q/e/aswd to move around the menus instead of the mouse.
I did the opening, "set target to next system to jump drive" and then you need to point at the direction... I could not find the direction to point.. after being annoyed with the tutorial, that was it. I was done.

had some frustrations in the tutorial. poorly marked ui elements. an actual bug (safety lock on weapons didn't turn off, so had to reload to actually shoot the drones)

Edit: actually searched and see there was a thread on it.


Avatar of War Slayer
Surprised that there is no thread on this yet.

There is a new space sim with a "Lovecraftian" flavour that claims to be a "spiritual successor to Freelancer." Haven't seen much of it yet, and don't own it yet, but looks like it might scratch an itch I have for such games. Reviews seem mostly positive.


Color me interested, but I don't usually play EA games; so hopefully it's not one of those forever in early access indies.